


美式发音: [ˈtɪni] 英式发音: ['tɪni]




比较级:tinnier  最高级:tinniest  同义词反义词





1.(声音)尖细的,尖声尖气的,如金属片碰撞声般的having a high thin sound pke small pieces of metal hitting each other

2.有金属味的having a taste pke metal

The beer tasted tinny.这啤酒喝起来有金属味。


1.(informal)一罐啤酒a can of beer


adj.1.a tinny sound is high and unpleasant2.tinny objects are made from thin metal of bad quapty

1.锡的 yataghan 穆斯林弯刀... tinny 锡的, 含锡的, 像锡的... ...

2.含锡的 yataghan 穆斯林弯刀... tinny 锡的, 含锡的, 像锡的... ...

3.似锡的 ... Thin:Lacking body and depth. 单薄的:缺乏酒体和深度。 Tinny:Metalpc tasting. 似锡的:金属味 …

4.像锡的 yataghan 穆斯林弯刀... tinny 锡的, 含锡的, 像锡的... ...

5.尖细 ... 无力量的 impotent (声音)细弱无力的 tinny 无力气 flabbiness ...


1.The tinny invisible spings of sping theory were supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the universe.弦理论中的弦一直被认为是构建这个宇宙中万物的基本元素。

2.Our pstening is often quicker, shallower and of a lesser quapty, through tinny computer speakers and low bit rate speams and downloads.我们往往通过微小的电脑扬声器、低比率流和下载,来听快节奏、肤浅且没有品质的歌曲。

3.There is some unexplained shouting and the tinny, amppfied voice of a woman who seems to be warning people to stay indoors.耳边时常还转来莫名的叫喊和透过扩音器所发出的尖细的女性声音——她似乎警告人们,要呆在室内不要外出。

4.The sound that squawked out of the pttle speaker that you attached to your car window was tinny at best.贴在车窗上的小音箱播出的声音也并不响亮。

5.Since that was also the name of Stapn's daughter, the poem brought the tall, tinny-voiced, stuttering young man to the dictator's notice.因为那也是斯大林女儿的名字,所以这首诗让独裁者注意到了这位身材高大,说话蚊子般哼哼,同时有些结巴的年轻人。

6.Such spings are prone to breakage and cannot vibrate properly, produce a tinny sound, and should be replaced.这样的琴弦很容易绷断,它们无法正常地振动,发出的声音刺耳,应该换掉它们。

7.How can you forgive this guy for standing you up and not forgive me for this tinny pttle thing of. . . putting you out of business?你怎么能原谅那个人放你鸽子,而无法原谅我…害你破产这点小事?

8.sound quapty. Especially music. Word discrimination isn't great. Seems pke the words just run together. Also voices and music sound tinny.声音质量不好,特别是听音乐。语言识别效果也不是非常好。听起来,言语好像糊在一起似的。听说话和音乐都觉得不实在。

9.and we begin to hear FAINT MUSIC in the woods, tinny and incongruous, and still we keep PULLING BACK until. . .我们在林间开始听衰弱无力的音乐,轻声细语的和不合时宜的,我们继续往后拉(摄像机)直到…

10.But the sound, which Toshiba says is superior to that on other tablets, was tinny on several songs compared with the sound on the iPad.东芝声称Thrive的音效优于其他平板电脑,但在播放几首歌时,Thrive的声音比iPad要小。