

unfairly:[英 [ʌnˈfeəlɪ] 美 [ʌnˈfɛrlɪ] ]


unfairly 基本解释



unfairly 网络解释

1. 不公平的:aspect 样子方面 | unfairly 不公平的 | branch office 分部

2. unfairly在线翻译

2. 不公平地:unfailingly /无穷尽地/可靠地/ | unfairly /不公平地/ | unfairness /不公平/不平/

3. 不公平地; 不正當地:1318.unexpectedly 意外地 | 1319.unfairly 不公平地; 不正當地 | 1320.unfortunate 不幸的

unfairly 双语例句

1. When someone went to borrow money to build a house or a shop, they had no way to repay it because there were no banks to get loans. This type of situation shows how the Yami are treated unfairly.


2. unfairly什么意思

2. It is unlawful under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 to treat a person unfairly because of their sex.

按照1984 年平等机会法案,因性别而不公平地对待某人是不合法的。

3. I think, on balance, I didn`t treat you unfairly.


4. Believe that will not treat everyone unfairly in life.


5. Things aren't like that, don't treat me unfairly.


6. If you continue to treat Seohee unfairly, fans in China suggests her to migrate to China.


7. unfairly的翻译

7. After all, when we treat someone unfairly, we can't expect him to get over his resentment instantly.



8. That would have to be explored. But do I think this was done maliciously and unfairly?


9. The second and the third chapters are carrying out the open policy and consciously joining the procession of economic globalization, china must continually further its reform on the economic system and make effort to establish and perfect the antidumping legal system (including the entity law, the law of procedure, executive actions, and judicial inspection, and so on).0nly in this way could china fundamentally change the present situation of being unfairly treated and share the benefit brought about by free traed and international division of labor.


10. A person who is ripped off has had something stolen, or at least has been treated very unfairly.


11. unfairly的解释

11. He then confronts Terzi and admits he's treated her unfairly and then fires her and asks her for a date.


12. unfairly

12. The committee unfairly assumes that adopting a set of restriction on landscaping and housepainting would also attirbute to the homes'values in D. no information was provided to making a comparison between B and D, and it is possible that there are many aspects in D differ from those in B, such as types, qualities ETC., which may not deserve landscaping.


13. unfairly的翻译

13. It is also a daily occurrence for worker rights to be sacrificed when state enterprises are unloaded into private hands at unfairly cheap prices.


14. Rein Lang, Estonia's justice m inister, w as quite unfairly tarred as a Nazi in the Russian m edia w hen he hired a British dram atist to perform a one-m an satirical play about Hitler at his birthday party.


15. A man of perfect practice always asks himself to be an honest and sincere earthling. Sometime, he is like a fool and been treated unfairly, but he doesn`t care.


16. unfairly的意思

16. A man of perfect practice he always asks himself to be an honest and sincere earthling. Sometime, he is like a fool and been treated unfairly, but he doesn't care it.


17. And are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials.

会的 不公平对待。

18. We have interceded with the authorities on behalf of people unfairly imprisoned there, ie asked them to release the prisoners.


19. unfairly的解释

19. In the event, there was plenty of handwringing over how the new Basel rules on capital would make it unfairly expensive to control a stake in a subsidiary, rather than wholly own it; and how plans to limit the value of deferred tax assets could strangle economic recovery.


20. Some even felt they were treated unfairly.


unfairly 单语例句

1. This was not the first private moment unfairly caught on film and is not likely to be the last.

2. Sometimes sex problems stem from an unhealthy obsession with an unfairly intoxicating ex who seemed to steal our libido along with that favorite CD.

3. A threat by the EU to investigate claims that Chinese telecom companies have been unfairly paid subsidies is further inflaming trade tensions.

4. The payments can be challenged if they fail to meet the guidelines and are found to unfairly harm competitor industries in other countries.

5. The law requires that defendants on trial not be handcuffed as they enter the courtroom, to make sure the sight of cuffs doesn't unfairly influence the jury.

6. Law requires that defendants not be handcuffed as they enter the courtroom to make sure the sight of cuffs doesn't unfairly influence the jury.

7. During preparations for the criminal trial, prosecutors complained that Bryant's lawyers were unfairly seeking information about the woman's sexual history.

8. Rockefeller has also been a vocal critic of sales by foreign steelmakers in the United States at what the US industry considers unfairly low prices.

9. China's head swimming coach Zhang Yadong said the host nation would be unfairly disadvantaged by the decision which went against the spirit of fair play.

10. While Mao may have a genuine agenda for Chinese medical workers to provide quality service, he has subjectively and unfairly blamed the news media for causing problems.

unfairly什么意思unfairly 英英释义


1. in an unfair manner

e.g. they dealt with him unfairly

their accusations hit below the belt

Synonym: below the belt