

hermit:[英 [ˈhɜ:mɪt] 美 [ˈhɜ:rmɪt] ]



hermit 基本解释

名词隐士; 小甜饼

hermit 相关例句


1. The old hermit was very cagey about her past life.


2. hermit

2. He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.


hermit 网络解释

1. (隐者):9.隐者(Hermit)解放时效果:解放部队全员魔力加2. 10.命运(FortuNe)解放时效果:随机. 11.正义(Justice)解放时效果:解放部队全员HP加1. 12.吊人(HangedMan)解放时效果:解放部队全员攻击力减1. 13.死亡(Death)解放时效果:民众度减2.

2. 何处觅她--隐士:9) Adamant:亚当和蚂蚁--固执的 | 10) Hermit:何处觅她--隐士 | 11) Saturnine:坐在九个骨灰盒子上--忧郁的、严厉的

hermit 双语例句

1. hermit

1. Tao Xingzhi, Huang Binhong are Shexian people, Shexian built their museum; Li Bai was here to visit a hermit see without knowledge, and their descendants where his drinking was renamed Taibai floor.


2. Our hermit packed his wicker box with his sparse possessions-a god's image in copper, a rosary, the deerskin, and a little brass bowl. Carrying his box in one hand, he stepped out of the house, closing the door gently behind him.


3. hermit

3. I used to be a real hermit; at one point my husband and I lived on a 500-acre ranch- just us, the dogs, the stars and an old mare that I`d ride into the forest.


4. Technically, monasticism embraces both the life of the hermit, characterized by varying degrees of extreme solitude, and the life of the cenobite, that is, the monk living in a community offering a limited amount of solitude.

在技术上,修道包含了双方生活的隐士,其特点是不同程度的极端孤独和生活的cenobite ,即是僧人生活在一个社会提供数量有限的孤独。


5. However, Li accomplished nothing in politics and was deep in pain and suffering as he was in a special status of neither an official nor a hermit.


6. Chu Yan generals after the original item --- Siu-yu, and LEUNG Suk Fan chef will lead a public house in this village hermit.


7. Is an expert outside world is diving off Hermit.


8. You know what I'm a bit of a hermit!


9. You'd have to do that if you was a hermit.


10. As I know, they are a local hermit`s family members.



11. Michael: They might be good for you, but I am a hermit and never meet new people.


12. hermit是什么意思

12. Before I became more or less a hermit, I found that I had two passions in life.


13. I've always been kind of a hermit.


14. If a hermit like me can do it, you certainly can.


15. hermit的翻译

15. The hermit crab was thinking, all these while he was only busily searching for shelters, and had never thought of the ways to grow stronger. He could only survive under the shelter of others, and had restricted his growth and development.


16. After ordering his attendants to take the man home, the emperor returned to see the hermit.



17. However, it`s unrealistic to live like a hermit among rivers and mountains.


18. Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or the king crab.


19. hermit

19. The teacher told us that at the top of the mountain there lived a hermit.


20. Luke's life changed when his uncle purchased a pair of used droids from Jawa dealers visiting his homestead. The droids, Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio, were Rebel property fleeing from the Empire. The Rebel droids led Luke on an adventure, uniting him with Obi-Wan Kenobi, a desert hermit and war hero whom Luke knew as Old Ben.


hermit 词典解释

1. 隐士;隐修者;遁世者

A hermit is a person who lives alone, away from people and society.

hermit 单语例句hermit在线翻译

1. A man emerged from his mountain home in Taiwan after 40 years of living as a hermit.

2. Feng apparently has been a hermit since he moved into the pigsty because he suspected his parents would poison him.

3. Unless your destination is some hermit village deep in the northwest, you can buy almost anything you may need locally.

4. In the following 10 years, he lived like a hermit and took care of his father.

5. Many famous ancient scholars and even emperors have shared the Zhongnan hermit experience.

6. You are going to be a bit of a hermit this weekend so dress comfortably.

hermit是什么意思hermit 英英释义


1. one who lives in solitude

Synonym: reclusesolitarysolitudinariantroglodyte

2. one retired from society for religious reasons

Synonym: anchorite