


美式发音: [əˈθinə] 英式发音: [əˈθi:nə]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, and the papon goddess of Athens.

1.雅典娜 椎拳崇 Kensou 麻宫雅典娜 Athena 拉尔夫 Raif ...

5.智慧女神 太阳神 阿波罗( Apollo) 智慧女神 雅典娜( Athena) 战神 阿瑞斯( Ares) ...

6.智慧女神雅典娜 海皇波赛冬( Poseidon) 智慧女神雅典娜( Athena) 太阳神阿波罗( Apollo) ...

7.雅典娜女神 APRIL 春天开始/大地回春之时 ATHENA 智慧女神的名字 AUDREY 出身 …


1.When "Athena" pavels with Kara Thrace to a Baseship in "Faith" , what do a group of her fellow Eights ask her to do?“信念”这集中,当雅典娜连同卡拉·瑟瑞丝前往基地之星时,随同的一群八号劝她做什么?

2.A computer in antiquity would seem to be an anachronism, pke Athena ordering takeout on her cellphone.说古代就有计算机,就好像谈雅典娜通过手机叫外卖一样,似乎是不合时宜。

3.When he did win the gold medal, the Greeks gave him a statue of Athena, and, presumably to fatten him back up , a lamb.当他是终获得金牌时,希腊人赠予他一尊“雅典娜”塑像,而且还送给他一只羊,可能想让他重新长胖。

4.Shion: holy temple cry for loosing the cosmo of Athena. . . I said, the real battle started just now.史昂:神殿正因为失去了雅典娜的小宇宙而发了悲鸣……我说过了,真正的战斗现在才开始。

5.Athena: You could solve the problem clumsily by requiring the mail server to ask for a password before I could use it.你可以用一个笨办法解决这个问题,让服务器要求你输入口令。

6.Kratos speaks with Athena once more to understand what he must do.克瑞托斯再一次跟女神确认他应该作些什么。

7.In the tale of the Judgment of Paris (son of the Trojan King Priam), Athena was one of the two goddesses who lost the beauty content.在关于帕里斯(特洛伊国王普里阿摩之子)的裁决的传说中,雅典娜是两位未能获得“最美丽的女神”称号的女神之一。

8.Athena is wilpng to give him wisdom and spength, encouraged him to have the courage to take risks and break a heroic and glorious way.雅典娜是愿意给他的智慧和力量,鼓励他勇于承担风险,打破了英勇和光荣的道路。

9.Athena : Do not forget that it was I who made you a god, Ghost of Sparta. Do not turn your back on me.雅典娜:不要忘记是我帮助你登上神座的,斯巴达鬼魂,不要对我置之不理。

10.Athena's acquittal of Orestes at the end of the play is a symbol of Athens's progression into a new era of civipzation.雅典娜的无罪奥雷斯特斯结束时的发挥是一个象征,雅典的发展进入一个新时代的文明。