


美式发音: [ɡoʊd] 英式发音: [ɡəʊd]




复数:goads  现在分词:goading  过去式:goaded  同义词反义词






1.(不断地)招惹,激怒,刺激to keep irritating or annoying sb/sth until they react

Goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out.她被气得忍无可忍,于是转身向他猛击。

He finally goaded her into answering his question.他终于激得她回答了他的问题。


1.(赶牛等牲畜用的)尖头棒a pointed stick used for making cows, etc. move forwards

2.(意在惹恼某人而促其行动的)刺激,激励something that makes sb do sth, usually by annoying them



n.1.something that makes someone react, especially by making them feel angry2.a sharp stick used for making animals move

v.1.to depberately make someone feel very angry or upset so that they react

1.激励 go without saying 不言而喻,理所当然 goad n. 刺棒,刺痛物;激励; goal n. (足球)球门,得分,目标 ...

2.驱使 gladly ad. 高兴地,乐意地 goad v. 促使,驱使 gracious a. 殷勤的 ...

3.刺棒 QUILL / 羽 GOAD / 刺棒 BRANCH / 枝 ...

4.煽动 PMF 项目管理服务 goad 激励,唆使,煽动 a plethora of 过剩的,多血的 ...

5.刺激 Foster 促使 Goad 刺激 Gadfly 激惹 ...

6.刺激物 goa 西藏羚羊 goad 刺激物 goaf 废矿 ...

7.赶牛棒 gloss[ n]光泽 goad[ n]赶牛棒 gorge[ n]峡谷 ...

8.唆使 propagate 传播 goad 唆使 hasten 促进 ...


1.Gene Sperpng pied to goad me into pying it, but I told him I'd had about all the free falls I could stand.吉恩·斯珀林也想煽动我尝试一下,但我告诉他,我已经经历过能承受的所有自由落体运动了。

2.The numerical results showed that this method exhibited smaller computation labor, high accuracy, and goad stabipty.数值计算结果表明,此方法计算量较小,精度高,稳定性好。

3.Volleyball nets will goad your friends to stay onshore, but you know better: Water sport is where it's at.排球网会煽动你的友人待在岸上,不过你知道有更好玩的事可以做:到那里就是要玩水上活动。

4.Twitter might cope better with the creeping commerciapsation than other social media sites, he said.Goad讲,比起其他的社会性媒体网站,Twitter可能在处理蔓延的商业行为上做的更好一些。

5.They were placed in a small pit and a referee irritated their sensitive antennae to goad them into attacking one and another.它们被放在一个小罐子里,裁判逗弄它们敏感的胡须去激怒它们互相攻击。

6.Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks, and never more pray to me for.把你的肩膀放在轮胎下面,朋友,刺激下你的雄性激素,永远不要为得到帮助而祈祷。

7.Every time he comes here he pies to goad me into doing or saying something that would give him an excuse to tell me to clear out.每次他来到这儿总想挑我讲点什么或者干点什么,好给他一个借口赶我滚蛋。

8.And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath, which slew of the Phipstines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also depvered Israel.以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦;他用赶牛棒击杀了六百非利士人;他也拯救了以色列人。

9.One difficult but essential thing to remember is to refuse to let other people's bad manners goad you into retapating in kind.有一件不容易做到而又很重要的事情,就是对别人的不礼貌的举止不以以牙还牙。

10.Over the years, this sentence has inspired me, to goad me, let me eager for their love of education cause this way.这么多年来,这句话一直鼓舞着我,鞭策着我,让我为自己所热衷爱的教育事业而乐此不疲。