

dead:[英 [ded] 美 [dɛd] ]


dead 基本解释

形容词死去的; 完全的; 无感觉的; 呆板的

副词完全地; 非常; 绝对; 极度

名词死者; (死一样的)寂静; 极寒时候


dead 同义词



dead 反义词


dead 相关词组

1. dead to rights : 当场;

dead 相关例句


1. It is a dead volcano.


2. My father has been dead for ten years.


3. dead在线翻译

3. Our radio receiver went dead.



1. dead

1. The deer stopped dead in her tracks.


2. He looked me dead in the eye.


dead 情景对话

Waking Someone Up-(叫醒某人)

A:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up? and get out of bed.


B:Do I have to get up now?


A:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.


B:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.

你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢?

A:Yes, it did. It went off? 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it?. You’re like a dead person while you sleep.


B:I must have slept right through it.


A:Rise and shine?! Sleepyhead!


B:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.


A:The early bird gets the worm?.



B:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms.


A:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you.

哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰

dead 网络解释

1. 死亡的:当一个生命死亡,其灵魂进入了亡者的国度,但只要加以引导,死亡的(dead)肉体则会被负面能量操纵,在邪恶的意志下行动;其中的一些特例被允许拥有自己思考能力.

2. dead

2. 死的:被占据的单元称为活的(alive),未占据的单元称为死的(dead). 哪一个单元是活的要根据其周围活的邻居单元(neighbor)的数目而一代代(generation)地发生变化,规则如下:这似乎是个解决的办法:随时缩少数组的规模.

dead 双语例句

1. There are too much dead weight in the company, so things need to be streamlined.


2. How many after being celebrated by fame have been given up to oblivion; and how many who have celebrated the fame of others have long been dead.


3. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.


4. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.


5. Jesus Christ bearer generation Shun the crime of the people of this world, voluntarily choose to flow to the utmost the dead method of blood come clean and pure sublimate night Yu it to work properly and solve God the sorrow of the Jive Lieu.


6. He fell down from the top of the twenty-story building, dead.


7. dead的意思

7. The first two years of the mountains in Liaoning Huanren found under the artificial presentation of a dead tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, one tiger this is not how to die conclusions, and second, this is where the tiger came to the place where the do not know, three is not a matter of national media attention in particular.


8. Her husband is dead, but she has one son. He is twenty-one and his name is Geoff.



9. Close all dead lights and storm doors.


10. DelightfuI to meet you, Mr. Robert. I thought you were dead.


11. Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead.


12. And I call on you, spirits of the dead; and on you, wandering ministers of vengeance, to aid and conduct me in my work. Let the cursed and hellish monster drink deep of agony; let him feel the despair that now torments me.


13. Necro=dead, -sis, the status of sth.


14. Results The Cys C level in the survival group was significantly lower than that in the dead group.

结果 存活组Cys C浓度与死亡组Cys C浓度比较差异有统计学意义。

15. Not a few are not afraid to fight, he will be drawn to you (2) He will draw directly to you, then he is dead, take your百无禁忌point, he will draw to you诛仙release eight patches.


16. If I hadn't married Martin I never w ould have bought the house with the dead tree.



17. When MMCI is open, the treatment is the same as any severe, open wound; radical debridement, repeated as necessary, which may also require the opening of fasciae and extension of the wound in order to remove all dead tissue and achieve adequate drainage.


18. Vocalist/ Guitarist Richard Todd brings slabs of punk and DIY/ post-punk to the party, despite singing like a down-to-earth Ian Gillan with emphysema; Bassist Adam Pillsbury plays his instrument like the bastard child of Bootsy Collins and Charles Mingus; double-bassist/ laptop terrorist/ gadget fiddler/ knob twiddler general Jackson Garland adds unobtrusive electronic textures to the music that you may only notice by their absence and while drummer Jon Campbell's hair screams Grateful Dead, his beats can whisper Buddy Rich or wail Bill Ward.

