

bulb:[英 [bʌlb] 美 [bʌlb] ]



bulb 基本解释

名词电灯泡; 球茎,块茎植物; [解剖学]肿块


bulb 相关例句


1. The onions bulbed poorly in this cold wet season.




1. The bulb has burned out.


bulb 网络解释

1. 灯泡:在梳妆台上我找到了30/30的子弹(A30/30BULLET),灯泡(BULB)和珍珠(PEARL),然后使劲推上面的镜子,得到一把钥匙(KEY). 搜寻床铺时,我在床头女人雕像上找到了一支箭(ARROW),再把它装在床头边一丘比特雕像上,启动暗藏的机关,

2. bulb

2. 鳞茎:3.鳞茎(bulb)由许多肥厚的肉质鳞叶包围的扁平或圆盘状的地下茎,称为鳞茎. 4.球茎(corm)球状的地下茎,如荸荠(Eleocharistuberosa)、慈姑、芋等(图3-121,D、E),它们都是根状茎先端膨大而成. 球茎有明显的节和节间,节上具褐色膜状物,


3. 球:尿道海绵体的前端蘑菇状膨大形成阴茎龟头,覆盖着阴茎海绵体前端,后端稍膨大形成尿道球(bulb),位于泌尿生殖膈下部两侧阴茎脚之间,被球海绵体肌(bulbcavernousmuscle)所覆盖.

4. 球管:相较于150W等级的长效型DC点灯之金属卤素灯,相同光源辉度时超高压水银灯可减少86%的球管(bulb)外径与40%的电弧长度(表1),也就是说球管愈小,灯泡的反射器(reflector)也相对的变小;电弧长度愈短,光使用效率则愈高,

bulb 双语例句

1. bulb是什么意思

1. Some projections can be visualized as a transparent globe with a light bulb at its center (though not all projections emanate from the globe's center) casting lines of latitude and longitude onto a sheet of paper.


2. Moreover, cold treatment had little effect on flowering stage. About 54000 new plantlets could be obtained from one bulb.

一个中等大小已脱春化的鳞茎通过两步外植体法能扩繁出54 000株左右的新植株,从鳞片叶开始至开花仅需8个月,而且4!

3. Moreover, cold treatment had little effect on flowering stage. About 54000 new plantlets could be obtained from one bulb. It took only 8 months from bulb scale to flowering.


4. bulb的解释

4. Look at its pudgy bodies, and sometimes take home, drying into a dry-bulb, but also when the stones by hand Dianzhuo to play games too wear a bubble but there is no blame.



5. Electrical lighting sourceincluding safety and photoelectrical parameter of bulb, single and double ended fluorescent lamp, self-ballast lamp


6. The apparatus consists of a bulb of known volume and valve block or manifold.


7. bulb的翻译

7. The expression of c-fos protein in the nucleus of tractus solitarius and dorsal motor nucleus of vagus of the central bulb was observed by immunohistochemical method.


8. In place of conventional halogen bulb s, they use xenon gas-filled lamps that create an illuminated arc.


9. A quantitative histochemical study of cytochrome oxidase activity was performed in staggerer mutants and their respective controls in order to determine whether olfactory bulb neuropathology leads to neuronal metabolic alterations in olfactory and related limbic regions.

定量组织化学研究的细胞色素氧化酶的活动是在 staggerer 突变及其各自的控制,以确定是否嗅球神经病理学会导致神经细胞代谢的改变嗅觉和相关边缘地区。

10. bulb

10. This bulb should not be used at humid and unventilated locations.


11. Mine said Cardiff had seen, so you go to the mine to investigate and take the village to speak before and can get 20 minerals, out of the village, the female protagonist to a wing talisman, talismanic role is to bring to the protagonist have been filed, and that is unlimited, and这下可to fly around you, ha ha, now get to go watch the Cliff mine, the use of magic to be flying after the wind pocket watch, and then to the lower-left corner of the village houses and the old lady to speak to him to watch Baozhu can be jack-o'-lantern is a light bulb, and then flew to the mine Charm wing former warehouse, go right of the door, the door has been opened mine husband, and here好黑ah, who you to turn on the light, no wrong equipment Baozhu jack-o'-lantern, you light to enter, which has been left in the end go, and then enter the Shihmen been the mission of the stone, POWER UP Institute of Erlian jump, cool!!

矿夫说看见过,于是就去矿场调查啦,走之前和村长说话,可得二十个矿石,出村庄后,女主角给了主角一个翼护符,护符的作用是把主角带到去过的存档处,而且是无限次的,这下可以到处飞啦,哈哈,现在先去矿场拿怀表的断崖处,用飞后风魔法得到怀表,然后到村庄最左下角的房子和老太太说话把怀表给他可以得到鬼火宝珠,就是灯泡一个,然后用翼护符飞到矿场的仓库前,走右上的门,矿夫把门已经打开了,这里好黑啊,谁把灯打开呀,没错,装备鬼火宝珠,亮啦,进入后,一直往左走到底,然后进入石门,得到使命石板,POWER UP学会二连跳,爽!!

