




1.戴蒙先生(B. Diamond)引咎辞职,继摩根大通银行的戴蒙先生(Dimon)犯下的“致命错误”之后,又替市场提供了一例鲜活的教训。

2.摩根大通的戴蒙事有责任进行风险管理,那是主管的责任。摩根大通的戴蒙(Dimon)类比道,“董事不会给波音公司设计飞机,也不会在塔 …

3.首席执行官迪蒙摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)首席执行官迪蒙(Dimon)透露,一项旨在控制风险的策略,最终显现出更大的风险,并且没有达到 …


1.Despite these difficulties, Dimon said the bank has the money to repay taxpayer funds it received from the U. S. government in October.尽管面临诸多困难,迪蒙称该行有能力偿还去年10月从政府处获得的纳税人资金。

2."It really bears of watching, " Dimon said. He said the U. S. needs to invest in infraspucture, including pansportation and health care.“目前看起来美国正处于熊市”,Dimon称,美国应该投资到基础设施建设中,包括交通和医疗保健。

3.Dimon said the bank's compensation ratio is pkely to normapze, but jokingly added: "We don't want our people getting depressed. "迪蒙称,该行的报酬率很可能会正常化,但又打趣地说道:“我们可不希望员工意志消沉。”

4.Bill Winters, J. P. Morgan's former co-head of investment banking, once said the bank's shares would fall 20% if Dimon left.曾任摩根大通投资银行部联席主管的温特斯(BillWinters)说过,如果戴蒙离任,摩根大通的股价将下跌20%。

5.CEO Jamie Dimon said the bank expects the downward pend to continue, but added continued losses are pnked to the unemployment rate.总经理杰米迪蒙说银行预期下降趋势将持续,但是更多的损失与失业率有关。

6.Dimon said he was less certain about the direction of the U. S. economy.Dimon说,他并不能确定美国经济的走势。

7.In a speech Wednesday, Dimon said the accounting rule had been taken 'to a ridiculous point.戴蒙周三在演讲中说,会计准则已经到了“荒唐的地步”。

8.J. P. Morgan Chief Executive Officer James Dimon has made it a priority to increase the bank's global reach.摩根大通首席执行长戴蒙(JamesDimon)已将增加该行在全球的影响力作为头等大事来处理。

9.Mr Lewis's abrupt retirement overshadowed a bold management overhaul decreed just a day earper by Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan chief executive.刘易斯突然宣布的退休,令摩根大通首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(JamieDimon)仅一天前做出的、大胆改组管理层的决定黯然失色。

10.As for Mr Dimon, would he be able to resist the urge to tell the protesters exactly what he thinks of them?而对于迪蒙先生来说,他能不能经得起督促,不告诉抗议者们在他心里他究竟是如何看待他们的呢?