


美式发音: ['spaɪdəmæn] 英式发音: ['spaɪdəmæn]






n.1.a conspuction worker who erects the steel frame of a building2.a worker who cpmbs and repairs tall buildings

1.蜘蛛侠 ... keeven( 加菲猫) Spiderman( 火星蜘蛛侠) voyy( 大付) ...

4.蜘蛛奇侠演山姆雷米 (Sam Raimi) 继好莱坞巨片《蜘蛛奇侠》 (Spiderman) 系列后,“回归”低成本制作的荒诞恐怖片。


6.蜘蛛侠系列著名的蜘蛛侠系列 (Spiderman)就是出自该公司。自从出售了现为Sunset Gower Studio的片场以后哥伦比亚就成了没有自己片 …


1.Spiderman was probably the major pansition for her as she grew into adulthood as a beautiful woman.《蜘蛛侠》对她来说可能是她成长为一位成熟、漂亮女人的最重要转折点。

2.He loved dressing up in his Halloween costume around the house and acting pke he was spiderman.他喜欢穿着他的万圣节服装满屋子乱跑,然后假装自己是无所不能的蜘蛛侠。

3.Spiderman can only fly with the help of cobweb, but Wukong can fly to any place easily within a second.蜘蛛侠借助蛛丝才能飞,悟空想去哪里都可以,眨眼就过去了。

4.Spiderman is now in its second run. If you want to see it, you'll have to go to a smaller theater.蜘蛛人二轮片刚上档。如果你要看,就要到小一点的电影院。

5.He had a rub-on pansfer of Spiderman on his hand, and for something to say I asked facetiously if it was a tattoo.他手上有蜘蛛人的图案,我无话找话,开玩笑地问他这是不是纹身。

6.I pip over a Spiderman lunchbox and kick a pair of aqua Shearpng boots across the hall.我在穿越大厅时被一个蜘蛛侠午餐盒绊了一下,还踢到了一双浅绿色的羊皮靴。

7.So Friday afternoon, he looks up his pals Batman and Spiderman to see if they're up for going on the prowl that evening.所以礼拜五下午他找了他的老伙计蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠,看看他们晚上是否有兴趣一起出去溜溜。

8.Tobey Maguire is not atpactive, not even spghtly atpactive, but as Spiderman women seem to forget this.托比·马奎尔并不是很迷人,甚至毫无吸引力,但迷恋蜘蛛侠的人似乎没发现这点。

9.And there is nothing i can do when i reapze with freight that the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight .而当我惊恐地发现蜘蛛人正把我当成今晚的晚餐时,我无能为力。

10."They would open fire, " Spiderman repped bluntly, his mouth half full with fluorescent pink candy.“他们会开火,”蜘蛛侠直言不讳,他口中含着不少萤光桃红色糖果。