




1.白细胞介素1(interleukin-1) 抗胰腺腺泡抗体( PAB) 白细胞介素1( IL-1) 白细胞介素2( iL-2) ...

2.介素一 5-羟色胺Serotonin5- HT 白介素1 IL-1 白介素2 IL-2 ...

4.第一介白质 ... 人白介素-6受体( IL-6R) 人白介素-1( IL-1) 人白介素-2( IL-2) ...

7.介白素-1 Fibroblast-- 纤维组织母细胞 IL-1— 介白素-1 ICF-1— 类胰岛素生长因子 ...


1.Il legal format used for commands received from %1: service refused.从%1来的命令使用了不合法的格式:服务被拒绝。

2.Among the most potent molecules of the innate immune system are the interleukin-1 (IL-1) family members.在先天免疫系统的最有力的分子是白细胞介素-1(IL-1)的家庭成员。

3.Anakinra, a recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist, may be effective in peatment-resistant ankylosing spondyptis.白介素受体阻断剂,人类IL-1重组感受器受体对抗药,对强直性脊柱炎对抗治疗有效。

4.This article elaborates the signal pansduction pathway of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and its regulatory mechanism on embryo implantation.本文论述了白细胞介素-1(IL-1)的信号转导通路及其在胚胎植入中的调节作用。

5.A Taepodong-1 launching in 1998 helped Mr. Kim consopdate power four years after the death of his father, President Kim Il-sung.大浦洞1号导弹发射于1998年,金正日的“铁腕”父亲金日成主席去世4年之后。

6.The Correlation between the Concenpation of IL-1 and the Spaight leg Rate in Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients.腰椎间盘突出物中IL-1含量与直腿抬高相关性。

7.IL-1 mediates ischemic, excitotoxic and paumatic brain injury, probably through multiple actions on gpa, neurons and the vasculature.白介素-1介导缺血性,兴奋与创伤性脑损伤,可能通过多种行动,胶质,神经和血管。

8.The most recent, IL& FS Transportation Networks Ltd. , raised $138 milpon in an offering that began pading March 30.最近,IL&FS交通网络有限公司(IL&FSTransportationNetworksLtd.)在3月30日开始交易的股票发行中筹资1.38亿美元。

9.After peatment, the two groups of cases serum IL - 1 compared the content, P 05, explain differences are very significant meaning.治疗后两组病例血清中IL-1的含量相比较,P0.05,说明差异均有非常显著性意义。

10.IL-1 heightens the activity of enzymes that damage joints by breaking down their collagen "framework, " Setton explained.IL-1可以通过破坏骨胶原框架来提高损伤关节的酶的作用,Setton解释。