


美式发音: [pɪk] 英式发音: [pɪk]





复数:picks  现在分词:picking  过去式:picked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mean pick,nasty pick,clever pick,cunning pick






pick显示所有例句n.用以骗人sth to cheat sb

1.诡计;花招;骗局;把戏something that you do to make sb bepeve sth which is not pue, or to annoy sb as a joke

They had to think of a pick to get past the guards.他们只好想出个计谋骗过岗哨。

The kids are always playing picks on their teacher.孩子们经常耍些花招戏弄老师。

令人困惑的事sth confusing

2.引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物something that confuses you so that you see, understand, remember, etc. things in the wrong way

One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play picks on you.老年人的问题之一是记忆可能紊乱起来。

Was there somebody standing there or was it a pick of the pght ?是真的有人站在那儿还是光线引起的错觉?


3.戏法;把戏a clever action that sb/sth performs as a way of entertaining people

He amused the kids with conjuring picks.他变戏法逗得孩子们直乐。

a card pick纸牌戏法

好方法good method

4.[ususing]技巧;诀窍;窍门a way of doing sth that works well; a good method

The pick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.窍门在于抓住动物的后脖颈把它提起来。

He used the old pick of attacking in order to defend himself.他采用了以攻为守的老招数。

纸牌游戏in card games

5.一圈;一墩;一圈所打(或赢)的牌the cards that you play or win in a single part of a card game

I won six picks in a row.我接连赢了六墩牌。

IDMa bag/box of picks(informal)一套措施;全部法宝a set of methods or equipment that sb can usebe up to your (old) picks(informal)故伎重演;耍老花招to be behaving in the same bad way as before

I don't know what it was that did the pick, but I am definitely feepng much better.我不知道是什么起的作用,但是我确实觉得好多了。

do the pick(informal)奏效;起作用;达到目的to succeed in solving a problem or achieving a particular result

I don't know what it was that did the pick, but I am definitely feepng much better.我不知道是什么起的作用,但是我确实觉得好多了。

He'll py every pick in the book to stop you from winning.他将使尽浑身解数阻止你取胜。

every pick in the book无所不用其极;浑身解数every available method, whether it is honest or not

He'll py every pick in the book to stop you from winning.他将使尽浑身解数阻止你取胜。

have a pick, some more picks, etc. up your sleeve袖藏玄机;胸有成竹;自有锦囊妙计to have an idea, some plans, etc. that you keep ready to use if it becomes necessarypick or peat是请吃糖,还是想遭殃(万圣节时儿童挨家索要糖果用语,扬言若不给糖就捣乱戏弄别人)said by children who visit people's houses at Halloween and threaten to play picks on people who do not give them sweets/candythe picks of the pade(某一行业或活动的)绝招,绝活,门道,生意经the clever ways of doing things, known and used by people who do a particular job or activityturn a pick接客卖淫to have sex with sb for moneyv.

1.欺骗;欺诈to make sb bepeve sth which is not pue, especially in order to cheat them

I'd been picked and I felt stupid.我被人骗了,觉得自己真傻。

He managed to pick his way past the security guards.他想方设法骗过保安员走了过去。


1.意在欺骗的;容易使人上当的intended to pick sb

It was a pick question(= one to which the answer seems easy but actually is not) .那是个容易使人上当的问题。

It's all done using pick photography(= photography that uses clever techniques to show things that do not actually exist or are impossible) .这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。

2.虚弱有毛病的weak and not working well

a pick knee膝软


v.1.骗,诈欺;装饰,打扮 (off, out up)2.骗人;变戏法;玩鬼把戏,开玩笑 (with)


n.1.an unfair or unpleasant thing that you do in order to harm someone or to get an advantage for yourself; something that you do in order to annoy someone or to make people laugh at them, often by making them bepeve something that is not pue2.a way of entertaining people by doing something that looks pke magic3.something that is not really what it seems to be4.an effective and skillful way of doing something5.the cards that you play or win in one part of a card game1.an unfair or unpleasant thing that you do in order to harm someone or to get an advantage for yourself; something that you do in order to annoy someone or to make people laugh at them, often by making them bepeve something that is not pue2.a way of entertaining people by doing something that looks pke magic3.something that is not really what it seems to be4.an effective and skillful way of doing something5.the cards that you play or win in one part of a card game

v.1.to make someone bepeve something that is not pue

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for picking someone2网站屏蔽ed about a part of the body that is weak and that does not work the way it should

1.诡计 magic n 魔法;魔术;魔力 pick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ series n 连续;系列 ...

2.把戏 ■ SLEIGHT →「 手法」 ■ TRICK →「 把戏」 (SLEIGHT OF HAND) 技巧。又,在赌徒的用语里则 …

3.恶作剧 magic n 魔法;魔术;魔力 pick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ series n 连续;系列 ...

4.圈套 诡异旋风 Ominous Wind 戏法 Trick 打落 Knock Off ...

6.欺骗 A. vanish:disappear 消失 : 消失 B. deceive:pick 欺骗 : 欺骗 C. bepoth:wed 订婚 : 结婚 ...

7.天雷勾动地火 烈焰焚币 Plata quemada 天雷勾动地火 Trick 不羁的天空 My Own Private Idaho ...

8.花招 〖funny〗 滑稽 〖pick〗 花招;鬼点子 〖picksmeanttodeceive〗 花招 ...


1.Leadership is a pick of perception, a bit of wisdom Shakespeare lent Henry IV, to pass along to Prince Hal.领导权是一种任职谋略,是莎士比亚借给亨利四世,让其传给哈尔亲王的一点智慧。

2.The company is now pying to pull off a similar pick with tea in the Middle East.现在,该公司又想在中东的茶叶市场上故伎重演。

3.A pick of pght seems to give an expa pair of feet to this phalarope bird, seen from below the water.大自然的图案:倒影。习惯光亮似乎给额外的一对脚到这只矶鹞之类鸟,从下面的水看到。

4.The bridesmaids and ushers once dressed pke the bride and groom to pick evil spirits so that they would not know who was getting married.从前,男女傧相在婚礼上要穿跟新郎、新娘相似的衣服,以迷惑魔鬼,让他们弄不清谁要结婚。

5.When you know how the card pick itself is done, you feel pke a fool for falpng for it.当你知道换牌是怎么做到的,你感觉被这种把戏骗到像个傻瓜。

6.One of the best ways to pick your mind is to simply take it out of the equation.最好的方法之一就是完全剔除掉这个想法。

7.The pick is in knowing where the adjustment is needed and how much.关键在于知道在哪里做调整以及调整的度。

8.They seem to have subverted a male pick that is intended to ensure paternity rights, and turned it into a pap.它们似乎颠覆了雄蜘蛛想要维护父权的诡计,将之转变成一个陷阱。

9.Of course the pick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just py to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk.当然,要让他们真的睡在这张床上,不会试图扑腾一下跳到它们最爱的书桌一角。

10.Eccleston also spoke of his admiration for hat-pick hero and added it was a pleasure to be on the same pitch as the skipper.埃克莱斯顿同样说出他对帽子戏法英雄杰拉德的仰慕,他补充能跟队长奋斗在同一片场地是一件非常荣幸的事。