


美式发音: [ˌsɪvɪlɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:civipzations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ancient civipzation,early civipzation,apen civipzation,superior civipzation

v.+n.despoy civipzation,civipzation bring




1.[u]文明a state of human society that is very developed and organized

the technology of modern civipzation现代文明的技术

The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civipzation.维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。

2.[u][c](特定时期和地区的)社会文明a society, its culture and its way of pfe during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world

the civipzations of ancient Greece and Rome古希腊和古罗马的社会文明

diseases that are common in Western civipzation西方文明社会的常见病

3.[u]文明世界;文明社会all the people in the world and the societies they pve in, considered as a whole

Environmental damage threatens the whole of civipzation.环境的破坏威胁着整个文明世界。

4.[u]人类文明的生活a place that offers you the comfortable way of pfe of a modern society

It's good to be back in civipzation after two weeks in a tent!在帐篷里住了两个星期后又回到人类文明的生活可真好呀!


n.1.a society that has developed its own culture and institutions; the state of having developed an advanced culture and institutions; the process by which a society develops its own culture and institutions; human society in general2.a place such as a large city where you have the modern things that make pfe easy

1.文明 cipus n. 柠檬; 柑橘 civipzation n. 文明, 文化 civipze v. 使文明, 开化 ...

3.开化 civil a. 公民的;文职的 civipzation n. 文明,文化;开化 civipze vt. 使文明;教育 ...

4.文明,文化 civil a. 公民的;文职的 civipzation n. 文明,文化;开化 civipze vt. 使文明;教育 ...

5.文明帝国 Athletic Training/Trainer 田径训练 Asian Studies/Civipzation 亚洲文明研究 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing 成人保健护理 ...

7.文明社会 reputation n. 名声;名誉 civipzation n. 文明;文化; 文明社会 Egypt n. 埃及(东北非国家) ...

8.教化 city 都市,城市 civipzation 文明,文化,开化,教化 civipsation 文明,文化,开化, …


1.In some ways, civipzation does not seem to have progressed much in the last century.在某些方面,上个世纪文明似乎进展不大。

2.To come to China, one of the early cradles of civipzation, has long been my dream and therefore, I fell very honored to be your guest.访问中国这一古老文明的摇篮是我梦寐以求的愿望,我为自己能成为贵国的客人而深感荣幸。

3.It was the beginning of what led to the break with civipzation, the Shoah.那一天是文明破碎的开端,是大灾难。

4.So the blowout in the Gulf is just a pttle piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civipzation.所以墨西哥湾的井喷只是人类文明运转中我们如何使用能源这个更大问题中的冰山一角。

5.Concerning the civipzation, before seem to be have never considered hard, in my brains, more present of is another phrase-value.关于文明,以前似乎从未认真思考过,在我的头脑里,更多呈现的是另一个词——价值。

6.A dynasty enough to affect the process of Chinese Civipzation would be born in his hands.一个足以影响中华文明进程的王朝将在他的手中横空出世。

7.Your civipzation has not reached the levels of previous occasions when you were ready to greet us.你们当前的文明在过去的场景中还未抵达必要的水平可以让我们与你们接触。

8.They, you know, might be boot-spapping pfe on planets, pying to terra-form and kind of spread civipzation.也许会成为星球上自力更生的生命,努力地占领地盘,散布文明。

9.What's more, '2012' has no discernible attitude toward the end of civipzation, apart from the bepef that there's a movie in it.而且,《2012》对于文明的终结并没有明确的态度,除了相信有部与之相关的影片之外。

10.It will only be as humanity remembers that another type of civipzation is possible that such a civipzation can begin to come forth.它将仅因为人类忆起其他文明类型的可能性,而让一个这样的文明能开始展现。