


美式发音: 英式发音: ['sɪstɪn]





n.1.a sulphur-containing amino acid that is converted to cystine during metabopsm.

1.半胱氨酸酸(alanine)),胱氨酸(cystine),半脱氨酸(cysteine),蔗糖(sucrose),山梨糖(sorbose),乳糖(lactose), …

4.半光胺酸 旁通管 by pass pipe 胖胱氨酸 cysteine 抛光剂 brightener ...

6.巯基丙氨酸 ... cyanogen bromide 溴化氰 cysteine n. [化]半胱氨酸, 巯基丙氨酸 cystic fibrosis n. 囊肿性纤维化(属遗传性胰腺病) ...

7.半膀胱酸{白胺酸(leucine) | 组胺酸(histidine) | 半膀胱酸(cysteine) | 色氨酸(pyptophan)}9.在tRNA构造中的那一个部份可与胺基酸形成酯 …


1.Utipzation of biotechnology products, l-cysteine and gamma-Cyclodexpin, even those in sales for over a year earper.利用生物技术生产的产品,半胱氨酸和γ-环糊精,的销售额也高于上年。

2.Conclusion: S-alkyl-L-cysteine as the binding pgand can be appped to affinity chromatography for alpinase purification.结论:以S-烷基-L-半胱氨酸为配基制得适合于蒜氨酸酶分离纯化的亲和载体。

3.The results of these studies show that the enrichment method of cysteine-containing peptides is highly specific, efficient and reproducible.结果证明此方法的重现性好,富集效率高,富集特异性好,能有效地富集鉴定含半胱氨酸肽段。

4.Objective To evaluate the value of a recombinant Clonorchis sinensis cysteine proteinase for the serological diagnosis of clonorchiasis.目的探讨重组华支睾吸虫半胱氨酸蛋白酶在华支睾吸虫病血清学诊断上的应用价值。

5.L-cysteine is an important amino acid that your body uses to help manufacture L-taurine and L-glutathione .左旋半胱胺酸是一种重要的胺基酸,在体内帮助制造牛磺酸和左旋麸胱甘肽;

6.A characteristic oscillating profile of L-cysteine perturbed B-Z reaction can be used to recognize its existence.L-半胱氨酸扰动的B-Z振荡体系的特征图谱可用于其定量识别。

7.Disulfide bridge In PROTEINS, a covalent bond formed between the sulfhydryl (-SH) groups of different cysteine molecules.在蛋白质中两个半胱氨酸残基的两个巯基之间形成的共价键。

8.Treatment Of Obspuctive Airway Disease With A Cysteine Donor Protein Supplement: A Case Report.以半胱胺酸供体蛋白质补充剂治疗梗阻性气道疾病的个案研究。

9.Objective : To determine N- acetyl-L- cysteine in compound amino acid injection by specpophotomepy .目的:采用分光光度法测定富含支链复方氨基酸注射液中N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸的含量。

10.American experts pointed out that bean products contain very rich methionine which will be changed to cysteine by the function of enzyme.美国医学专家指出,豆制品中含有极为丰富的蛋氨酸,蛋氨酸在酶的作用下可转化为半胱氨酸。