12. A thermometer with a bulb that is covered with moist muslin; used in a psychrometer to measure humidity.


13. One of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb.


14. urethral stricture can happen at different part like external urethral meatus (cruveilhier's fossa)、bulb of urethra、membranous urethra and bladder neck, et al. improper procedure、hard lens injury、over high power and inflammation were all its reasons. early regular urethral sounding and transurethral resectoscopic cicatrectomy are easy、safe and effective ways of treatment.


15. Measurement and observation were performed, there were: the width of the middle part of sigmoid, the shortest distance between the middle part of sigmoid and the vertical part of facial nerver, the height of jugular bulb, the shortest distance between the highest point of jugular bulb and the base of internal acoustic meatus, the width of external orifice of cochlear aquaduct, the length of cochlear aquaduct, the shortest distance between external orifice of cochlear aquaduct and cranial nerves Ⅸ, Ⅹ, Ⅺ, inferrior petrosal sinus respectively, the shortest distance between external orifice of cochlear aquaduct and the inferior margin of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the width of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the vertical distance of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the shortest distance between the superior margin of internal acoustic meatus orifice and superior petrosal sinus, the angle between superior petrosal sinus and sigmoid, the diameter of Ⅶ, Ⅷ nerve, superior vestibular nerve, inferior vestibular nerve, cochlear nerve, Intermedius nerve respectively, mastoid emissary, communicating orifice of superrior petrosal sinus, the nerve and blood vessel of jugularforamen, the branch of anterior inferior cerebelar artery, the condition of labyrinthine artery.


16. bulb

16. The reported locations of failed hemoclip applications included posterior wall of duodenal bulb, posterior wall of gastric body and lesser curve of the stomach.


17. The results showed that bulb height and flower size of'Large Copper'were least, with longest white short soft hair on stem. Obvious characteristics of'Toronto'were nacarat and lackluster membranous bulb scales, leaves with rufous stripe and base of perianth shape and colour. Obvious characteristic of'Pink Impression'were taller plantlet, bigger flower, taller and wider leaves and edge of leaves with short hair.

结果表明:品种Large Copper的种球高度和花径均最小,茎上白色柔毛最长;品种Toronto的显著特征是种球的膜质鳞片为桔红色,无光泽,叶片上有红褐色条纹,花被片基部为黑色舌形;品种Pink Impression植株高,花大,叶片长而宽,叶缘有短毛。

18. This factory with the LED lamps of refelcted and bulb type, buried down lamp, submarine lamp, guardrail tube, rainbow tube and etc.

这家工厂的产品有反射型,灯泡型的 LED 灯,埋地灯,水底灯,护栏管,彩虹管,等等。

19. For main beam, the full light beam from the xenon bulb is used, supplemented by a halogen spotlight which extend s the range and is also used for the headlamp flasher function.



20. For main beam, the full light beam from the xenon bulb is used, supplemented by a halogen spotlight which extends the range and is also used for the headlamp flasher function.


bulb 词典解释

1. 电灯泡

A bulb is the glass part of an electric lamp, which gives out light when electricity passes through it.

e.g. The stairwell was lit by a single bulb.


2. 球茎;鳞茎

A bulb is a root shaped like an onion that grows into a flower or plant.

e.g. ...tulip bulbs.


bulb 单语例句

1. The Swan Edison filament bulb was bought by the father of Mo Richardson's late husband Jim in 1938.

2. Cut off the top of the fennel bulb and trim the root end.

3. The brave amphibian was spotted snacking on the festive bulb but soon spat it out and hopped away after feeling the burn.

4. Soon after she arrived, the garage's only light bulb went out.

5. Some celery and a lily bulb can also provide a useful antidote.

6. When she's in a room, it's as if she has a light bulb inside her.

7. " It made my daughter light up like a light bulb, " he said.

8. The children cheered when first light bulb turned on in their tent.

9. The handmade base for the Recycled Light Bulb Oil Lamp is created from a solid wood half dome.

10. Edson sounds like Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb.

bulb 英英释义


1. a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)

e.g. the bulb of a syringe

2. electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity

Synonym: light bulblightbulbincandescent lampelectric lightelectric-light bulb

3. a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ

4. lower or hindmost part of the brain

continuous with spinal cord

(`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata)

e.g. the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning

Synonym: medulla oblongatamedulla

5. a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure

6. anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop