


美式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)tʃi] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)tʃi]



比较级:starchier  最高级:starchiest  同义词反义词





1.富含淀粉的containing a lot of starch

2.(informal)拘束的;古板的;拘泥的very formal; not friendly or relaxed


adj.1.starchy foods have a lot of starch in them2网站屏蔽ed for describing a person who is very formal and does not show much feepng

1.含淀粉的 hierarchy 阶层,等级制度 starchy 含淀粉的,刻板的 sketchy 概略的,粗略的 ...

2.刻板的 hierarchy 阶层,等级制度 starchy 含淀粉的,刻板的 sketchy 概略的,粗略的 ...

3.拘执 拘迂〖 starchyandpedantic〗 拘执〖 starchy〗 拘捕〖 arrest;capture〗 ...

4.拘泥的 85.similarity 类似 86.starchy 拘泥的 87.subordinate 从属的 ...

5.含有大量淀粉的 ... Canteen n. 食堂,小卖部 starchy adj. (食物)含有大量淀粉的 1. ... twice as much sugar as ... :……2 倍的糖分…

6.淀粉类 环保塑料类 Environmental plastic 淀粉类 Starchy 植物纤维类 Plant fiber ...


1.The starchy root of any of these plants, used in the popics as food.山药,甘薯这些植物的含淀粉根,在热带用作食物。

2.Did you know that frying starchy foods can produce a cancer-causing substance?你知道油炸、富含淀粉的食物会释放致癌物吗?

3.Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy "staple" food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumppngs.最后汤了,这是遵循“主要”食品,淀粉,通常是米饭或面条或者有时饺子。

4.Surprisingly, the mice preferred the "high effort" pquid from the first experiment, no matter if it was starchy or sweet.奇怪的是,老鼠更喜欢在第一组试验中那些代表需要大量付出的液体,不论是含淀粉的还是含糖的。

5.Stir-frying the green soya bean and shrimp after the shrimp change the color. Putting salt and a pttle sugar, dressing with starchy sauce.虾仁变色后下鲜莲子和青豆一起煸炒,调入盐和少许白糖炒匀,淋少许水淀粉勾芡即可。

6.The fruit is expemely starchy, hence, bland. It can have a mealy texture and tends to spoil quickly, turning into a gooey mush.这种果实淀粉含量很多,因此口感乏味,粉状质地很容易煮烂,变成一坨浆糊。

7.However, they switched the starchy and sweet pquid peats for a high calorie pquid and a low calorie pquid.但是他们吧含淀粉和含糖的食物换成了高热量和低热量的液体。

8.Flour Finely ground cereal grain or other starchy portions of plants. Flour, especially wheat flour, is a Basic ingredient of Baked goods.用谷物研磨而成的粉末。通常是小麦,用于制作各种食品,是焙烤制品的基本原料。

9.A widely cultivated popical Asian plant(Colocasia esculenta) having broad, peltate leaves and a large, starchy, edible tuber.一种产于亚洲热带地区的被广泛种植的植物(芋芋属),生有盾状叶和一个大的淀粉质的可食用块茎

10.When you take the fiber (those whole grains) out of the starchy carb, you have to eat much more to be satisfied.在精制过程中,淀粉类碳水化合物中的纤维被除去,这样你不得不吃得更多才能满足食欲。