

adrift:[英 [əˈdrɪft] 美 [əˈdrɪft] ]


adrift 基本解释

形容词漂泊的; 漂浮着的; 随波逐流的

副词随波逐流地; 漂流无定; 无定职; 孤陋寡闻


adrift 相关词组

1. be all adrift : 不知所措;


adrift 相关例句


1. The ship was adrift on the high seas.



1. The storm set the boat adrift.


adrift 网络解释

1. 漂泊:一直以来,我都过着漂泊(adrift)的生活,我的心跟着我的脚步,从一个城市漂到另一个城市---深圳,北京,上海. 所以也有过多次找房子、多次搬家(move ones house)的经历. 有过多次和房东(landlord),中介(property agency )打交道的经历.

2. 漂流:为了在精神上为这次旅程做好准备,他还请教了航海者斯蒂芬.考拉汉(Steven Callahan),后者为人们所知是因为他的游艇1982年在大西洋上失事之后,他在救生筏中度过了两个半月,后根据自己的经历著有(Adrift)一书.

3. 漫无目的:08 你以为你需要 What You Thought You Need | 09 漫无目的 Adrift | 10 继续 Go On

4. 漂浮着, 随波逐流地 单词词性漂泊的:induced electromotive force 感应电动势 | adrift 漂浮着, 随波逐流地 漂泊的 | daystar 晨星

adrift 双语例句

1. Portsmouth remain adrift at the foot of the table but hit back from a goal down to salvage a point in a 1-1 draw at home to fellow strugglers West Ham at Fratton Park.


2. Many people will be all adrift and don't know what to do in case of a real fire.


3. She had been fastened by a rope, and jagging and snarring like a boat at its mooring s; now she was loose and adrift.


4. And without the knowledge of how to actually investigate situations, good or bad, and get the true facts, a person is set adrift in a sea of unevaluated data.


5. The hero is a white former Marine who is adrift in his civilization.


6. All over the sky is fiery maple leaf, the fallen leaves of old water wagon, emerald green willow, delicate and charming balsamine and adrift... all without exception of dribs and drabs is appearing great Chinese nation style.


7. The Bushes set floral wreaths adrift in reflecting pools that mark the former locations of the north and south towers at the beginning of a two-day fifth-anniversary tour that will take them to all three sites of devastation.


8. Will tell as an investor, should look to a direction, just began to make venture capital investment like me, I have a person of the same trade that adores very much, he says to do investment to resemble be like adrift, should choose only was opposite river, down slip forth even if.


9. He cut himself adrift from home and family.


10. She had been cut adrift from everything she had known.


11. But they are unwilling to cut the country adrift or to push it into a devaluation.


12. Mr Obama must make clear that he will not cut them adrift and will not tolerate attempts to destabilise their governments.



13. The life of coupledom doesn't include me any more, but still it gushes on, two by two, while I am cut adrift.


14. They returned to find that someone had cut their boat adrift.


15. adrift

15. Four containers adrift in vicinity 36°39'S, 174°54'E at 0200 UTC.

在协调世界时 0200 时在 36°39'S,174°54'E 附近发现 4 个集装箱漂浮。

16. He had turned her adrift, neither a wife, widow, nor maid


17. The question fails to be answered and the location of my own is vague, adrift and bewildered.


18. adrift的解释

18. Part of the car's bumper had come adrift.


19. Explanation: Seemingly adrift in a cosmic sea of stars and glowing gas, the delicate, floating apparition near the center of this widefield view is cataloged as NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula.

解释:看起来星星和发光的气体都漂浮在宇宙的海洋里,精美,如幻象般地漂浮在这张编号为NGC 7635-气泡星云的广视野图片的中心附近。

20. Coming on nigh a week, she hasn`t set eyes on Chen`s handsome face, everyday feeling emotionally adrift and forlorn in heart.


adrift 词典解释

1. 漂浮着的;漂流着的

If a boat is adrift, it is floating on the water and is not tied to anything or controlled by anyone.

e.g. They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.


2. 茫然的;无所适从的

If someone is adrift, they feel alone with no clear idea of what they should do.

e.g. Amy had the growing sense that she was adrift and isolated.


3. 脱落的;脱开的

If something comes adrift, it is no longer attached to an object that it should be part of.

e.g. Three insulating panels had come adrift from the base of the vehicle.


4. 分数落后的;排名在后的

In sporting competitions, if a team or a player is adrift of their rivals, they are behind them, usually by a specified number of points or by a specified distance.


e.g. Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League.


5. 出了问题的

If something has gone adrift, it is no longer happening in the way that was intended.


e.g. We have seen this as an attempt to place the blame for a policy that has gone adrift.


adrift 单语例句

1. The team are five points adrift of McLaren in the constructors'standings.

2. He had been swept out to sea by the tsunami and survived adrift living on coconuts and at times giving up hope of living.

3. The premier knows he must make a strong pitch to party and public, demonstrating that his government is not adrift after more than six years in power.

4. The husband had left his boat adrift and sneaked back ashore on a different boat as a major sea search was launched.

5. At least two oil rigs were adrift in the Gulf of Mexico, where Katrina raged through offshore fields as one of the strongest hurricanes on record.

6. We were 13 seconds adrift at the leeward mark and we were 15 seconds ahead at the second windward mark.

7. His parents keep giving him pocket money so he is content with the status quo while his head remains adrift in a cyberworld.

8. Dortmund's sixth win in seven league games kept it second with 18 points, three adrift of leader Mainz.

9. Sunday's victory put the north London club in fifth position, two points behind neighbours Tottenham Hotspur and eight adrift of Liverpool.

10. Sharma said the migrants said they had been arrested by Thai officials and set adrift without engines or navigational equipment.

adrift 英英释义



1. off course, wandering aimlessly

e.g. there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift

2. floating freely

not anchored

e.g. the boat wasset adrift