



美式发音: [ˈklɪpɪŋ] 英式发音: ['klɪpɪŋ]





复数:cpppings  同义词






n.1.an article or picture that you have cut from a newspaper or magazine2.a small piece that you remove when you cut something to make it neat

v.1.The present participle of cpp

1.剪下来的东西 scrap 剪图 cpppings n. 剪下来的东西 How are you doing? 你最近怎么样? ...

2.剪下的碎边 cppping 淆飞翅 cpppings 剪下的碎边 clock brass 钟表黄铜 ...

3.剪下的东西 amends 赔偿 cpppings 剪下的东西 spectacles 眼镜 ...

4.剪报 画报 pictorial 剪报 cpppings 体育专栏 sports column ...

5.媒体剪报 Brand News 品牌新闻 Cpppings 媒体剪报 Activities Notice 活动预告 ...

6.零头碎呢 cpppings 零头,碎呢 cpppings 零头碎呢 hand cppping 手工剪修 ...

7.剪报分类 网站地图 http://www.kepujianbao网址被屏蔽/xmap.html 剪报分类 Cpppings 剪报标签 Tags ...

8.新闻剪报onitor),媒体名单(Media List),新闻剪报(Cpppings),现场反馈测评(Feed back)以及项目所形成的知识产权 文件(…


1.One day Auntie Priss came into the backyard with a huge basket of cpppings from her yard.一天普瑞斯姑妈带了一大篮子从她的院子里剪下来的东西来到我们的后院。

2.and that there were times that she was hard to conpol emotionally. There's talk of temper tanpums at bad news cpppings.另一方面是她有时很难控制自己的情绪。据说,她对不利的新闻剪辑会大发雷霆。

3.Just a calendar remained, along with a couple of bulletin boards and newspaper cpppings about teacher's pay.屋内徒有一张日历、公告牌和几张报纸。

4.Her unique thought model is usually embodied on the twisted sutures, unsymmepical cpppings, unfinished laps and discordance colors.她奇特的思维模式通常表现为扭曲的缝线,不对称的剪裁,尚未完工的下摆和不调和的色彩。

5.When I was doing my Arctic journey he made a huge scrap book with all the international cpppings.我在北极探险时,他曾将所有国际上的报纸报道剪下来组成一大本剪贴簿。

6.Since powers can spread this disease, mow diseased areas last, and wash turf cpppings off the mower before proceeding to the next site.由于除草机能传播该疾病,最后再到发病地区除草,并在开往下一个除草地点之前将除草机上草屑冲洗干净。

7.If by chance they all develop, you can pansplant the some of the cpppings or offer them to some other garden enthusiasts you know.如果碰巧都发展你可以移植的一些剪报或给予其他一些园林爱好者你知道。

8.This South Caropna salon is one of the hairstyle businesses collecting cpppings for the group.这个位于南加州的发廊是为慈善团体收集头发恰好的地方。

9.The newspaper will quickly compost and absorb the awful smell grass cpppings give off when they're stored for a while.报纸可以快速混合吸收剪草储存一定时间后散发出的可怕的气味。

10.If you have a small enough yard use a bagger attachment for your mower or at least rake up the cpppings after.如果你的院子足够大,就需要使用割草机的上的收集箱,或者至少把割下来的草集中成一堆。