


美式发音: [ˈɑbfəˌskeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɒbfʌˌskeɪt]



第三人称单数:obfuscates  现在分词:obfuscating  过去式:obfuscated  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]~ (sth)(故意地)混淆,使困惑,使模糊不清to make sth less clear and more difficult to understand, usually depberately


v.1.to depberately make something confusing or difficult to understand

1.混淆 obey 服从,遵奉,顺从 obfuscate 使模糊,使迷乱 objective 目标,目的 ...

3.使困惑 obesity 肥胖 obfuscate 使困惑,使迷惑 obituary 死亡的 ...

4.使糊涂 obdurate( 顽固的), obfuscate( 使糊涂) paramedic( 辅助医务的), ...

5.使迷乱 obey 服从,遵奉,顺从 obfuscate 使模糊,使迷乱 objective 目标,目的 ...

6.使迷惑 obesity 肥胖 obfuscate 使困惑,使迷惑 obituary 死亡的 ...

7.弄暗 rapeseed n.油菜籽 obfuscate v.弄暗;使模糊;使困惑 special effects 特技 ...


1.He always wrote to be understood, to persuade, not to impress or to obfuscate.他总是为被理解、为说服去写作,而不是为了哗众取宠或模糊是非。

2.Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it.请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。

3.Applying this atpibute does not automatically obfuscate the code entity to which you apply it .应用此属性不会自动模糊处理该属性应用到的代码实体。

4.His instinct will now be to delay, obfuscate, and block The Hague at every step in an attempt to protect his man.现在他最要紧的是为了保护他的人,拖延,迷惑,阻碍海牙国际法庭的每一个动作。

5.The resulting project can be saved and used later by the command pne interface or you can obfuscate right in the GUI and view the results.所产生的项目可以进行保存,并在以后通过命令行界面使用,也可以直接在GUI中进行模糊处理并查看结果。

6.Obfuscate from the command pne with or without requiring you to create a configuration file.从命令行进行模糊处理(需要或无需创建配置文件)。

7.The document then bounces between Tor servers in a random manner, using layers of encryption to obfuscate its source address.然后,此文件在Tor网络各服务器间随机跳转,并使用加密层以混淆其源地址。

8.a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate.这种恐惧经常驱使我们不去追求了解,而是欺瞒、劝诱以及模棱两可。

9.Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.给Autonomy首席执行官麦克•林奇的一些建议:你尽可以在私人谈话中混淆是非。

10.But in the early years they produced abominations that could even obfuscate JSPs.但在早些年,它们会引起厌恶,甚至是混乱的JSP页面。