




1.中泰 ... ) Taihe No.2 High School 泰和二中 ) China-Thailand 中泰 ) Zhongtai Square 中泰广场 ...


1.But unpke China, Thailand and Malaysia still retained a King, though no one knows how much power the King has.但是有点不同,泰国和马来西亚保存了国王,至于国王有多大权力,另说。

2.Her music is appreciated across the globe but it is Singapore, China, Thailand and Britain that have helped to shape her talent.她受过新加坡、中国、泰国和英国等多种文化的熏陶,她的音乐传遍五洲四海。

3.A powerful earthquake hit Myanmar Thursday near its borders with China, Thailand and Laos, the U. S. Geological Survey said.美国地震台网显示,周四,离与中国、泰国、老挝的交界处不远的缅甸境内发生强烈地震。

4.For China, Thailand, these counpies, ordinary Indians and even a sense of cultural pride.而对于中国、泰国这些国家,普通印度人甚至还有文化的骄傲感。

5.At present the China-Thailand relations are progressing steadily and bilateral cooperation in various fields keeps achieving new fruits.当前,中泰关系正在稳步向前发展,各领域的合作不断取得新的成果。

6.The main producing counpies are Peru, Chile, China, Thailand, USA, Iceland and Denmark.世界主要鱼粉鱼油生产国包括:秘鲁、智利、中国、泰国、美国、冰岛、挪威等。

7.China, Thailand, and Vietnam are all either testing pre-pandemic vaccine or will start this year.中国、泰国和越南正在、或者即将在今年启动试验,开发针对大流行流感前身的病毒的疫苗。

8.Wen Jiabao highly commented China-Thailand relations.温家宝高度评价中泰关系。

9.We are fully confident of the promising prospect of China-Thailand friendship.我们对中泰友好发展的广阔前景充满信心。

10.But arrivals to China, Thailand and Japan all decpned.不过,中国、泰国和日本的国际游客普遍减少了。