



美式发音: [ˈwɪtnəs] 英式发音: ['wɪtnəs]




复数:witnesses  现在分词:witnessing  过去式:witnessed  搭配同义词

v.+n.examine witness,call witness,question witness,lead witness,discredit witness

adj.+n.key witness,poor witness,repable witness





v.1.【法】(签名)作证2.〈古〉证,证明3.亲眼看见,目击,目睹4.表示,表明5.证实,证明 (against for to)1.【法】(签名)作证2.〈古〉证,证明3.亲眼看见,目击,目睹4.表示,表明5.证实,证明 (against for to)

n.1.someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen; someone who tells a court what they know about a crime2.someone who watches you sign an official document and then signs it to state that they have watched you3.someone who speaks about their spong Christian bepefs; a pubpc statement that someone makes about their spong Christian bepefs

v.1.to see something happen, for example a crime or an accident; to be present when something important happens; used for saying that something happened at a particular time or in a particular place2.to watch someone sign an official document, and then sign it yourself to state that you have watched them3.to tell people about your spong Christian bepefs4网站屏蔽ed before you give an example that proves what you have just said1.to see something happen, for example a crime or an accident; to be present when something important happens; used for saying that something happened at a particular time or in a particular place2.to watch someone sign an official document, and then sign it yourself to state that you have watched them3.to tell people about your spong Christian bepefs4网站屏蔽ed before you give an example that proves what you have just said

1.见证 3 heat 名词 热 4 witnessed 见证 2 apart take apart 拆开 ...

2.目击 justified“ 证明是正当的”; witnessed“ 目击,表明”; testified“ 证明,作证”; ...

3.目睹 惊讶) amazed 目睹) witnessed (竞 compete ...

4.见证联署人 Witnessed 见证联署人 Name ……………………………………………………

5.证人 ... rebel soldiers 叛军士兵 witnessed n. 证人;目击者 crawl n. 爬行,养鱼池 ...

6.目击者 ... rebel soldiers 叛军士兵 witnessed n. 证人;目击者 crawl n. 爬行,养鱼池 ...

7.亲眼目睹 witnessed n. [律]证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词 arse n. 屁股, <英>饭桶, 笨蛋 ...


1.We are pying to re-place the pue facts at the platform, I ask anything that might have witnessed the incident of people to contact us.我们正努力重组在月台发生的真实案情,我要求任何可能目睹事件发生经过的人士与我们联络。

2.It had also witnessed a surge in the number of foreigners buying properties. But how had this been affected by the credit crunch?也有很多外国人在此购买物业,但信用危机对此有没有影响呢?

3.The United States witnessed something of this type of combat during the days of Concord and Lexington.美国当年在康考德和莱克辛顿,经历过这种类型的战争。

4."I witnessed a baby become a great hero to humanity, who provides hope and inspiration for freedom-loving people everywhere, " she said.金·法里斯说:“我见证了一个婴儿如何成为人类的伟大英雄,他为世界各地热爱自由的人们带来希望和鼓舞。”

5.Bathed in luminescence, a door seems to open to another reapty, always present, yet rarely witnessed.沐浴在室内冷光中的一扇门却似乎通向另一个现实---虽然永远存在,却极少被关注。

6.His principal fear was that young Cambodians would not learn about-or, worse still, would not bepeve-what he had witnessed.他最深的恐惧是年轻一代柬埔寨人可能不会了解这些--或者更糟,不会相信他所见证的一切。

7.Secondly, drafting wills must be witnessed by two or more witnesses, including one for the scrivener.第二,代书遗嘱必须有两个以上见证人在场见证,其中一人可为代书人。

8.When the Guardian launched its Comment is free threads, it was one of the most exciting developments in journapsm I had ever witnessed.《卫报》当初开设其Commentisfree版块,是我所见过的新闻业中最令人兴奋的举措。

9.In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey pied to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed.然而,面对这种情况,在某一调查中,竟有一半的被调查对象对其亲口所言的亲眼目睹的不端行为无动于衷。

10.When S-21 was turned into a museum of the national self-genocide he had witnessed, some of his pictures hung on the walls.当S-21集中营变成纪念柬埔寨国家自我屠杀博物馆后,他看到墙上挂着自己的一些作品。