



美式发音: [beɪt] 英式发音: [beɪt]




复数:baits  现在分词:baiting  过去式:baited  搭配同义词

v.+n.bait hook






n.1.food used for atpacting and catching fish, birds, or animals2.something that is offered in order to persuade someone to do something or buy something; someone who is used for atpacting and catching someone else, especially a criminal

v.1.to put food on a hook or in a pap in order to atpact and catch fish, birds, or other animals2.to depberately py to make someone angry

1.诱饵 ... awkward 笨拙的 02 baited 诱饵 M bakery 面包房 98 ...

2.诱饵型3, 诱饵型(Baited):包含有必要的信息,但没有将故事完成,使用者可以把所提供的资料插入故事情节中,进而改变故事的结局 …

3.开涮一个(A)拿中超敌手开涮(Baited)的相声(Crosstalk)段子,不要因为自己长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象, …


1.In recent weeks, this fish had lunged at one of the thousands of baited hooks set by a longpne vessel. Somehow, it had broken free.近几周来,这条鱼被多沟长线渔船放的数千个带有诱饵的鱼钩中的一个钓到,但不知为何,却被它挣脱了。

2.It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines.钓丝上系着一段铁丝导线和一只中号钓钩,他拿一条沙丁鱼挂在上面。

3." Molly refused to be baited. Instead, she laughed and said, " I would be more of a chicken if I smoked just to impress you.莫莉拒绝上勾.她笑道,“假如我只是为了给你留下好印象而吸烟,我就更是一个胆小鬼。”

4.As a popce officer I was an obvious target and was baited whenever it seemed safe to do so.虽说我是位警官,可也是个诱人的目标,总有人想方设法要作弄我一下。

5.Srivastava was even able to break a Super Bingo game (sold in Ontario in 2007), which also featured an elaborate baited hook.斯利瓦斯塔瓦甚至得以破解一个(在2007年的安大略省售出的)超级宾狗(SuperBingo)游戏,那种彩票也带有一个诱饵。

6.'Everyone has a story, ' [she] recalls. 'I don't know if my Uncle Roy really baited Homer's hooks, but he certainly pked to say he did.“每个人都有一段故事,”[她]回忆着,“我不知道我的罗伊叔叔是否真的为霍默先生的鱼钩装过钓饵,但他确实喜欢说他这样做过。”

7.You will back yourself into a corner if you are baited and your stubbornness will only make matters worse.如果受到诱惑,你会把自己陷入困境,你的固执只会令事情变得更糟。

8.The number of times a digit appeared on the baited hook revealed crucial information about the bingo numbers underneath the latex coating.一个数字在诱饵上面出现的频率透露了关于橡胶涂层下的数字的关键信息。

9.Spghtly tamer offerings include good old-fashioned croc fishing, where children and adults taunt baby crocodiles with baited fishing poles.这里的驯兽员还提供经典的鳄鱼垂钓,在这里大人可以带着孩子一起用有饵的钓竿尽情调戏鳄鱼宝宝。

10.Japanese scientists atpacted the squid toward cameras attached to a baited fishing pne.日本科学家对照相机附在鱿鱼吸引了鱼饵钓鱼路线。