

life:[英 [laɪf] 美 [laɪf] ]



life 基本解释

名词生活,生计; 生命,性命; 一生,寿命; 人生,尘世


life 同义词



life 反义词



life 相关词组

1. escape with bare life : 死里逃生;

2. see life : 见世面;

3. for life : 终身;

4. eternal life : [宗]来世, [宗]永生;

5. get on in life : 发迹, 飞黄腾达;

6. bring to life : 使苏醒;

7. all ones life : 一生, 一辈子;

8. in life : 一生中, 世间;

9. on your life : 在任何情况下, 无论如何;

10. upon my life : 我敢打赌说, 确实;

11. escape with life and limb : 无大损伤地逃脱;

12. come to life : 苏醒;

13. to the life : 逼真地;

14. sell ones life dearly : 死得够本;

15. a matter of life and death : 生死攸关的事;

life 相关例句

1. How's life?



1. life的解释

1. How did life begin?


2. There is no life on the moon.


3. Animals and plants have life.


4. life什么意思

4. The murderer received a life sentence.


life 情景对话



A:Do you have (health insurance/ life insurance/ dental insurance)?


B:Of course I do.



B:Hows life these days?



A:Mmmm, OK. And you?


B:Ive been working on some song lyrics.



A:Id like to have a look at them sometime.


B:Mmm, well, maybe you could come to Hsinchu.


Life Insurance-(人寿保险)

A:Hey, daughter, let me ask you something.


B:Yes, dad?


A:Do you have life insurance?



B:Well, no. It just seemed like another bill we’d have to pay.


A:You have children now. What if something, God forbid, happens to you?



B:That’s true. Well, how much do you think I should get?


A:A $100,000 policy shouldn’t be too expensive. Here, call my agent. He’ll give you a good deal.


life 网络解释

1. 寿命:电子安定器型号 功率(W) 寿命(Life) 灯头型号(Base)产品型号 功率(W) 电压(V) 电流(A) 功率因数(PF) 谐波含量(lthd) 光通量(LM) 显色指数(Ra) 色温(K) 寿命(Life) 灯头型号(Base)

2. 生命值:HP--Hit Points 生命值(life)Ilvl--Item Level物品等级,也就是不少玩家俗称的物品内部等级;它是一个变动的数字,其数值就等于各游戏难度掉落该物品的怪物(或者箱子)等级(Mlvl - Monster Level目前的新版地图都具有了显示怪物等级的功能,

3. life:laser induced fluorescence endoscopy; 荧光支气管镜

life 双语例句

1. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and do not change the quality of Life.


2. Youmust accept that you're the creator of your life and that no one iscoming to rescue you.


3. life什么意思

3. The secondary outcome measures are cardiovascular events, quality of life, costs and incremental cost effectiveness ratios.


4. life

4. Those who in youth have not led the holy life, or have failed to acquire wealth, languish like old cranes in the pond without fish.


5. Of God is to live above the humdrum of life.


6. They are craving a change of pace in their humdrum life.


7. life是什么意思

7. Drive circuit with over-temperature protection, short circuit protection, long life design and high reliability.


8. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


9. Respected for his wisdom and great power, Anon rules the sphere of Life with gentle patience.


10. From now on, I will learn to strike a balance10 between work and life.


11. How can we strike the perfect balance between work and life?


12. life是什么意思

12. I feel cheerless why is that one life can be that bad.


13. life在线翻译

13. Due to the mismatch of mechanical property between brazing filler metal and base metal, the welding residual stress was generated inevitably during the brazing process, which has great influence on the creep deformation and life.


14. I'll do my endeavour to overcome them in the future work and life.


15. Not only revamped the design of a method for calculating the valve, reducing the professional and technical personnel of the repeatability of conventional heavy design work, so that technical staff are more used to improve energy, improve product performance and new product development and shorten the research and development of new products cycle, improve labor productivity, but also in metal sealing ball valve lift leveraged research and development process, as a result of CAD/CAM applications, 钢管, have emerged from computer-aided design, CNC machine tools by computer-aided manufacturing of spiral flat stem, Metal sealed ball valve so that the process in the headstock without any scratches and wear, so that the ball valve seal and greatly improved life.


16. life的反义词

16. Get them out of your life.


17. life的近义词

17. Do you believe that life on earth is merely preparation for life after death?



18. In the current educational practice, as the final executer in the implementation of the new curriculum reform, teacher's vocation and life state don't cause people's attention.


19. life的翻译

19. But in life, emotionally, is my biggest non-self-tolerance, I worried, I will ponder, I will not quiet...


20. B: I`m tired of my life too.


life 词典解释

1. 生命;生存

Life is the quality which people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have.

e.g. ...a baby's first minutes of life...


e.g. Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life.


2. (总称)生物

You can use life to refer to things or groups of things which are alive.

e.g. Is there life on Mars?...


e.g. The book includes some useful facts about animal and plant life.


3. (尤指处于危险之中的)生命,性命

If you refer to someone's life, you mean their state of being alive, especially when there is a risk or danger of them dying.

e.g. Your life is in danger...


e.g. A nurse began to try to save his life...


4. 寿命;一生

Someone's life is the period of time during which they are alive.

e.g. He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement...


e.g. For the first time in his life he regretted that he had no faith.


5. 人生阶段

You can use life to refer to a period of someone's life when they are in a particular situation or job.

e.g. Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends...


e.g. That was the beginning of my life in the television business.


6. (特定的)生活

You can use life to refer to particular activities which people regularly do during their lives.

e.g. My personal life has had to take second place to my career...


e.g. Most diabetics have a normal sex life.


7. 生活

You can use life to refer to the events and experiences that happen to people while they are alive.


e.g. Life won't be dull!...


e.g. It's the people with insecurities who make life difficult.


