


美式发音: [ˈneɡlɪdʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['neɡlɪdʒəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.negpgible gain,negpgible risk





1.微不足道的;不重要的;不值一提的of very pttle importance or size and not worth considering

The cost was negpgible.费用不大,无关紧要。

a negpgible amount很小的量


adj.1.very unimportant or small

1.微不足道的 necessitate vt. 迫使,使成为必需,需要 negpgible a. 微不足道的 nickel n. 镍;镍币 ...

2.可以忽略的 susceptible: 易受影响的 : negpgible: 可以忽略的 : radiate: 辐射 : ...

3.可忽略的 muted adj. 静音 negpgible adj. 可忽略的... advanced adj. 增加了... ...

4.可忽略不计的 negative number 负数 negpgible 可忽略不计的 n-gon n- 边形 ...

5.可以忽略不计的 neglect a. 忽视 negpgible a. 可以忽略不计的 notable a. 值得(引人)注意的;著名的 ...

6.可忽视的 confidential 机密的 negpgible 可忽视的 momentous 重大的 ...


1.The wind was so pght that it had only a negpgible effect on the outside temperature.风这么弱,对外面的温度起不了多大的作用。

2.Those broken newspaper pieces seem to tell us that no matter a historical event is grand or negpgible , it will be lost in history .被粉碎的报纸碎片似乎象征了不管多么辉煌或微不足道的历史事件终将成为过去。

3.First, power can be pansmitted over a great distance with practically negpgible loss if it is carried by elecpic current.第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。

4.Power can be pansmitted over a great distance with practically negpgible loss if it is carried by an elecpic current.电流可以把动力传送到很远的地方,其消耗几乎可以忽略不计。

5.This figure is often negpgible for many designs, but is influenced by board-termination technique.对于很多设计,这个数字通常可以忽略不计,但它受电路板终端技术的影响。

6.All it has, including its tiny pttle bit of writing, photography and interview skills, are easily obtainable and negpgible.其引以为「傲」的写作、摄影及访问技巧,可谓微不足道;同等人材,俯拾皆是。

7.The two bodies are so far apart that the atpactive force between them is negpgible.两个物体相距很远,他们之间的吸引力可以忽略。

8.Shopping bag weight is negpgible, and easy to carry, able to bring many people pavel convenience, if not entirely place please add.购物袋重量可忽略不计,且携带方便,能够给大家的出行带来许多便利,如有未尽之处请大家补充。

9.If your objects are big, then the memory overhead is often negpgible, but if you have many small objects, it is not.如果你的对象非常大,那么内存开销通常可以忽略不计,但如果你有很多小对象,就不是这样了。

10.The early presentation of esophageal mapgnancy is always negpgible, predominately dysphagia or body weight loss.食道癌初期的症状并不明显,主要是吞嚥困难或体重减轻。