

distract:[英 [dɪˈstrækt] 美 [dɪˈstrækt] ]


过去式:distracted;   过去分词:distracted;   现在分词:distracting;

distract 基本解释

及物动词使分心; 使混乱

distract 同义词


distract 反义词


distract 相关例句


1. Noise distracted the writer from his work.


2. He was distracted between two objects.


3. My attentions are distracted from my study.


4. Don't distract my attention.


5. The news distracted her.


distract 网络解释

1. 转移:子技能推荐神奇训练(ARCANE TRAIN)-转移(DISTRACT). 特有技能转移能在敌英雄施法后降低其施法主动20%,等于抵消了对方2级巫术,相当BT. 剩下个空位魔力再生(MANA REGENERATION)提供更好的续战力,剩下个空位魔力恢复(MANA REGENERATION)提供更好的续战力,


2. 分心,困恼:dissect#解剖;详细研究 | distract#分心;困恼 | disunite#使分离

3. 拉走了--分散,转移,分神:attract 一再地拉-->吸引(美好的) | distract 拉走了-->分散,转移,分神 | cise 切

distract 双语例句

1. Do not let her husband do distract the attention of the machine under as a unjust ghost OK? ……better not take these words filling me!


2. Roark asks Dominique to distract the night watchman one night and then dynamites the building.


3. distract是什么意思

3. When the War between Prussia and Farce broke out, he wrote Veritable Records of the War between Prussia and France and The Revised Edition of the Distract Annals of France, which opened a window for those who anxious to comprehend the outside world.


4. distract的近义词

4. I was jealous because I didn't want anything to hurt her, or distract her from me.


5. distract的近义词

5. Second, it will distract them from their study.


6. It won't ask you needless questions; nor it will distract you from your work.


7. Don't let social activities distract you from your study.


8. And you're trying to distract me from my point, which is that you aren't eating enough.


9. If you send Leske you'll have to talk to Mainar (M6, 3) and distract him for a short while.



10. Superoinferior vertebral bodies with burst fractures were implanted with pedicle screw by open reduction, then AF and RF system or screw system was used to distract and reduce the burstly collapse vertebral bodies.


11. The Honeypot is a strictly moni- tored network decoy, it can distract adversaries from valuable machines on a network, can provide early waming about new attack and exploitation trends, and allow in-depth examination of attacker's action and process during exploitation of a Honeypot.


12. There are influences that you are affected by that are deliberately programmed into your environment so as to distract you.


13. distract

13. You can let your unconscious mind learn all it needs to know to be able to distract you from those scary thoughts, to be able to provide you with those relaxing thoughts.


14. Don't let them distract you with their laughter, charm and trickery or you will be defeated.


15. In this respect, La Tristesse du roi is a reference to one of Rembrandt's canvases, David jouant de la harpe devant Saül (David Playing the Harp before Saul), in which the young Biblical hero plays to distract the King from his melancholy, as well as to the late self-portraits of the old Dutch master.



16. Apparently the cunning orcs were attempting to distract and divide the human forces.


17. I can't believe you lie to me. Trying to use sex to distract me.



18. Bring a Hireling along, use your Valkyrie, and Decoy to distract Duriel.

带一个雇佣军,使用你的 Valkyrie和Decoy以分散Duriel的注意力。

19. While I distract her, you go in.


20. He'll try to distract you with all manner of tricks and, in the blink of an eye, will dash out of sight.


distract 词典解释

1. 分散(注意力);使分心

If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it.


e.g. Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework...


e.g. Don't let yourself be distracted by fashionable theories...


distract 单语例句distract的解释

1. The senator said he will not allow the report to distract him from his presidential campaign.

2. In spite of some countries'recent attempts to distract and demonize China, few countries in the world today are keener on preserving peace than this country is.

3. Popular discontent about inequity and injustice has accumulated to such extent that it has the potential to distract the nation from its focus on development.

4. INDIANAPOLIS - Stephen Jackson didn't let his outside issues distract him.

5. She downloaded some educational apps to distract him from the cartoons, but they soon lost their novelty and he was back watching the cartoons.

6. Experts say that residents should not touch or play with guide dogs as it could distract them from their task of helping the blind.

7. An increasing number of people consider it a label, under which anything that might distract students from their exam preparations can be listed.

8. Yang said the US is now provoking ASEAN nations in order to disrupt their relations with China and distract China from competing with the US.

9. Don't let the illuminated images of human fornication flanking the kitchen distract you from what it serves up.

10. He added that many other reforms were likely to be " red capes " like those used by a bullfighter " to distract Venezuelans from his real objective ".

distract 英英释义


1. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed

e.g. She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill

Synonym: perturbunhingedisquiettroublecarkdisorder

2. draw someone's attention away from something

e.g. The thief distracted the bystanders

He deflected his competitors

Synonym: deflect