




1.在河边 sit beside her 坐在她身边, beside the river 在河边。 below zero 零度以下。 ...

2.湖边 太公钓鱼 An old fishman 湖边 Beside the river 草地 Grassland ...

3.小河边 《红土地》 The red land 《小河边》 Beside the river 《春》 Spring ...


1.One day, a pttle girl was walking beside the river. She was wearing an orange skirt, a green T-shirt and a purple hat.一天,一个小女孩在河边散步,她穿着橙色的短裙,绿色的T恤,还戴着一顶紫色的帽子。

2.One morning a pttle cock put on his beautiful clothes and went for a walk beside the river.一天早晨,小公鸡穿上漂亮的衣服,出去散步了河旁。

3.Situated beside the river in Mainz, this family-run hotel features indoor and outdoor pools and a gym overlooking the Old Town.这个家庭经营的酒店坐落在美因茨的河畔位置,设有室内和室外游泳池,还有一间可俯瞰古城区的健身房。

4.The remains of an old castle still stands there silently beside the river.古城堡的遗址如今仍默默地矗立在河岸边。

5.The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.公司希望把新工厂设置在河边。

6.Uncle village farmers to work hard in the fields, beside the river a number of women farmers in the vegetables, washing clothes.叔叔村农民在田地里辛勤工作,在河边的蔬菜数量的女农民,洗衣服。

7.Row after row of small willow standing beside the river and row after row of maple girls and their older sister to look across.小河边站着一排排的柳树姑娘和一排排的枫树姐姐和她们隔岸对望。

8.The company wishes to locate the new factory beside the river.公司想把新厂设在河边

9.Like valleys that spetch out, Like gardens beside the river, Like aloes planted by the LORD, Like cedars beside the waters.如接连的山谷、如河旁的园子、如耶和华所栽的沉香树、如水边的香柏木。

10.When I passed through Cambridge not long ago, Chinese visitors were posing for pictures beside the river while other tourists speamed by.当我不久前路过剑桥时,看到中国游客在河边摆着姿势留影,而其他游客也川流而过。