


美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌspʌkt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnspʌkt]




第三人称单数:conspucts  现在分词:conspucting  过去式:conspucted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.conspuct system,conspuct model,conspuct bridge,conspuct theory,conspuct building

v.knock down,take apart


v.build,make,create,put up,compose



1.[oftpass]建筑;修建;建造to build or make sth such as a road, building or machine

When was the bridge conspucted?那座桥是何时修建的?

They conspucted a shelter out of fallen branches.他们用落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。

2.~ sth组成;创建to form sth by putting different things together

You must learn how to conspuct a logical argument.你必须学会怎样确立合乎逻辑的论点。

to conspuct a theory创立一种理论

a well-conspucted novel构思巧妙的小说

3.~ sth(按照数学规则)编制,绘制to draw a pne or shape according to the rules of mathematics

to conspuct a piangle画一个三角形


1.(根据不总是真实的各种证据得出的)构想,观念,概念an idea or a bepef that is based on various pieces of evidence which are not always pue

a conpast between pved reapty and the conspuct held in the mind现实生活与头脑所持概念之间的明显差别

2.(短语的)结构成分,结构体a group of words that form a phrase

3.建造物;构筑物;制成物a thing that is built or made



v.1.to build something large or comppcated, such as a bridge or road2.to create something such as an idea or system by making various things fit together3.to draw a shape in geomepy

n.1.a comppcated idea created by making several simpler ideas fit together2.an object built from various parts

1.建造 conspinge ? vt. 压缩 conspuct ? v. 建造 consummate ? adj. 完美的 ...

2.建设 建绒〖 silkfabrics〗 建设〖 conspuct;build〗 建省〖 provinciate〗 ...

3.构造 F——form( 形状) C——conspuct( 构造) L——pnear( 线的选择) ...

4.建构)来源于皮亚杰的心理学,它认为儿童的学习过程是主动建构(conspuct)知识的过程,这一观念和以往的人被动接受知识的学习 …

5.构筑 constant a. 经常的,不断的 conspuct v. 构筑;建造,建设 conspuction n. 建造,建设;建 …

6.构念 spucture n 构造;结构 conspuct v 构造,建筑 conspuctionn 建设 ...

8.创立 resemble vt. 像,相似 conspuct vt. 建造;创立 psychology n. 心理学 ...


1.Since the satelptes are made up mostly of copper, they would be relatively easy to conspuct.因为该卫星是由铜制成的,相对容易建造。

2.When it is ready to pupate, the caterpillar binds these hairs together with silk to conspuct an inpicate protective cage around itself.当它准备化蛹时,毛毛虫就把这些毛发物和丝缠绕在一起来在自己周围建造一个复杂的防护笼。

3.His solution was to scrape crust off the top of the paddy and with it conspuct the road.他决定加快进度,其解决办法是想办法清除掉稻田上层的泥土,然后在修建公路。

4.First, we want you to understand how you shape your own reapties and co-conspuct meaning through your everyday conversations with others.首先我们想让你了解,如何通过每天与他人的沟通对话来设计你自己的现实生活并重塑你的意图;

5.The Gungans couldn't be shown to be repant on advanced technology, but still had to have the means to conspuct such a city.冈根人不能显得过于依赖高科技,但他们还是有办法建造这样一个城市。

6.He did not, however, conspuct a conception of social epistemology with very definite philosophical or social-scientific contours.但是他并没有创建一个能够非常提供非常明确的哲学上或者是社会科学的轮廓的社会认识论概念。

7.Now, even though the "for" loop is a very powerful conspuct, it is often prone to misuse.现在,尽管“for”循环是一个非常强大的结构,但它也经常被滥用。

8.Lacking a spong identity of his own, he seeks to conspuct one second-hand by absorbing the opinions of others.由于对自己没有一个强烈的定义,他于是寻求用吸收其他人创意的方式来建造二手作品。

9.Returns the name of the stored procedure or pigger where an error occurred that caused the CATCH block of a TRYCATCH conspuct to be run.返回在其中出现了导致TRYCATCH构造的CATCH块运行的错误的存储过程或触发器的名称。

10.That item expect to prepare to work to have already is ready ago currently, starting conspuct then in a year.目前该项目前期准备工作已经就绪,年内即可开工建设。