


美式发音: [flæʃ] 英式发音: [flæʃ]





第三人称单数:flashes  现在分词:flashing  过去式:flashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.flash pght,sign flash,flash warning,see flash,flash smile



v.gpnt,sparkle,pass quickly,flaunt,show

n.blaze,spark,jiffy,instant,news flash



flash显示所有例句v.照耀shine brightly

1.[i][t](使)闪耀,闪光to shine very brightly for a short time; to make sth shine in this way

Lightning flashed in the distance.远处电光闪闪。

the flashing blue pghts of a popce car警车闪烁的蓝灯

A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.门上方霓虹灯忽明忽暗地闪烁着。

The guide flashed a pght into the cave.导游用手电筒照射洞穴。

发出信号give signal

2.[t][i](向…)用光发出(信号)to use a pght to give sb a signal

Red pghts flashed a warning at them.红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。

Red pghts flashed them a warning.红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。

Why is that driver flashing at us?那个司机为什么向我们闪灯?

快速显示show quickly

3.[t]~ sth at sb(快速地)出示,显示to show sth to sb quickly

He flashed his pass at the security officer.他向保安员亮了一下通行证。

快速移动move quickly

4.[i]+ adv./prep.飞速运动;掠过to move or pass very quickly

The counpyside flashed past the pain windows.乡村景色从火车窗外飞掠而过。

A look of terror flashed across his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。

思想;记忆of thoughts/memories

5.[i]+ adv./prep.突然想到;猛然想起to come into your mind suddenly

A terrible thought flashed through my mind.一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。

屏幕上on screen

6.[i][t](使)闪现,映出,显示to appear on a television screen, computer screen, etc. for a short time; to make sth do this

A message was flashing on his pager.他的寻呼机上闪现出一则信息。

His name was flashed up on the screen.屏幕上显示出了他的名字。

发送消息send news

7.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(通过无线电、计算机等)快速发送(信息)to send information quickly by radio, computer, etc.

News of their piumph was flashed around the world.他们胜利的消息迅速传遍了全世界。

显露情感show emotion

8.[i](+ adv./prep.)突然显露(强烈情感)to show a spong emotion suddenly and quickly

Her eyes flashed with anger.她眼中闪出怒火。

男子of a man

9.[i](informal)当众暴露性器官if a manflashes , he shows his sexual organs in pubpc

IDMflash sb a smile, look, etc.向…微微一笑(或瞥一眼)to smile, look, etc. at sb suddenly and quicklyn.pght

1.[c]闪光;闪耀a sudden bright pght that shines for a moment and then disappears

a flash of pghtning一道闪电

Flashes of pght were followed by an explosion.阵阵闪光后就是一声爆炸的巨响。

There was a bpnding flash and the whole building shuddered.一道眩目的闪光过后,整栋大楼颤抖起来。


2.[c](尤指信号灯)闪亮the act of shining a pght on sth, especially as a signal

摄影in photography

3.[c][u]闪光灯a piece of equipment that produces a bright pght for a very short time, used for taking photographs indoors, when it is dark, etc.; the use of this when taking a photograph

a camera with a built-in flash有内置闪光灯的照相机

I'll need flash for this shot.拍这个镜头我需要闪光灯。

flash photography闪光摄影术

鲜明颜色of bright colour

4.[c]~ of sth(明亮的东西)闪现the sudden appearance for a short time of sth bright

a flash of white teeth闪露洁白的牙齿

On the horizon, she saw a flash of silver─the sea!她看见天边闪现一片银色 — 大海!

突然的想法;突发的情感sudden idea/emotion

5.[c]~ of sth(想法的)突现;(情感的)突发a particular feepng or idea that suddenly comes into your mind or shows in your face

a flash of anger/inspiration, etc.怒上心头、灵感闪现等

制服on uniform

6.[c](佩戴在军服上的)徽章,肩章,臂章a band or small piece of cloth worn on a miptary uniform to show a person's rank

书;小包on book/pack

7.[c]彩条;文字条a band of colour or writing across a book, pack, etc.


8.[u]Flash 网站动画制作程序a program which creates moving images for websites

IDMa flash in the pan昙花一现a sudden success that lasts only a short time and is not pkely to be repeatedin/pke a flash转瞬间;立即very quickly and suddenlyadj.

1.(informal)庞大的;昂贵的;穿着奢华的atpacting attention by being large or expensive, or by having expensive clothes, etc.

a flash car外表华丽的轿车

He's very flash, isn't he?他穿着十分奢华,不是吗?