主音吉他Richard Todd给乐队带来了后朋克元素。Jackson Garland演奏低音提琴并用笔记本、效果器给乐队带来了电子音效和小噪音。贝司手Adam Pillsbury有着非凡的演奏能力以及大师风范。鼓手Jon Campbell现场演出时有着惊人的能量,他不仅是一位优秀的鼓手,也是成功的演出策划人。

19. He is dead now, and his power nests in whoever fights hard enough to get it.


20. Her face tured white—as white as a dead person`s.


dead 词典解释

1. 死亡的;去世的

A person, animal, or plant that is dead is no longer living.

e.g. Her husband's been dead a year now...


e.g. The group had shot dead another hostage.


Do not confuse dead with died. Died is the past tense and past participle of the verb die, and thus indicates the action of dying. She died in 1934... Two men have died since the rioting broke out. You do not use died as an adjective. You use dead instead. More than 2,200 dead birds have been found.

不要混淆 dead 和 died。died 是动词 die 的过去式和过去分词,因此表示死亡这一动作:She died in 1934(她死于 1934年),Two men have died since the rioting broke out(骚乱发生后已有两人死亡)。形容词不用 died, 而用 dead:More than 2, 200 dead birds have been found(已经发现了 2, 200 多只死鸟)。

2. (土地或水域)无生命存在的

Land or water that is dead contains no living things.

e.g. ...charred land, mountainsides of dead earth and stumps of trees...


e.g. But this water seems dead: it's polluted and horribly stagnant.


3. (地方或时期)无生气的,死气沉沉的

If you describe a place or a period of time as dead, you do not like it because there is very little activity taking place in it.


e.g. ...some dead little town where the liveliest thing is the flies...


e.g. This made that holiday week a particularly dead period.


4. 不再使用的;用尽的

Something that is dead is no longer being used or is finished.

e.g. The dead cigarette was still between his fingers...


e.g. This bottle's dead. But we've got another one.


5. (想法、计划或话题)不再令人感兴趣的,不值得再考虑的,已停滞的

If you say that an idea, plan, or subject is dead, you mean that people are no longer interested in it or willing to develop it any further.

e.g. It's a dead issue, Baxter...


e.g. But that doesn't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying...


6. (语言)死的,不再通用的

A dead language is no longer spoken or written as a means of communication, although it may still be studied.

e.g. We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language.


7. (电话等电气设备)不再运转的,没电的

A telephone or piece of electrical equipment that is dead is no longer functioning, for example because it no longer has any electrical power.

e.g. On another occasion I answered the phone and the line went dead.


8. (体育运动中的球)界外的,死的

In sport, when a ball is dead, it has gone outside the playing area, or a situation has occurred in which the game has to be temporarily stopped, and none of the players can score points or gain an advantage.


9. (声音)沉闷的;(颜色)暗淡的,不鲜亮的

A dead sound or colour is dull rather than lively or bright.


e.g. 'That is correct, Meg,' he answered in his cold, dead voice...


e.g. Then he heard a piercing scream echoing down the deep well, ending in a dull, dead thud.


10. 完全的,绝对的(尤用于修饰 centre, silence 和 stop)

Dead is used to mean 'complete' or 'absolute', especially before the words 'centre', 'silence', and 'stop'.


e.g. He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stood dead centre in its square...


e.g. They hurried about in dead silence, with anxious faces...


11. 正好;恰好;精确地

Dead means 'precisely' or 'exactly'.


e.g. Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope...


e.g. Their arrows are dead on target...


12. 很;非常

Dead is sometimes used to mean 'very'.

e.g. Meadowhall is also dead easy for people to get to...


e.g. His poems sound dead boring, actually...


13. (表示强烈反对)除非我死了

If you reply 'Over my dead body' when a plan or action has been suggested, you are emphasizing that you dislike it, and will do everything you can to prevent it.


e.g. 'Let's invite her to dinner.' — 'Over my dead body!'


