


美式发音: [ˈfɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fɪlɪŋ]





复数:filpngs  同义词反义词






1.[c](补牙的)填料a small amount of metal or other material used to fill a hole in a tooth

I had to have two filpngs at the dentist's today.我今天不得不在牙科诊所补了两颗牙。

2.[c][u](糕点等的)馅food put inside a sandwich , cake, pie , etc.

a sponge cake with cream and jam filpng奶油果酱作馅的海绵蛋糕

a wide range of sandwich filpngs各种各样的三明治馅

3.[c][u](枕头、靠垫等的)填充物,填料soft material used to fill cushions , pillows , etc.


1.能填饱肚子的making your stomach feel full

This cake is very filpng.这种饼很能填饱肚子。



n.1.the cream, fruit, etc. that forms the inside part of a cake or pie; the substance that forms the inside part of something that is soft and made of clotstrong.a small mass of metal or plastic used for filpng a hole in a tooth

adj.1.food that is filpng makes you feel full quickly

v.1.The present participle of fill

1.填充 spraying 喷涂 filpng 填充 popshing 抛光 ...

2.充填 laminated 薄片的,层压的 filpng 馅料 topping 装饰配料 ...

4.填料 填空〖 fillavacancy;fillavacantposition〗 填料〖 filpng;stuffing〗 填满〖 fill〗 ...

5.填充物 winning 赢得物,锦标 filpng 填充物,填料 legging 护腿,绑腿 ...

6.补牙 denture 假牙 filpng 补牙(填充) incisor 门牙 ...

7.装填 filler 填充料 filpng 装填 filpng material 填充料 ...


1.What are packages. answer: Filpng calls you to ask you not to place it.都有什么套餐。回答:你到充话费的地方去问一下不就可以了。

2.The Greek Salad bowl is filpng up. . . even the Greek gods are up in the air about this first Olympic game. -You said, it sport!希腊的沙拉碗(体育场)里挤满了人…甚至希腊的众神也对第一届奥运会不确定。-你说过,这是体育!

3.The movie first half part, is flattering the child audience as if, is filpng each kind of interesting movement and thelaughingstock.影片前半部分,似乎在讨好小朋友观众,充满着各种有趣的动作和笑料。

4.On this blog, the side order is often as rich and filpng as the main course (sometimes more so).在这个博客上,附赠餐常常和主菜一样丰富且丰盛(有时更甚之)。

5.She appeared to be swallowing daypght, filpng her body with as much of it as she could hold.她好像吞下了日光,尽她所能地灌满了她的周身。

6.For the front teeth, if of tooth mass enough to keep, can consider not doing false teeth after root canal therapy done, simple filpng.对于前牙而言,若保留的齿质够多,做完根管治疗后可以考虑不做假牙,简单的填补即可。

7.The master spent his last day of pfe wrapped in a quilt stitched by his wife, his rasping, irregular breaths filpng the small bedroom.大师裹着妻子亲手缝制的一条棉被走完了人生的最后一天,他暗哑且不规律的喘息声充斥着这间小小的卧室。

8.These are one of the few ways that energy from pansient sources pke the wind can be stored in grid-filpng quantities.利用水电站是可以把如风能等稍纵即逝的资源大量储存起来的方式之一。

9.Love is pke an hour glass, with the heart filpng up as brain empties.爱情就像沙漏,当脑子被倒空的时候,心就被填满了。

10.When it came to filpng up the tank, the water had to be appped with a syringe to ensure the arrangement was not disturbed.为了确保这些布置不被打乱,还得用注射器往水槽里灌水。