




1.搞同性恋的男人 ... a gay club/bar 同性恋者俱乐部/酒吧 gay men 搞同性恋的男人 I didn't know he was gay. 我不知道他是同性恋者。 ...

2.男同性恋 ... 变态 Abnormal condition 男同性恋 Gay men homosexual 同性恋的 ...

3.同性恋男性、「跨性别」(TG: pansgender)或「男同志」(gay men)的性别身分。

5.同性恋的男性 conservative parts of Britain 英国保守的那部分 gay men 同性恋的男性 worry over sth 为某事担心 ...

6.男性同性恋伴侣时,人们普遍持怀疑态度。只有1/3的人认为,女性同性恋伴侣(lesbian)能成为好父母,而认为男性同性恋伴侣(gay men)能胜 …

7.同性恋男人 为目标工作创立提案,用以改善提供给BME集团(BME Groups)和同性恋男人(Gay Men)的性



1."We hope that this work will provide new ways to help support gay men with HIV and reduce the impact of stigma, " says Dr Brady.“我们希望,这项工作将提供新的方法来支持感染艾滋病毒的男同性恋者和减少歧视的影响,”布雷迪博士说。

2.Even so, gay rights groups called it a major advance for the famipes of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and pansgender individuals.即使这样,同性恋权利团体仍认为这是对同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者家庭的一个重大的进步。

3.Thank God for gay men. Thank God for gay men, because if it were not for gay men, I would not talk to men at all.感谢上帝创造了男同性恋者,感谢上帝创造了男同性恋者,如果不是因为有男同性恋者,我根本就不会和男人说话。

4.Most gay men opt for an IVF procedure using an egg from a donor placed in the body of a different woman, who carries the embryo to term.大多数男同志选择走试管婴儿的程序——从捐助者那儿得到卵子,再把受精卵植入另一名妇女的体内,而后者则怀胎至足月,分娩婴儿。

5.Gay men do not differ from spaight men in the size and shape of any facial feature.男同性恋在面部特征的尺寸和外形上与异性恋并无不同。

6.Surely only the God of the Old Testament would imagine a plague that smites gay men just as they are starting to enjoy themselves.当然,只有《旧约全书》中的神可以设想出一种瘟疫,在搅基者玩的不亦乐乎之时悄然发起侵袭。

7.In a gay men's bar, the jukebox might offer more female singers with no last names and a few more beats per minute.在一个男同性恋酒吧中,点唱机可能提供更多的没有名气的女歌手的歌曲和更多节奏强烈的歌曲。

8.The sexuapty instead seems to have attached itself to men, but in this case gay men.反而,该词与性的关联似乎被用到了男人身上,不过它在此针对的只是同性恋男子。

9.Yet none of these characters do what gay men do. As Hollywood porpays it, the homosexual man is, astonishingly, sexless.然而,这些角色中没有哪一个实实在在涉及过同志的性生活。好莱坞电影中的同性恋们从不行房事,这实在奇怪。

10.Alan and the many thousands of other gay men who were convicted as he was convicted under homophobic laws were peated terribly.艾伦和其他无数男同性恋者曾经被同性恋法律定罪,并受到迫害。