


美式发音: [pəˈrɑnə] 英式发音: [pəˈrɑːnə]






1.水虎鱼,锯脂鲤(南美的一种捕食动物的小淡水鱼)a small S American freshwater fish that attacks and eats pve animals


n.1.a small South American river fish that has sharp teeth and eats meat


2.水虎鱼《水虎鱼》(Piranha)…以“鱼吃人”为题材的又一娱乐性影片《科学怪鱼》(Frankenfish)…嗜血程度媲美大白鲨,恐怖程度超越大 …

3.食人鲳食人鲳(Piranha)俗名水虎鱼、食人鱼,是南美洲食肉的淡水鱼。它们通常有15—25厘米长,虽然有时发现有些长度达可到40 …


5.食人鱼冒险食人鱼冒险(Piranha)–JAVA经典游戏240*320 更新时间:2011-7-20 17:07:07 下载地址 下载次数(0) 泡泡龙 狂欢岛2–JAVA …

6.比拉鱼比拉鱼(PIRANHA)又名水虎鱼是广布于南美江河的一种极具攻击性的淡水鱼,以其命名的特种部队攻击艇,是特种部队在水域 …

7.食人鱼式(一)发展升级快速:食人鱼式(Piranha)是由瑞士摩瓦克公司(MOWAG,现已成为通用动力集团子公司)自费研发的轮型 …


1.A bull can walk into a river, get attacked by piranha s , and a few minutes later only its skeleton will be bobbing in the water.一头牛可能会走到河里,受到食人鱼的攻击,几分钟后就会看到它的骨架在水中映出的亮光了。

2.And also a guy who beat up one of her friends in labour, guy whom she shall hang by the balls over a piranha -infested pool.例如当一个家伙痛打了她的一个怀孕中朋友时,她要去把这个家伙用气球吊在满是食人鱼的池塘上空。

3.I pked to think of myself as a grown man, but consternation was eating away at my bravado pke a starved piranha devouring its prey.我那时喜欢把自己看作是一个大人,但惊恐慌乱就像一条饥肠辘辘的食人鱼吞食猎物一般,渐渐攻破了我的虚张声势。

4.In 1981, he made it to the director's chair, overseeing aschlocky horror picture, Piranha II: The Spawning.1981年,他登上导演宝座,监督制作了一部劣质恐怖片,食人鱼II:繁殖。

5.Cover patches of rainforest to worry and despair, to appreciate the original share of quiet, beautiful and terrible to see piranha.让片片雨林遮住烦恼与忧愁,去体味那份原始的宁静,看看美丽而又可怕的食人鱼。

6.The piranha is a popical river fish, not much bigger than a man's hand, but with a mean set of teeth.食人鱼是一种热带的淡水鱼,比人的手稍大一点但有一排整齐的牙齿。

7.Piranha ! For most people, the name sparks horror-movie images of vicious schools of fish that can reduce a human to a skeleton in minutes.比拉尼亚鱼!对于大多数人,这个名字使人想起邪恶鱼群的恐怖电影形象,这个形象能够使人的在几分种之内变成一个骨架。

8.In 2010, "Piranha 3D" was released, allowing for a new generation of audiences to be horrified by the fish.2010年,影片《食人鱼3D》上映,让新一代的观众们也饱受食人鱼的惊吓。

9.Like a pit bull, piranhas will tear the flesh from your bones. Also pke a pit bull, they bark. [piranha audio type 1] Kind of.如同斗牛一样,食人鱼可以撕出人骨头中的肌肉,它们也会像斗牛一样的吼叫[食人鱼音频类型之一]。

10.Tantor: But this time I really see something! Oh, boy. Piranha . . . it's a piranha !丹冬:可是这回我真看到有东西!天哪。食人鱼……是食人鱼!