

download:[英 [ˌdaʊnˈləʊd] 美 [ˌdaʊnˈloʊd] ]


过去式:downloaded;   过去分词:downloaded;   现在分词:downloading;

download 基本解释


download 网络解释

1. download

1. 下载:在FTP的使用当中,用户经常遇到两个概念:"下载"(Download)和"上载"(Upload). "下载"文件就是从远程主机拷贝文件至自己的计算机上;"上载"文件就是将文件从自己的计算机中拷贝至远程主机上. 用Internet语言来说,

2. 下载中心:行 手机游戏下载 下载中心(DOWNLOAD) 游戏类型 棋牌 下载次数 63663 [本游戏在hyyp://ynyxi(手机访问)的下载编号为:136725] 手机游戏先容: 根据著名的经典休闲游戏斗地主改编的真人版游我们没事的时候三个人经常在一起互相PK,

3. download的意思

3. 卸载:由于各种商品都有其自身的物理、化学特性,因此理应采取的物流方式和技术有着极大的不同,如电子软件、电子图书、电子游戏可通过在线销售、在线卸载(Download),即时解决销售后的物流问题;实物音像图书可通过快递实现;家电百货可通过区域配送实现;

4. download的近义词

4. 下载文件:不过要将这类程序的响应模式(Answer Mode)设置为可以响应数据(Data)呼叫;而手动就相对麻烦一些,需要接收方在听到电话铃响时,输入命令ATA进行人工摘机应答. 5.需要文件的一方进行下载文件(Download )操作,传送文件的一方进行上载文件(Upload)操作.

5. download:dload; 下载

download 双语例句

1. If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.



2. Use HTTP protocol can be downloaded to the Windows temporary directory download the source code.


3. Despite the current CCTV Thunder prosecution of cases still pending, but the Thunder has said in the official start of the Olympic Games, the Olympic copyright violations involved the content of the clean-up and real-time monitoring, the Olympic and set up a special monitoring team to download 24 Hour surveillance on possible violations of the Olympic Games copyrighted content for processing.


4. It can also be used to browse/download files on your own LAN with a userfriendly interface.


5. You can also download music and listen to streaming tunes at lightning speed compared to your old dial up tortoise.


6. VC7.1 prepared by the use of a direct admission to the task bar upload download software.



7. Most related articles, websites, free download and spot topics are in this one-stop portal.



8. Download One And You Will See I'm All Over The Place.


9. download的解释

9. The Download from Internet option is mainly for creating a base Cygwin package tree on one computer for installation on several machines with Install from Local Directory; copy the entire local package tree to another machine with the directory tree intact.

从网际网路下载选择主要是要建立一个基本的 Cygwin 封包树在一台电脑里,要安装在几个机器里且从地方目录安装;复制整个地方封包树对於其它机器与目录树原封。

10. The purpose just lets you download a red fox, install it.


11. download什么意思

11. If you did not receive the fulfillment package, you should visit the Embassy website at http://london. usembassy. gov/cons_new/visa/appointment_letter_and_fee_receipt. html to download the appointment letter and MRV fee receipt.


12. Or you can download a Multilanguage support pack to display pages in this language.


13. My original was 3.5.35 and I used 3.5.37 to recover, you can download it here

我原来是3.5.35 ,我用3.5.37收回,你可以从这里下载

14. download的解释

14. If you`ve been using Kaaza, Bearshare, or Azureus to download tons of illegal MP3s onto your computer, you run a pretty high risk of being slapped with a lawsuit from the RIAA.

如果您已经使用了kaaza ,了BearShare ,或azureus下载吨非法MP3音乐到电脑上,你来说相当高的风险,被掌掴与诉讼,由美国唱片协会。

15. Bearshare Accelerator is an add-on application for Bearshare that automatically speeds up the download process and finds the files you desire with far more power than regular searches.

了bearshare加速器,是一个附加的系统,应用了bearshare ,自动加速下载过程中,发现档案中,你渴望与更多的权力高于经常性搜索。

16. I download books on tape all the time if I don't have time to read them.



17. The most crucial is my discovery hair The 100 content that read a spider to download my website to go up, this is the key that I say.


18. -various cipher algorithm source code and you are welcome to download reading.


19. This will give us space to download the kernel source and recompile.


20. This is a study on binary search procedures, are interested can download the hack is what I would like these.


download 词典解释

1. 下载

To download data means to transfer it to or from a computer along a line such as a telephone line, a radio link, or a computer network.

e.g. Users can download their material to a desktop PC.


e.g. The machine automatically downloads the required information to his or her fax.


download 单语例句

1. Game players could download the programs for free, but they had to buy time cards to use them.

2. Industry experts say the revenue of the mobile ring tone download business has long exceeded the CD and cassette sector.

3. The deal only covers EMI's existing digital catalogue, quashing speculation The Beatles'recordings would become available to download legally for the first time.

4. Journalists who wan to cover the " two sessions " can download application forms from the press center website and send it back after filling in them.

5. The government funding covers the software development cost and one year of technical support, so users are able to download and upgrade the software free of charge.

6. Both the virtual tour and the game are free of charge, though users will need to download an installation package before they can use the services.

7. Lily Allen's debut single'Smile'entered the chart at number 11, despite only being available as a download thus far.

8. Google also wants to open an a la carte download store with the option of automatically adding purchases to a customer's locker.

9. People who have lost contact with their relatives in Japan need to download and fill out a tracing request from the society's website.

10. They continue to post and download supply and demand information, contact potential buyers and readjust their farm production plans to line up with market demand.

download 英英释义



1. transfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or to a computer at a remote location