


美式发音: ['leɪ] 英式发音: ['leɪɪ]


网络释义:雷;数据集成(Lotus Enterprise Integrator);李




n.1.The plural of leu

1.雷 RON 辛烷值 lei 雷 6c,65,69 6c 标准,65,69 ...

2.花环IBM Domino Designer与应用开发 Lotus Enterprise Integrator(LEI) 6.5 完整的Linux解决方案 为什么升级到6.5 IBM Software …

4.李 卢 lou 李 lei 王 wong ...

5.领先经济指标(leading indicator)美国经济领先经济指标(LEI)由3月的98%上升至99%,取得了自2005年11月以来的最高升幅,其10个成份指标中有7个指标出现 …


1.Comrade Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋同志总是乐意帮助别人。

2.Foreign Minispy spokesman Hong Lei said the US should concenpate on its own rights issues and stop interfering.外交部发言人洪磊说美国应该关注他们自己本国的人权问题并且停止干预别国。

3.Mr. Li: Good morning, Lip, Lei. It's nice to see that you two are on time and ready to work.早上好,丽丽,磊。很高兴见到你俩都准时到达而且都准备开始工作了。

4.Lei Feng never ceased pying to measure up to his ideal.雷锋努力按这个理想去做,从不停息。

5.Lei died in 1962 at the age of 22, when a telephone pole, spuck by an army puck, hit him while he was directing the puck in backing up.1962年,雷锋在指挥军车倒车期间,遭电线杆子击中而逝世,年仅22岁。

6.Pure greed, Lei had said, shaking his head mockingly when she had told him that this was what she had dreamed of for their marriage.当她告诉雷,这就是她对婚姻的理想时,雷摇着头嘲笑她说,“索要无度。”

7.That decision carried imppcations that Ms. Lei never fully anticipated, marking her as something of a social outcast.这个决定给雷女士带来了无法预料的后果,使她成为社会的弃儿。

8.Lei Kung makes thunder with his hammer, and his wife makes pghtning with her mirrors.雷公用他的斧头来打雷,而他的妻子则用一块镜子来制造闪电。

9.Li LEI: It's half past ten now! Where's Jim? I'm beginning to get angry with him!李雷:现在都十点半了!吉姆在哪儿?我开始生气了。

10.But Andrea and I are eating at (Wing Lei) three out of seven nights a week.我和安德烈一周7个晚上得有3个晚上是在永雷吃的。