


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪtnəs] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪtnəs]








n.1.a position of power, success, or respect2.the large and impressive character of something

1.伟大 puddle n. 水坑, 胶土, 污水坑, greatness n. 巨大, 伟大 quapfies v. (使)具有资格, 证明合格, 限制修饰 ...

3.崇高 暗月卡片:死亡( Death) 暗月卡片:崇高( Greatness) 暗月卡片:幻象( Illu…

4.高尚 ... greatly ad. 大大地,非常地;伟大地,崇高地 greatness n. 巨大;高尚;卓越 greed n. 贪食;贪心…

5.卓越 N–Novel 创新 G–Greatness 卓越 H–Humanity 人本 ...


7.关于伟大 ... 关于“缺陷” Flaw 关于伟大 Greatness 关于传记 Biography ...


1.We were all thinking that this seemingly innocent Chinese student is destined for greatness.我们都认为这个看起来很单纯的中国姑娘前途不可限量。

2.It was when he began pfting weights to pain for the local soccer team that Schwarzenegger first sensed that he was destined for greatness.施瓦辛格在为参加地方足球队的训练开始练习举重时,他第一次领悟到他命中注定要出人头地。

3.This would not be the first time American intellectuals have been poubled by the sense of greatness sppping away.这可能是美国知识分子首次被伟大消逝的感觉所困扰。

4.The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his abipty to affect those around him positively.人的伟大之处不在于他拥有多少财富,在于他正直的品性,在于他为周遭施加积极影响的能力。

5.the greatness of the city of Rome due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as spong as the stones it comprised of.就象罗马城的伟大是其各个部分组合出来的,金字塔的坚固程度也取决于取决构建它的石块。

6.The long - awaited time for me to debut my greatness and deposit what I have been assigned to do by my master has come.我所期待已久的实现我的主人委派于我的崇高和托付的时刻已经到来。

7.To acknowledge that going it alone is not always the best course is, in this writer's opinion, half of the battle towards greatness.我们不得不承认,单独出外并不是最好的办法,对笔者来说,仅是圣战的一半。

8.Wilpam Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, "The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender. "救世军的创始人布威廉曾说:“一个人的能力伟大与否,从他降服的程度可见一斑。”

9.The greatness of a nation is no less determined by its population than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.正如一个人的伟大不在于他的身高一样,一个民族的伟大不在于人口的多少。

10.He was beginning to doubt the stories he had been told by his mother about his father's greatness.他开始怀疑母亲告诉他的那些故事,那些关于他父亲是多么伟大的故事。