

dated:[英 [ˈdeɪtɪd] 美 [ˈdetɪd] ]


  现在分词:dating;   复数形式:dates;

dated 基本解释


形容词陈旧的; 有日期的

动词过时( date的过去式和过去分词 ); 使…显老; 显示出…时代(或年龄); 鉴定…的年代

dated 网络解释

1. 过时:它注明日期(dates它陈旧过时(dated). 它是最为通行的(current),没有什么比它更流行了,但它已经在回溯(dates back). 而这种通用性(currentness),显示出熟悉、令人不安的皱纹(wrinkle),慎重而无情,某种时序倒错(anachrony)的红斑(stigmata),

2. 有日期的:dateable 确定时代的 | dated 有日期的 | dateless 无期限的

3. 注......日期:dated 证明日期的注......日期 | dated 注......日期 | datedrawn 采样日期

4. 证明日期的注......日期:dated 证明日期的 | dated 证明日期的注......日期 | dated 注......日期

dated 双语例句

1. Although it dated and limited, it remains a useful pedagogical device against which to test real-world cities.


2. dated在线翻译

2. Who would want an unmarked pot when another was available whose provenance was known, and that was dated stratigraphically by the professional archaeologist who excavated it?


3. Longgang Hill site, dated back four, five thousand years, the National Security TANG Temple, Song made thousands of pagoda, built Xuanzhen that concept, since the Fellows gathered in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, many Cliff inscriptions, heritage embellishment jade in the clear water between landscape and the Humanities IAC seamless.


4. I wouldn't - and that's exactly why both before and after the market open, I started shorting longer-dated U. S.



5. The earliest attributed Spanish guitar/vihuela dated around the mid-1600s is made partly in kingwood.6 However, the dating and provenance of this instrument is still questionable, but there can be little doubt that, in the seventeenth century, kingwood was used by Iberian and other European instrument makers.

及早归因于的西班牙guitar/vihuela 约会了在中间17 世纪附近部分被做在kingwood.6 然而,这台仪器约会和起源是可疑的,但那里可能是一点,在第十七个世纪,西阿拉黄檀木由Iberian 和其它欧洲仪器制作者使用的疑义。

6. In a video dated July 23, the group claimed responsibility for deadly bus bombings that took place this summer in Shanghai and Kunming.


7. In his letter dated 17 July 2007, before the sentence, even though he thought it would only be imprisonment, yet he already was resolved at changing.


8. Referring to your E-mail dated July 10 in which you inquired for shirts, we have pleasure in giving you an offer as follows


9. Voa 商务英语 to your e-mail dated july 10 in which you inquired for shirts, we have pleasure in giving you an offer as follows


10. dated

10. In letters dated July and September 2002, scientists from the Radiation Protection Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency (2) stated that they are concerned about the burgeoning exposure of the public to nonionizing radiation, and that claims that the FCC guidelines are protective of all possible mechanisms of damage are unjustified.

信中年7月和2002年9月,科学家从辐射防护司的美国环境保护局( 2 )指出,他们担心新兴的曝光,市民nonionizing辐射,并声称,FCC的准则是保护所有可能的机制的损害是没有道理的。

11. Your letter dated March 3 has reached me.


12. He reminded her that the note supposedly signed by her father was dated three days after his death.


13. dated

13. Yet he would have been distressed if it had suddenly occurred to him that she looked dated.


14. dated什么意思

14. Dated from Proterozoic to Mesozoic, they have poly-circle characteristics, found from one tectonic circle to another, which is very rare in the worldwide orogens. This reveals that the orogen and stable area of the world, the mantle and crust states of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic are different in tectonic evolvement and dynamic process and that the rapakivi granite of the Qinling-Kunlun is a kind of orogenic granite different from the stable area of the Proterozoic.


15. Miller, We refer to Article Ⅱof the contract dated July 16, 2001 relating to the payment of the 3rd installment of the contract price.

Sincerely yours,简要翻译我们要提到的是 2001 年 7 月 16 日合同的第二条关于合同金第三期付款的问题。

16. The 3rd kind, part of the viscera inside abdominal cavity or all resection, carcinectomy of the lobectomy that be like liver, exalted bile duct, pancreas carcinectomy of rectum of duodenum resection, knot belong to the operation that needs to continue to explore, but rate of development of this kind of operation is slow, investigate its reason, the recognition level that eliminates people, technology level and natural resources are limited outside, the long-dated result that its treat is finite it is main reason.


17. This note should be dated and specify the exact amount, type and frequency of the drug.


18. dated

18. This International Military Tribunal has been established pursuant to the Agreement of London, dated the 8th of August, 1945, and the Charter of the Tribunal annexed thereto.


19. dated

19. It probably originated in Germany in the mid-15th century; the earliest extant dated bookplate (1516) is German.


20. dated什么意思

20. Patton also noted that the piers and buttresses of the Kaiserbrücke Bridge dated back to 28 B. C.


dated 词典解释

1. 过时的;落伍的;不时兴的

Dated things seem old-fashioned, although they may once have been fashionable or modern.

e.g. ...people in dated dinner-jackets.


dated 单语例句

1. The socialite also insisted being constantly followed by TV cameras for her family's reality show hasn't been a problem for anyone she has dated.

2. Around the end of 1989, he dated Carina after they spent hours preparing a stage show.

3. Their premarital cohabitation obviously leaves out the need for any dated virginity vows, like the ones Diana's family sought so hard to make public.

4. Brown said she and Murphy dated for four months in 2006 before mutually deciding to conceive a child.

5. The first is an official letter from a Chinese consul in Nagasaki dated May 20, 1920 that listed the islands as Japanese territory.

6. He claims to have dated 11 girls before his courtship of his wife.

7. He added that the fossils dated mainly from the Late Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Period, when dinosaurs became extinct.

8. Lance was previously engaged to singer Sheryl Crow and was also reported to have dated Ashley Olsen.

9. Dated February 2005, it promised to be the first of many issues.

10. Scientists believe modern birds are descended from dinosaurs, and examples of feathered dinos have been found dated to 120 million years ago.

dated 英英释义


1. marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past