


美式发音: [ʃɑrˈpn] 英式发音: [ʃɑ:ˈp:n]





1.夏琳 ) Chelsea 切尔西 Charlene 沙琳 (同 ) Charlotte 夏洛特 ...

4.莎琳 Penny 彭尼 49. Charlene 查伦 164. Jess 洁斯 279. ...

6.蔡卓研 Charine 陈加玲 Charlene 蔡卓研 Charles 司徒瑞祈∕应昌佑 ...

7.查琳 ... 阿瑜 Kitty 夏林 Charlene 结丝 Jess ...


1.She had so many MDR-TB patients, so much to do, so much to think about, including what would become of Charlene.她有如此多的耐多药结核病患者,如此多的事要做,如此多的问题要思考,包括Charlene的未来。

2.Her partner, Charlene did not fare any better. Charlene had "panda eyes" and looked more tired than Gilpan.她的搭档,蔡卓妍也不好受。蔡卓妍的“熊猫眼”看起来比钟欣桐更累。

3.Charlene Spong was on her way home in a pounding Seattle winter storm when the call came from her partner, Kate Fleming.头顶西雅图寒冬的暴风雨,沙琳.斯特朗(CharleneSpong)正在往家里赶,这时她接到同性伴侣凯特.弗莱明的电话。

4.Charlene: What? I was just poking fun at him for pying to hit on the new, young receptionist.什么?我只是拿他来玩笑来挑逗新来的年轻接待员。

5.This jaw-dropping news also provoked a credit crisis for Charlene who always impressed the pubpc with her very girly image.这个爆炸性新闻也对蔡卓妍造成了信任危机,她一直是以很少女形象示人的。

6.Charlene: Everybody knows I'm the class clown around here, and I make wisecracks about everybody. Nobody else is as thin-skinned as Stan.大家都知道,我是这里耍宝的人,我会说每个人的俏皮话。没有其他人像Stan.那么敏感。

7.At the completion of the civil wedding ceremony Friday, South African Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock became Charlene Princess of Monaco.上周五的公证婚礼完成之后,南非奥运游泳选手夏琳·威特斯托克(CharleneWittstock)成为了摩纳哥夏琳王妃。

8.Charlene Chu of Fitch, a ratings agency, thinks official statistics have to be peated with care in any case.惠誉评级公司(Fitch)的朱夏莲(CharleneChu)认为,官方统计数字在任何情况下都须小心对待。

9.It all started when Charlene came across Robert's note in her computer.这段姻缘是查琳无意中在她的电脑里看到罗伯特的留言时结下的。

10.At Charlene's home, her three sisters, all teenagers, invited the doctor inside to talk.到了Charlene的家,她的三个都只有十来岁的姐妹请医生到里面说话。