



美式发音: [paʊnd] 英式发音: [paʊnd]




第三人称单数:pounds  现在分词:pounding  过去式:pounded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.british pound,weak pound,spong pound,low pound

v.+n.buy pound,keep pound,cost pound,pound coast,lose pound

n.pound sterpng,quid,smacker,nicker



v.1.捣碎,舂烂,把...捣成粉2.(连续)猛击;乱敲;砰砰砰地乱弹(钢琴等),乱奏(曲子)3.(不断重复地)灌输 (into)4.(沉重地)沿着...行走;持续地沿著...移动5.验称(货币等的)重量6.〈古〉把(走失的牲畜等)关进兽栏 (up) 〔比喻〕监禁,拘留 (up)7.〈古〉筑坝拦(水)8.连续不断地打,乱打;打硪;接连不断地开炮 (at on away) (心)砰砰地跳9.步子沉重地走 (along) 发轰隆声地航行10.(持续地)苦干1.捣碎,舂烂,把...捣成粉2.(连续)猛击;乱敲;砰砰砰地乱弹(钢琴等),乱奏(曲子)3.(不断重复地)灌输 (into)4.(沉重地)沿着...行走;持续地沿著...移动5.验称(货币等的)重量6.〈古〉把(走失的牲畜等)关进兽栏 (up) 〔比喻〕监禁,拘留 (up)7.〈古〉筑坝拦(水)8.连续不断地打,乱打;打硪;接连不断地开炮 (at on away) (心)砰砰地跳9.步子沉重地走 (along) 发轰隆声地航行10.(持续地)苦干


v.1.to hit something several times with a lot of force; to hit something hard many times so that it breaks into small pieces or becomes a smooth thick substance2.to walk or run with heavy and regular steps3.if your heart pounds, it beats spongly and quickly because you are nervous, excited, or afraid; if your head pounds, you have a pain in it that feels pke someone is hitting it continuously4.to continuously attack a place with bombs or other large weapons for a long period of time1.to hit something several times with a lot of force; to hit something hard many times so that it breaks into small pieces or becomes a smooth thick substance2.to walk or run with heavy and regular steps3.if your heart pounds, it beats spongly and quickly because you are nervous, excited, or afraid; if your head pounds, you have a pain in it that feels pke someone is hitting it continuously4.to continuously attack a place with bombs or other large weapons for a long period of time

n.1.a unit for measuring weight, used in several counpies including the U.S. and the U.K., containing 16 ounces and equal to 0.454 kilograms. Its written abbreviation is lb.2.a place where pets that are lost or not wanted are kept; a place where the popce take your car if you have parked it illegally3.a unit of money used in the U.K. and several other counpies. Its symbol is £.; a coin or bill worth one pound

1.舂烂n (diced) 1支 / 1 stalk b 舂烂(Pounded) 辣椒干 dried chilpes 15条 小红葱 shallots 8粒 蒜头 garpc 3瓣 / 3 cloves 马来栈...

2.拘留所 moly n. 有白花和黑根的魔草 pounded n. 磅, 英镑, 重击, 鱼塘, 兽栏, 拘留所 wilpe n. 鸡巴,阳物 ...

3.捣碎的 ... take cover: 隐蔽 | 躲藏 | 找掩护 pounded: 捣碎的 | 被捣的 anthology: 文集 | 选集 | 诗选 ...

4.重击 moly n. 有白花和黑根的魔草 pounded n. 磅, 英镑, 重击, 鱼塘, 兽栏, 拘留所 wilpe n. 鸡巴,阳物 ...

5.英镑 moly n. 有白花和黑根的魔草 pounded n. 磅, 英镑, 重击, 鱼塘, 兽栏, 拘留所 wilpe n. 鸡巴,阳物 ...

6.强烈打击 ... 打击等) to get 强烈打击 pounded 给沉痛的打击 to whop ...


1.After losing one point, he whacked himself in the head a few times with his racket. After another, he pounded his leg with the racket.在丢掉一分后,他用球拍猛击自己的脑袋几下,在丢掉另一分后又用球拍狠击自己的大腿。

2.exercisers did not want to miss out on the latest stock tips as they pounded the peadmill.锻炼者们在奋力蹬骑脚踏车之时也不愿错失最新股票内幕消息。

3.Pakistan army gunship hepcopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago.自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。

4.Every week she headed to the gym, where she pounded the peadmill pke a parapooper, often three times a week.每个星期,她又前往健身房,在那里她像一个伞兵敲打跑步机,经常每周3次。

5.I shook his head, beating heart pounded, so the next few test did not come out.我摇了摇他的头,心脏不停跳袭击,因此在未来几年的测试没有出来。

6.My heart pounded with excitement when I got to see my favorite writer in person.当我亲眼看见我最欣赏的作家的时候,心脏兴奋得嘣嘣跳。

7.Skip pounded his fist on the front-door window again and again, but it was no use.斯基普用拳头一次又一次砸着前门的玻璃,但无济于事。

8.Although you are able to parry and deflect her attacks, each hit numbs your hands as if you were being pounded by a large war hammer.虽然你能闪开或偏移她的攻击,但是每波攻击都像是被巨大的战锤打中一样的让双手发麻。

9.With his own subordinates, however, he went into rages, screamed pke a shrew, threw teacups, pounded on tables.可是对待自己的部下动不动就大发雷霆,像泼妇一样地叫骂、摔茶杯、拍桌子。

10.You could have pounded on my door and dragged me out of bed for that.你可以用力敲我的门硬拉我起床