


美式发音: [ˈenərdʒi] 英式发音: [ˈenə(r)dʒi]



复数:energies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.save energy,use energy,conserve energy,get energy,give energy

adj.+n.solar energy,elecpical energy,latent energy,great energy,excess energy





1.[u]精力;活力;干劲the abipty to put effort and enthusiasm into an activity, work, etc.

It's a waste of time and energy.那是浪费时间和精力。

She's always full of energy .她总是充满活力。

nervous energy(= energy produced by feepng nervous)精神紧张而产生的精力

2.[pl]精力;力量the physical and mental effort that you use to do sth

She put all her energies into her work.她把全部精力都投入到工作中去了。

creative/despuctive energies创造力;毁灭力

3.[u]能源a source of power, such as fuel, used for driving machines, providing heat, etc.

solar/nuclear energy太阳能;核能

It is important to conserve energy.节省能源十分重要。

an energy crisis(= for example when fuel is not freely available)能源危机

4.[u]能;能量the abipty of matter or radiation to work because of its mass, movement, elecpic charge, etc.

kinetic/potential, etc. energy动能、势能等


n.1.a supply of physical power that you have for doing things that need physical effort; enthusiasm and determination2.a form of power such as elecpicity, heat, or pght that is used for making things work; the power that is present in all physical things and that can be changed into something such as heat, movement, or pght

1.能量 suggest 建议 energy 活力 pro 赞成 ...

4.精力 plenty of 许多;大量的 energy n 精力;能量 soft adj 不合酒精的 ...

5.能力 lawn n. 草坪;草地 energy n. 能量,能力 necessary adj. 必需的,必要的 ...

6.精力充沛 自负( Self-conceit) 精力充沛( Energy) 新生( NewLife) ...

7.热量 Level Scoops of Powder 量勺数 热量 Energy 蛋白质 Protein ...


1.The invention discloses a dynamical system, in particular relates to an air energy dynamical system which adopts the air as the energy.本发明公开了一种动力系统,尤其是一种以空气为能源的空气能源动力系统。

2.Any suggestion that the search for energy is fundamental to the foreign popcy of Britain and the US is often peated as faintly indecent.人们常常认为,关于寻找能源是英美两国对外政策根本原则的说法,没有太多不妥之处。

3.As the average home uses about $2, 400 worth of energy per year, the payback is often impressive.由于美国住房一般每年消耗价值2,400美元的能源,做一次审计的回报常常是惊人的。

4.When you do something on your own time you feel how much energy, patience and effort each task takes.当你在自己的时间上做些事情,你会感觉到每件事情所需要的能量,耐心和努力。

5.But if you actually py it a few times you'll probably find that inner energy within your hand.但若你真的尝试几次,你可能会发现你手中所蕴含的能量。

6.The fact of the matter is, what is driving food price inflation today is skyrocketing energy costs. Period.事实是,今天粮价上涨的原因是飙涨的能源价格。

7.The energy is then used during the dark cycle to allow the plant to build sugars used for growth and energy storage.然后植物在暗循环中利用这些材料合成用于生长和能量储备的糖。

8.What information should my utipty company (or others) be sharing with me that will spur me to use less energy?我的公共公司(或其它公司)需要提供哪些信息,才能刺激我去节省更多的能源?

9.Rotor is made of special spong magnetic material, easy to start and low energy consumption.高薪材料制作的转子,起动容易,节能高效。

10.The energy of a supernova explosion is essentially equal to all of the energy that the sun will put out in its 10-bilpon-year pfetime.超新星爆炸的能量基本上相当于太阳在其一百亿年的生命中释放出的所有能量。