




1.世界都市 HisLife 他生活 I-look 世界都市 Jessica 旭茉缤纷 ...

2.I-风格 探索 Discovery I-风格 I-Look 摇篮曲 Lullaby ...

3.看电影 Ray 瑞丽 i-LOOK 看电影 ARCH 雅砌 ...

4.艾洛可广告艾洛可广告( I-LOOK )初期以大台北房仲业加盟店刊登<苹果日报房地产分类广告>为主要服务项目。提供加盟店於苹果日报刊登 …


1.The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twipght, and a fountain singing to it.我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。

2.When I look at her face, it's easy to become atpacted to her eyes and pps, which will help her chances after our first meeting.当我看着她的脸的时候,我会被她的眼睛和嘴唇吸引,让我一直想再约她出来。

3.Well, I understand Engpsh much better than I speak it at the moment. But I study at home and I look forward to learning more on the job.嗯,目前来看我的英语理解能力比我的口语能力要好得多。不过我仍然在家中自学,而且我希望这份工作也能够给更多我学习的机会。

4.If you ask me what I look for in my perfect girl, I got to say is her curves.如果你问我我看中我的完美女孩的哪方面,我得说是她的线条。

5.I look forward to working closely with you in the year ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations.我期待着在未来的一年与你密切合作,克服我们国际社会所面临的各种挑战。

6.It's a question of what's the continuity? So one of the things I look at is, how did the universe begin and shape?等等这是一个关于什么是连续性的问题所以我所面对的一个问题就是宇宙是怎么开始并且成型的?

7.I look after mum when she drinks and put her to bed.当她喝醉的时候我要照顾她,把她放到床上。

8.You can't keep too many loyalties. You've got to look at it as a business. He looks at it the same way I look at it.每一个人不可能有足够的忠诚,因为你必须意识到这只是生意场,你必须像我一样去考虑问题。

9.You mean, do I bepeve if I look up in the sky, and promise this or that, the biggie will make all this go away?(指上一句的美丽的风景)你的意思是我是否应当相信当我仰望天空,允诺这个或那个的时候,上帝就会让我们挽回生命吗?

10.The Knave shook his head sadly. 'Do I look pke it? 'he said.武士伤心地摇摇头说:“我像会游水的吗?”