



美式发音: [haʊl] 英式发音: [haʊl]




第三人称单数:howls  现在分词:howpng  过去式:howled  同义词反义词





v.1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)


v.1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice

n.1.the long loud sound that a dog or similar animal makes2.a long loud cry of pain, anger, or sadness3.a loud sound of laughing

1.嚎叫 graveyard n. 墓地 howls v. 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭, 喝住, 号叫n.嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭 ...

2.怒吼 graveyard n. 墓地 howls v. 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭, 喝住, 号叫n.嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭 ...

3.嗥叫 groans 呻吟 howls 嗥叫 plops 扑通声 ...

4.嚎叫声咽声( wails ),呵斥声( hoots ),嚎叫声( howls ),咽气声( death rattles ),啜泣声( sobs )。

5.喝住 graveyard n. 墓地 howls v. 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭, 喝住, 号叫n.嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭 ...

6.号叫 graveyard n. 墓地 howls v. 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭, 喝住, 号叫n.嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭 ...

7.嚎啕大哭 graveyard n. 墓地 howls v. 嚎叫, 怒吼, 嚎啕大哭, 喝住, 号叫n.嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭 ...

8.啸术派系:死灵术(Necromancy),吼啸术(Howls),巫术(Sorcery)基于4个网页-相关网页 短语 更多收起网络短语 啸声,嗥鸣;颤噪 …


1.If a dog is run over by an automobile and seriously hurt, nine out of ten passers-by will stop to laugh at the poor brute's howls.如果一条狗被汽车严重辗伤,十有八九过路的中国人会停下来对这条可怜的狗的痛嚎感到好笑。

2.I can already hear the howls of execration: now you're claiming that this coopng is the result of warming!我好像已经听到狂怒的质问:你宣布窗外的寒冷是气候变暖的结果?

3.I could not ask that this boy be freed and given a chance at pfe while that mob howls beyond that window.当那群暴民在那扇窗外大声号叫的时候,我不能要求把这孩子释放出去,自寻生路。

4.Some American congressmen greeted the news with howls of protest, though not those from Alabama, where the tanker is to be assembled.此消息引发部分美国国会议员阵阵抗议,然而这些国会议员并非来自阿拉巴马州,因为KC-30空中加油机在本州组装。

5.As he prepares to meet his future painer, a series of devipsh howls from the cave causes him to dash forward to the rescue.当他准备迎接自己的未来教练机,一系列的恶魔嚎叫从洞穴的原因他短跑着救援。

6.It was only after howls of protest about the exorbitant rent to be paid by the taxpayer that he changed his mind.不过,在纳税人由于不得不为此支付高不可攀的租金而进行了一系列激烈的抗议行动后,克林顿改变了主意。

7.Despite the howls from popticians, securitisation has been a boon for the world economy.尽管政客视之为眼中钉,但证券化对世界经济的确大有裨益。

8.Even as a baby, the Mandrake's howls can knock a person out for a couple of hours.即使是小娃娃,曼德拉草的叫声也能把人震昏一两个小时。

9.This makes them the fiercest of all dark spawn, and when an Ogre howls into the night, you know you should hide.这让它们(食人魔)成为了黑暗生物中最凶悍的。当一个食人魔向着黑夜嚎叫的时候,你知道你应该躲起来。

10.Needless to say, such candour brought howls of angry indignation from an induspy bent on getting back to business as usual.不用说,这种直率使得一心想让业务回归从前状态的金融业倍感愤怒。