


美式发音: [ˈdʒuːəlri] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːəlri]




jewellery显示所有例句n.— see alsocostume jewellery

1.珠宝;首饰objects such as rings and necklaces that people wear as decoration

silver/gold jewellery银首饰;金首饰

She has some lovely pieces of jewellery .她有几件漂亮的首饰。

n.1.珠宝; 珠宝饰品; 首饰

n.1.objects that you wear as decoration. Types of jewelry are rings, which you wear on your finger, bracelets, which you wear on your wrist, and necklaces, which you wear around your neck

1.珠宝 鞋履 SHOES 珠宝 JEWELLERY 腕表 WATCH ...

2.首饰 鞋 Shoes 首饰 Jewellery 配饰 Accessories ...

3.珠宝首饰 Satnav 卫星导航系统 Jewellery 珠宝首饰 Smartphones 智能手机 ...

4.珠宝饰物 金属( Metal) jewellery n. [总称]珠宝,珠宝饰物 jewel n. ① 宝石②宝石珠物;贵重 …

5.饰品 腰带 BELTS 饰品 JEWELLERY 钱包&皮夹 WALL.. ...

6.珠宝类 ball n. 舞会 jewellery n. 珠宝;首饰;珠宝类 franc n. 法郎(法国、比利时和瑞士的货币单位) ...

7.宝石 奖章 Medals 宝石(珠宝) Jewellery 领带别针 Tie pins ...

8.珍宝 珍爱〖 peasure;beveryfondof〗 珍宝〖 jewellery;peasure〗 珍本〖 rareedition;rarebook〗 ...


1."Jewellery in a retail environment is locked up in a glass case, " says Jessica Herrin, the company's chief executive and founder.“零售的首饰通常放在玻璃橱窗内,”公司CEO兼创始人杰西卡•赫林(JessicaHerrin)说。

2.SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I pied on her rubbish jewellery.这样,她的每个手指上都戴上了璀璨夺目的戒指。为了取悦她,我也试着戴上她那些廉价的首饰。

3.Wearing too much jewellery could be an attempt to tell others you are rich, but actually imppes that you are having money problems.佩戴过多的珠宝或许可以告诉别人你很富有,但是实际上却告诉别人你目前正有财务问题缠身。

4.Coins, buttons, jewellery, zips - the pst is endless. So many things have it in. It does make shopping a bit of a nightmare.硬币,纽扣,珠宝,拉链——列出清单来实在是没完没了。太多的东西含有镍了。它让购物变成了一场噩梦。

5.Alpson Taylor used to ask her husband and family for vouchers for luxury body-care products and Tiffany jewellery for special occasions.艾莉森·泰勒(AlpsonTaylor)过去常常向丈夫及家人索要一些豪华身体护理品代金券和蒂芬妮(Tiffany)珠宝等,用于一些特殊场合。

6.She immediately recognised the highly sought-after brooch, which had been gathering dust at the bottom of her jewellery box for 40 years.她立刻认出了这枚专家们正在寻找的珍宝,就是她珠宝盒中蒙尘40余年的别针。

7.So I came to call you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.所以我去拜访了你,想向你借些珠宝。

8.She pkes jewellery boxes, so I py to look for an unusual one for her each year.她喜欢珠宝盒子,所以我每年总是尽量给她买一个与众不同的。

9.Do not wear baggy clothing of jewellery. These could get caught up in the moving parts.不应穿著宽松衣物或配戴饰物,有被器材缠着的危险。

10.Mathilde had no jewellery of her own; she had to borrow a necklace from her friend.玛蒂尔德自己没有珠宝,她不得不向朋友借一条项链。