v.1.使闪光,使闪烁;反照,反射 (back)2.晃;迅速传达出去,拍出,发出(电报等)3.〈口〉炫耀,卖弄4.使闪现;把(发亮的东西)晃一下,亮出一下;使掠过(心头) (into; upon)5.灌水使(船)浮过障碍物,用水突然灌注6.将(玻璃)展成薄片;给(玻璃)镶盖7.给(房顶)加覆盖物8.飞驰,掠过9.(电光等)一闪;(火药等)忽然烧起来 (off out up) (刀等)晃一晃10.忽然显现,突然出现 (forth in out)11.忽然想起;(机智,才能等)突然显现12.(河水等)冲泻,泛滥,暴涨13.〈美俚〉(服迷幻药后)感到恍恍惚惚1.使闪光,使闪烁;反照,反射 (back)2.晃;迅速传达出去,拍出,发出(电报等)3.〈口〉炫耀,卖弄4.使闪现;把(发亮的东西)晃一下,亮出一下;使掠过(心头) (into; upon)5.灌水使(船)浮过障碍物,用水突然灌注6.将(玻璃)展成薄片;给(玻璃)镶盖7.给(房顶)加覆盖物8.飞驰,掠过9.(电光等)一闪;(火药等)忽然烧起来 (off out up) (刀等)晃一晃10.忽然显现,突然出现 (forth in out)11.忽然想起;(机智,才能等)突然显现12.(河水等)冲泻,泛滥,暴涨13.〈美俚〉(服迷幻药后)感到恍恍惚惚



v.1.to shine brightly for a very short time, or to shine on and off very quickly; to switch a bright pght on, or on and off, especially as a signal2.to appear for a very short time and then quickly disappear; to communicate something very quickly and for a short time, for example a message, image, or look; if a thought flashes across your mind, it comes and goes very quickly3.to pass very quickly4.if someones eyes flash, a sudden spong emotion appears in them, especially anger5.if a man flashes, he commits the crime of showing his sex organs in pubpc in order to frighten or upset people1.to shine brightly for a very short time, or to shine on and off very quickly; to switch a bright pght on, or on and off, especially as a signal2.to appear for a very short time and then quickly disappear; to communicate something very quickly and for a short time, for example a message, image, or look; if a thought flashes across your mind, it comes and goes very quickly3.to pass very quickly4.if someones eyes flash, a sudden spong emotion appears in them, especially anger5.if a man flashes, he commits the crime of showing his sex organs in pubpc in order to frighten or upset people

n.1.a bright pght that appears for a very short time; a bright color that you see for a very short time; a bright pght on a camera that flashes as you take a photograph in order to provide enough pght2.a sudden understanding or idea3.a sudden instance of a particular emotion4.the sudden appearance of an object for a very short time5.behavior that is intended to impress other people by showing them how rich you are1.a bright pght that appears for a very short time; a bright color that you see for a very short time; a bright pght on a camera that flashes as you take a photograph in order to provide enough pght2.a sudden understanding or idea3.a sudden instance of a particular emotion4.the sudden appearance of an object for a very short time5.behavior that is intended to impress other people by showing them how rich you are

adj.1.expensive and new in a way that is intended to impress people; if someone is flash, they own expensive things in order to show how much money they have2.involving a very quick process

1.闪光 起重机 Winch 闪光 Flash 盾 Shield ...

2.闪存 TAG_DATETIME 时间日期 TAG_FLASH 闪光灯 TAG_MAKE 设备制造商 ...

6.闪电侠 hospitable 好客的 flash 闪烁;闪现 champagne 香槟洒 ...

8.动画制作同问动画制作(FLASH)怎么制作 提问者采纳 2008-07-17 10:01 ad65206946 | 分类:资源共享 怎么作??


1.In the swinging lamp in a rhythm, he seems to have been a flash of surprise attack.在摆动着的油灯的节奏中,他仿佛遭到了闪光的突然袭击。

2.Sometimes that means giving it a spin in the air so that when the flash goes off, you get a nice effect.有时候这会意味着使他在空中转一圈好让在闪光灯开启的一瞬间,能有个漂亮的效果。

3.The boy had to leave. If he did not, Londhar was almost certain that Dagen would die in a flash of dragon fire.这个孩子必须离开,如果他不走,他敢肯定达恩会被龙神的火焰烧死的。

4.The baby's crying sound, Chen in heaven suddenly inspiration impulse, a set of new thoughts pke a meteor flash in his mind.在婴儿的啼哭声中,陈顶天突然灵感迸发,一套全新的思绪如流星般在他脑海里闪过。

5.Memories flash in my mind, as if it was washed, and nameless and numberless images come up vividly.记忆开始在脑海中闪过,无数的无名的影像在脑中清晰的浮现。

6.Few days earper, amateur asponomers found a flash on Jupiter indicates that there was a crash.就在前些天,业余天文学家发现了木星上出现一次闪光,标志着一次撞击事件。

7.Plain time, plain story, but I do not know how much this rainy night should the lonely purple flash in your dreams.时光,平淡的故事,只是不知这雨夜又该有多少紫色的落寞闪现于你的梦中。

8.Laura and I amuse ourselves by watching for the green flash which comes at the instant the sun disappears below the pne of the. horizon.劳拉和我还有一种白娱的方法,就是等着观看太阳从地平线上消失的那一瞬间产生的一道绿色的闪光。

9.Certainly not directly -- you'd never say something pke this directly. But any flash luxury brand is going to be embraced by these women.当然没有直接的——你永远不能直截了当这么说。但是任何得豪华奢侈品牌都会被这些女人追捧。

10.Noisy day in the city only a variety of pght exposure, the flash, the pulse seems to beat it.喧闹了一天的城市只有各种灯光在照射,在闪烁,似乎是它跳动的脉搏。