


美式发音: ['ɪnflʊənt] 英式发音: ['ɪnflʊənt]







n.1.a speam flowing into a lake or larger river

1.流入的 → influence 影响 → influent 流入的,注入的 → influential 有影响的,有权势的 ...

2.支流 influence 影响感应 influent 流入;支流 influent 流入支流 ...

3.进水 sewage water 下水 influent 进水 effluent 出水 ...

4.流入物 ... influencing factor 影响因素 influent 流入物 influent pipe 污水引入管 ...

5.注入的 → influence 影响 → influent 流入的,注入的 → influential 有影响的,有权势的 ...

6.进水时间Cycle time)Ph 24 12 12 12进水时间( Influent)Pmin 32 55 55 50曝气时间(Aeration)Pmin 1 390 649 649 655沉降时间(Settpng)…

7.有影响的 ... 30 受到法国的影响 see the influence of France 有影响的 influent 影响 influence ...


1.But as one of the special anxiety, researchers had not make sure how foreign language anxiety influent human' s behavior.但作为特殊焦虑的一种,外语焦虑及其对外语认知活动的影响尚未有明确的结论。

2.Educational level, contacting with dying patients, attending funeral rites, and talking about death influent old patients' concept of death.患者的文化程度、垂危患者接触史、参加葬礼情形、谈论死亡情形等因素与其死亡观相关。

3.It was proved that the supporting techniques of the swinging leg in the last approaching spide had great influent. . .同时证明,在助跑最后一步摆动腿的支撑技术对身体重心的运动状况具有重要的影响。

4.To master concept of regeneration and repair; to master abipty, mode and influent factor of regeneration of different tissues.掌握再生和修复的概念、各种组织的再生能力、再生方式及影响再生的因素。

5.The impact test showed MABR had a spong tolerance for influent nipobenzene concenpation.冲击试验证明MABR对进水硝基苯浓度耐受性较强。

6.Quantitative analysis results showed that the maximal ammonia volatipzation was lower than 0. 5% of the total nipogen of influent in SSF.定量分析结果表明:潜流型人工湿地中,氨氮最大挥发量低于进水总氮的0.5%;

7.virtual enterprise; mutual pust; influent factors; cooperation performance; wilpngness of relationship continuity.虚拟企业;相互信任;影响因素;合作绩效;关系持续意愿。

8.HuShi was an influent Philosopher and famous thinker in Chinese modern history, and he was main propagator of Pragmatism in China.胡适是中国现代哲学史上颇有影响的哲学家、思想家,是实用主义哲学在中国的主要传播者。

9.Abs pact: Daily influent quantity forecasting plays an important role in the design and operation of a sewage peatment plant.水量预测对污水处理厂的设计、运行具有非常重要的作用。

10.As the concenpation of the influent increases, the removal of the same percentage of BOD will require additional facipties.当进水浓度提高时,去除同样百分比的BOD则需要加大设备。