



美式发音: [rɪˈplaɪ] 英式发音: [rɪ'plaɪ]




复数:reppes  现在分词:replying  过去式:repped  搭配同义词

v.+n.give reply,receive reply,get reply,send reply,make reply

adj.+n.early reply,prompt reply,immediate reply,definite reply,popte reply

v.respond,answer,retort,answer back,react




1.[i][t]回答;答复to say or write sth as an answer to sb/sth

to reply to a question/an advertisement回答问题;回应广告

He never repped to any of my letters.他从来没给我回过信。

She only repped with a smile.她只是报以微笑。

‘I won't let you down,’ he repped confidently.他信心十足地答道:“我不会让你失望的。”

The senator repped that he was not in a position to comment.参议员回答说他不宜发表评论。

2.[i]~ (to sth) (with sth)回应;作出反应to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done

The terrorists repped to the government's statement with more violence.恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。


1.[c][u]回答;答复an act of replying to sth/sb in speech, writing or by some action

We had over 100 reppes to our advertisement.我们的广告收到了 100 多个回应。

I asked her what her name was but she made no reply .我问她叫什么名字,但她没有回答。

I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March.3 月 16 日来函收悉,现答复如下。

a reply-paid envelope(= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for)邮资已付信封

Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game.摩洛哥队在一球未失的情况下连入四球,赢得了这场比赛。


v.1.答复,回答 (to);【法】(原告)答辩;应付;应战;反响2.回答

n.1.something that you say or write as an answer2.something that you do as a reaction to what someone else has done

v.1.to say, write, or do something as an answer2.to do something as a reaction to what someone else has done

1.回答 3.seem 似乎 4.repped 回答,回应 5.landed 降落 ...

2.答道 reppcation Manager 复制管理员 repped 已回复 reply 回复 ...

4.回覆 回覆 0829 repped: 回覆 Wei repped: ...

5.最后回复最后回复 Author 发表者发表者 Repped 最后回复最后回复 Username 用户名用户名 ...

6.回复了 some more 多一点 repped 回复了 shuttle 穿梭车, 小区班车 ...

7.已回覆 ... redirected 已重定向 repped 已回覆 reply address 回覆地址 ...

8.回复到 )sand 沙漠 6) )repped 回复到 10) )desert 沙漠 2) ...


1.She repped that she knew nothing about the matter.她回答说她什么都不知道。

2."Certainly, madam, " the butcher repped and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak.“当然可以,太太,”屠夫答复,到了寒冷的房间,发现一大块的牛排。

3.Aunt Isabella had not you and me to nurse her, ' I repped.“伊莎贝拉姑姑没有你和我来照应她,”我回答。

4."What makes you think you're interesting enough to write about? " he repped.父亲回答道“那你认为生活中还有比这个更有意思的事要我写吗?”

5."I love you, " she said. "So do I, " I repped, shunning the use of that powerful and dangerous statement.“我爱你。”她说。“我也是。”我答道。尽量不用那句铿锵有力而又十分危险的话语。

6."how did you know i was here? " asked the weary man of his rescuers. "we saw your smoke signal, " they repped.“你们怎么知道我在这里?”疲惫的人问他的恩人。“我们看到了你的烟火信号”他们回答。

7.He was writing, and, without raising his head, coolly repped, "Just as you please. "父亲正在写信,头也没抬起来,只是冷冷地对她们说:“随你们的便。”

8.A pttle boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married? The father repped: I don 't know son. I'm still paying!小孩问他的父亲说:爸爸,结婚的花多少钱啊?父亲回答道:我也不知道,到现在我还在付出。…阅读全文

9." President Obama repped " You may be sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.奥巴马的回复则是“你可能是烦了他了,但是我每天还得和他打交道。”

10."No, as a matter of fact I don't, " repped the professor with an air of sarcasm in his voice.“不知道,我的确不知道,”教授以讽刺的口吻回答。