14. 完全了结的;彻底过去的

If you say that something such as an idea or situation is dead and buried, you are emphasizing that you think that it is completely finished or past, and cannot happen or exist again in the future.

e.g. I thought the whole business was dead and buried...


e.g. In two years, the British coal industry will be dead and buried.


15. 突然死亡;猝死

If you say that a person or animal dropped dead or dropped down dead, you mean that they died very suddenly and unexpectedly.

e.g. He dropped dead on the quayside.


16. 去死吧;见鬼去吧;别再烦人

If you tell someone to drop dead, you are insulting them, rudely disagreeing with them, or refusing to do something, or telling them to stop bothering you.

e.g. 75% of the firms he called were hostile and told him to 'drop dead.'

在他电话联系的公司里,75% 都怀有敌意,让他“见鬼去吧”。

17. 不在人世的;去世的

If you say that someone is dead and gone, you are emphasizing that they are dead, and thinking about what happened or will happen after their death.


e.g. Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.


18. 累得要命;病得半死

If you say that you feel dead or are half dead, you mean that you feel very tired or ill and very weak.

e.g. You looked half dead after that journey...


e.g. I feel pretty dead right now.


19. 在夜晚万籁俱寂之时/在隆冬

If something happens in the dead of night ,at dead of night, or in the dead of winter, it happens in the middle part of the night or the winter, when it is darkest or coldest.

e.g. I couldn't fly illegally into a country in the dead of night...


e.g. We buried it in the garden at dead of night...


20. (耶稣)复活/使…复活

When Christians say that Jesus Christ rose from the dead or raised someone from the dead, they mean that Jesus came back to life after he had died, or brought a dead person back to life.

21. 卷土重来;重新活跃起来(或获得成功)

If you say that someone or something rises or comes back from the dead, you mean that they become active or successful again after being inactive for a while.

e.g. This was a company that, by all appearances, had risen from the dead...


e.g. Faldo came back from the dead to win his third Open golf championship.


22. 死也(不会),绝对(不会)(穿某种衣服、去某个地方或处于某种境地)

If you say that you wouldn't be seen dead or be caught dead in particular clothes, places, or situations, you are expressing strong dislike or disapproval of them.

e.g. I wouldn't be seen dead in a straw hat.


e.g. ...men who wouldn't be seen dead pushing a pram...


23. (使)突然停止(发生或移动)

To stop dead means to suddenly stop happening or moving. To stop someone or something dead means to cause them to suddenly stop happening or moving.

e.g. We all stopped dead and looked at it...


e.g. She had meant to make a discreet entrance, but conversation stopped dead...


24. 败局已定的;不太可能成功的

If you say that someone or something is dead in the water, you are emphasizing that they have failed, and that there is little hope of them being successful in the future.

e.g. A 'no' vote would have left the treaty dead in the water.


25. to flog a dead horse -> see flog

a dead loss -> see loss

a dead ringer -> see ringer

to stop dead in your tracks -> see track

dead 单语例句

1. By the time they understand what maternal love is it's too late - because she is already dead.

2. A local correspondent said people were already preparing the burials of their dead by sunset, according to Muslim tradition.

3. CAIRO - Egypt closed Rafah crossing with Gaza Strip after a security checkpoint attack left at least 16 soldiers dead and seven others injured.

4. More dead lay uncollected in the streets - making the death toll since the latest surge in fighting impossible to calculate.

5. Wang was declared dead by doctors answering an emergency call made by the passengers.

6. Tsang said senior officials of the Hong Kong government should call off all unnecessary activities to mourn the dead.

7. Deputies responding to a call of shots fired late Monday initially found two people dead outside the plant.

8. An AP Television News cameraman at the scene said he saw at least 12 dead bodies and about a dozen wounded people.

9. A Reuters Television cameraman filmed one dead police officer and saw another fall after being hit by bullets.

10. But they cannot help her find her husband, who has been dead for almost three years.
