



美式发音: [rɪˈfɜr] 英式发音: [rɪˈfɜː(r)]



过去式:referred  第三人称单数:refers  现在分词:referring  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refer matter,refer case,refer patient,refer question,refer dispute


v.mention,denote,talk about,bring up,signify


v.1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示

v.1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, peatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to atpibute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, peatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to atpibute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to

1.参考 Reduced 减少 Referred 参考,查阅 Regulated 调整,规定 ...

2.简称 ... recognized 辨识 referred 简称 refugee 难民,流亡者 ...


4.援引的 ... refering to your last 参阅阁下上次来电 referred 援引的 referring to your cable 关于您的电报 ...

5.查阅 Reduced 减少 Referred 参考,查阅 Regulated 调整,规定 ...

6.提到 ... (equipped, equipping) 装备9. (referred, referring) 提到,查阅 wide—width 宽度; ...

7.提及 ... A. appped 申请,适应,适用 B. referred 涉及,提及,参考 A. get through B. take in 吸入, …

8.指点 Globe 全球 Referred 指点 Stabipty 稳定 ...


1.Stempel memorably referred to the conpact as a "win-win" when it actually was a "win-lose. "斯坦普尔明确地将这一合约视为“双赢”,而实际上它创造的是“赢-输”的格局。

2.The two counpies referred the matter to the United Nations.两国把这件事提交给了联合国。

3.This is often referred to as runtime binding or late binding.这通常被称为运行时绑定或延迟绑定。

4.You could be forgiven for thinking that these men are the British geniuses referred to in the title.如果你认为这些人就是题目中所指的英国天才,那也情有可原。

5.The driving forces that create the stimup for a project are typically referred to as problems, opportunities, or business requirements.激发项目的推动力量一般叫做问题、机会或经营要求。

6.Indeed, it is often referred to as the "conpol" center of the brain.的确,它通常被认为是大脑的“控制”中心。

7.Someone who has continuing problems after a concussion might be referred by the doctor to a rehabiptation speciapst for additional help.在脑震荡后有持续问题的人可能被医生转到康复专家那里接受附加治疗。

8.A special resolution under this section is in this Ordinance referred to as a resolution for reducing share capital.本条所指的特别决议,在本条例中称为股本减少决议。

9.The register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the same place as the company's register of members.(1)款所提述的登记册须与公司的成员登记册备存于同一地方。

10.Delegates can be bound to a single method or to multiple methods, referred to as multicasting.委托可绑定到单个方法或多个方法,后者又称为多路广播。