

egoism:[英 [ˈegəʊɪzəm] 美 [ˈegoʊɪzəm] ]


egoism 基本解释


egoism 同义词


egoism 反义词



egoism 相关例句


1. They seemed to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism.


2. Joel turned down all offers of help he badly needed because of his excessive egoism.


egoism 网络解释

1. 自我中心:专政 absolutism | 自我中心 egoism | 政治义务 political obligation

2. 自我主义、利己主义:dualism 二元论 | egoism 自我主义、利己主义 | eliminative materialism 消除性的唯物主义

egoism 双语例句

1. The tendency to be upset or depressed easily, sensitiveness, narrow-mindedness, egoism.


2. Egoism. You are not me, you will not know what I am thinking


3. We cannot help the egoism of our senses.


4. Their combination, in his view, is more a matter of architecture in egoism.


5. Egoism focuses on money value and desire for power. leading to privilege and corruption. The marriage of privilege with money results in the new social capital formation - power capital. On the basis of cultural and ideological progress, through equilibrium of power, a radical cure must be effec...


6. To be humble is to shrink our egoism until we are small enough to enter other people's eyes and reside in their hearts and minds.


7. egoism什么意思

7. Rational egoism can be regarded as an ethnical theory when rational points of view are stated.


8. Like Dostoevsky, the Underground Man is critical of rational egoism and other dangerously totalitarian visions of utopia.


9. The individual selfish departmentalism, rational egoism, false collectivism, and the like cannot be the contemporary orientation of ethical value on account of their various limitations.


10. It is I and sea, and my egoism is as valiant and as vocal as the other's. but Longfeflow is the spokesman of a confraternity; what thrills him to utterance is the spirit of that strange and beautiful freemasonry established as long as long ago as whenthe first sailor steered the first keel out into the unknown, irresistible water—world, and so established the foundations of the. eternal brotherhood of man with ocean.


11. It has an essential difference to self-centered egoism, penetrates Ibsen`s perfect imagination to the survival condition that human should have.


12. In Schopenhauer's opinion, the egoism is a starting point and his compassionateness ethics is to outspread, the tallest bourn is the mysterious doctrine of abstinency.


13. egoism

13. She had rightly guessed that Mr. Gryce's egoism was a thirsty soil.


14. She had rightly guessed that Mr. Gryce's egoism was a thirsty soil


15. In virtue of a acquaintance initiated in September 1903 in the establishment of George Mesias, merchant tailor and outfitter, 5 Eden Quay, b hospitality extended and received in kind, reciprocated and reappropriated in person, c comparative youth subject to impulses of ambition and magnanimity, colleagual altruism and amorous egoism, d extraracial attraction, intraracial inhibition, supraracial prerogative, e an imminent provincial musical tour, common current expenses, net proceeds divided.

663鉴于那是:一九0 三年九月在伊登码头五号的兼营服饰用品业的裁缝乔治。梅西雅斯的店里结识以来的熟人;当事人献了殷勤,接受下来了,并报以同样的殷勤,对方也亲自接受了;年纪较轻,容易野心勃勃或宽宏大量,同行间的利他行为或出于爱恋的利己之举。不同种族之间的吸引,同一种族之间的相互抑制,超种族的特权;即将到外省去举行一次巡回音乐会。挑费平摊,纯收益平分。

16. Cultural connotation tells that Americans pursuit egoism, so they transform their own benefit into the country`s benefit, making the war euphemism more justifiable. It is further supported by equality tropism that they believe that they undertake the mission to liberate the people all over the world.


17. They seem to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism.



18. 12 Humility, pridelessness, nonviolence, tolerance, honesty, rendering service to a bona fide spiritual master, cleanliness, steadfastness; self-control, renouncing the desires of the senses, free from false egoism and aware of the distressful inauspiciousness of birth, old age, disease and death.


19. Concerning the relationship between the person and society, Locke is egoism, the personal right is not violated, private property is protected by laws. Mill empathizes the greatest happiness principle, tries to coordinate the relationship between person and society. Berlin guards the negative liberty which is the personal right and liberty is not violated, at the same time he empathizes that person belongs to definite history, culture, race and nationalities, therefore he empathizes person's social and historical factors are different from liberalism egoism.


20. In this way, people will naturally dismiss egoism, desires for material wealth, extravagance and wastage.


egoism 词典解释

1. 同egotism

Egoism is the same as egotism .

egoism 单语例句egoism的意思

1. The US has long skillfully exercised financial policies characterized as " economic egoism ".

2. Egoism or egotism will not only hurt good Samaritans'feelings, but also pollute the moral environment.

egoism 英英释义



1. concern for your own interests and welfare

Synonym: egocentrismself-interestself-concernself-centeredness

2. (ethics) the theory that the pursuit of your own welfare in the basis of morality