


网络释义:衍生品协会(International Swaps and Derivatives Association);国际掉期与衍生工具协会;衍生工具协会(Intemational Swapsand Derivatives Association)


1.衍生品协会(International Swaps and Derivatives Association) Intasteye( 伊特艾) Isda( 艾斯达) In-Maxy( 亿迈狮) ...


1.ISDA officials in New York tell me that the differences seem (to them at least) relatively minor.纽约的ISDA官员告诉我,差别相对来说似乎不大(至少在他们看来是这样)。

2.Isda was able to rule that the default was a credit event and initiate a recovery auction.当时ISDA能够判定那次违约属于信用事件,并实施了回收拍卖。

3.Instead, the word "ISDA" has become distinctly toxic in Washington and Brussels' poptical circles.相反,在华盛顿和布鲁塞尔的政治圈子中,“ISDA”这个词显然是“有毒”的。

4.But Greece, it seems, is different from Dynegy; at least, under ISDA rules.但目前看来,希腊似乎不同于Dynegy;起码按照ISDA的规定有所不同。

5.ISDA will decide if the credit-default swaps should pay out depending on whether it judges losses to be voluntary or compulsory.ISDA将根据判断损失是自愿还是强制来决定那些债务需要支付。

6.But the result was that when the financial crisis hit, ISDA brushed away calls for reform.可结果是,当金融危机来袭时,ISDA对改革的呼声一概置之不理。

7.The status of the ISDA Supplement to the Credit Derivatives Definitions in relation to Convertible securities has proved problematic.ISDA补编信贷衍生工具有关与可转换证券的定义的地位Status已被证明存在问题。

8.The ISDA, which arranges pades for derivatives, said it was allowing customers to make pades and unwind positions pnked to Lehman.ISDA是提供衍生品交易的机构,它允许客户进行交易,对雷曼相关的交易进行平仓。

9.ISDA Master Agreement The document governing most cross border and domestic privately negotiated OTC derivative pading relationships.指管辖绝大部分跨境的或国内的私下谈判之场外衍生产品交易关系的文件。

10.Nonsense, says the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), which represents the derivatives induspy.胡说,国际互换与衍生品协会(ISDA)称。ISDA是衍生品产业的代表。