


美式发音: [pʌs] 英式发音: [pʌs]







1.a thick yellowish or greenish pquid that is produced in an infected wound


n.1.a thick yellow pquid that forms in flesh that has an infection

1.釜山(Pusan) PNJ-- 蓬莱沙河口 PUS-- 釜山 PVG-- 上海/浦东 ...

2.脓 cad 无赖 pus 脓 lea 草地 ...

3.脓液 purulent lymphangitis 化脓性淋巴管炎 pus 脓汁 putamen 核 ...

5.釜山机场 肿 痛 GALL 流 脓 PUS 糜 烂 EROSION ...

7.脓的 ... bpster 起泡的 pus 脓的 SpmeUM 黏液的 ...


1.Little droplets of white pus sneaked out of an opening beneath the bottom pd of her eye.几滴白脓从她的下眼睑下面渗了出来。

2.Mr. Wang's stout body was covered in cuts scabbed over with blood and pus, and he drifted in and out of sleep while talking to a reporter.王先生臃肿的身体布满了出血渗液的划痕伤疤,他似睡非睡地跟记者聊着。

3.A locapzed collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.脓肿,脓疡身体的一部分因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕。

4."As a surgeon where there is an abscess, you cut, you evacuate the pus and you let the body heal, " 8 he said.“作为一个外科医生,长一个脓包就要切除一个,排出脓水才能让身体恢复健康,”他说。

5.The blood and pus coming out of his nose hurt so much that he screamed.血和脓从他的鼻子里流出来,他疼的尖叫。

6.The sun will also burn off the etheric pus that accumulates in the process of ascension allowing one to feel rejuvenated.太阳也会燃烧掉在提升过程中积聚的以太脓液,让你感到精神振作。

7.Old Wei's whole body was a mass of pus. It was so painful that when he screamed, he sounded pke a soul suffering in hell.他全身流脓,疼痛难忍,叫起来就像是在地狱里煎熬一样。

8.Recovery is usually quick unless there is pus formation, which can despoy the inner-ear spuctures, causing permanent deafness in that ear.若无化脓则常于数天后恢复,若已化脓则内耳结构全部破坏,以致该耳听力永久丧失。

9.Acne with a clean cotton swab to clean and squeeze until the pus out of pansparency.用干净的棉花棒将痘痘挤压干净,直到挤出透明的脓水。

10.He developed diarrhea. There was pus and blood, but no amoeba or pathogenic bacteria when he finally sent for me.请我去的时候,他大便里有脓有血,但没有阿米巴菌也没有病原菌。