8. 世事;人生

If you know a lot about life, you have gained many varied experiences, for example by travelling a lot and meeting different kinds of people.

e.g. I was 19 and too young to know much about life...


e.g. I needed some time off from education to experience life.


9. (有关特定地方、团体或活动的)生活

You can use life to refer to the things that people do and experience that are characteristic of a particular place, group, or activity.

e.g. How did you adjust to college life?


e.g. ...the culture and life of north Africa...


10. 活力;生气

A person, place, book, or film that is full of life gives an impression of excitement, energy, or cheerfulness.

e.g. The town itself was full of life and character...


e.g. The rejection of the Jewish theme meant the rejection of everything that gave the script passion and life...


11. 传记

A life of a person is a book or film which tells the story of their life.

e.g. A life of John Paul Jones had long interested him.


12. 无期徒刑;终身监禁

If someone is sentenced to life, they are sentenced to stay in prison for the rest of their life or for a very long time.

e.g. He could get life in prison, if convicted.


13. (机器等的)使用期,有效期;(组织、项目等的)存在期

The life of something such as a machine, organization, or project is the period of time that it lasts for.

e.g. The repairs did not increase the value or the life of the equipment.


14. (绘画、雕塑中的)写生

In art, life refers to the producing of drawings, paintings, or sculptures that represent actual people, objects, or places, rather than images from the artist's imagination.

e.g. ...learning to draw from life...


e.g. She had once posed for Life classes when she was an art student.


15. 是(某人)生活的寄托;是对(某人)来说生命般宝贵的人(或事物)

If you say that something or someone is your life, you are emphasizing that they are extremely important to you.

e.g. The Church is my life.


16. (使)变得生动;(使)变得有趣

If you bring something to life or if it comes to life, it becomes interesting or exciting.


e.g. The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story...


e.g. Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.


17. 变得活跃

If something or someone comes to life, they become active.

e.g. The volcano came to life a week ago.


18. 死后(某种形式)的存在

If you talk about life after death, you are discussing the possibility that people may continue to exist in some form after they die.

e.g. I believe in life after death.


19. 在死亡线上挣扎;与生命抗争

If you say that someone is fighting for their life, you mean that they are in a very serious condition and may die as a result of an accident or illness.


e.g. He was in a critical condition, fighting for his life in hospital.


20. 终生

For life means for the rest of a person's life.


e.g. He was jailed for life in 1966 for the murder of three policemen...


e.g. She may have been scarred for life...


21. 无论如何,再怎么(也不能)

If you say that you cannot for the life of you understand or remember something, you are emphasizing that you cannot understand or remember it, even if you try hard.

e.g. I can't for the life of me understand why you didn't think of it.


22. 拼命地;尽最大努力地

If you say that someone does something for dear life or for their life, you mean that they do it using all their strength and effort because they are in a dangerous or urgent situation.

e.g. I made for the life raft and hung on for dear life.


23. 过得很充实

If you say that someone lives life to the full, you mean that they try to gain a lot from life by being always busy and trying new activities.

24. 做点有益的事;不要成天鸡毛蒜皮

If you tell someone to get a life, you are expressing frustration with them because their life seems boring or they seem to care too much about unimportant things.

25. 生活还是要继续

You can say 'Life goes on' after mentioning something very sad to indicate that, although people are very upset or affected by it, they have to carry on living normally.

e.g. I can't spend the rest of my life wishing it hadn't happened. Life goes on.


26. 有业余爱好;生活丰富多彩

If you say that you have a life, you mean that you have interests and activities, particularly outside your work, which make your life enjoyable and worthwhile.

27. (男人或女人)在(某人)生活中的,与(某人)有恋爱关系(或性关系)的

If you talk about the man or woman in someone's life, you mean the person they are having a relationship with, especially a sexual relationship.

e.g. There is a new man in her life.


28. (强调从来没有经历过)我一生中

You can use in all my life or in my life to emphasize that you have never previously experienced something to such a degree.

e.g. I have never been so scared in all my life...


e.g. I have never seen such a shambles in my life.


29. 从来没受过这样的惊吓/从来没跑这么快过

You can use expressions such as the fright of your life or the race of your life to emphasize, for example, that you have never been so frightened or that you never have run faster.

e.g. A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her.


30. 夸张的;夸大的;超群的

If you say that someone or something is larger than life, you mean that they appear or behave in a way that seems more exaggerated or important than usual.


e.g. ...not that we should expect all good publishers to be larger than life...


e.g. Throughout his career he's always been a larger than life character.


31. 牺牲生命

If someone lays down their life for another person, they die so that the other person can live.

e.g. Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.


32. 冒着生命危险

If someone risks life and limb, they do something very dangerous that may cause them to die or be seriously injured.

e.g. Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.


33. 新生活

If you start a new life, you move to another place or country, or change your career, usually to try and recover from an unpleasant experience.


e.g. He had gone as far away as possible to build a new life.


34. (表示断然拒绝)决不会,绝不可能

If someone says 'Not on your life', they are totally rejecting a suggestion that has been made.


e.g. 'You should have given him a lift.' — 'In that condition? Not on your life!'


35. 过自己的生活;按自己的方式生活

If you live your own life, you live in the way that you want to and accept responsibility for your actions and decisions, without other people's advice or interference.


e.g. Adults need to live their own lives and that's difficult with children.


36. 控制…的生活;左右…的生活

If you say that something rules someone's life, you mean that it affects everything they do, usually in a negative way.

e.g. I'm going to stop letting drugs and drink rule my life.


37. 无论如何(都做不好)

If you say that someone cannot do something to save their life, you are emphasizing that they do it very badly.


e.g. Winston could not have read the road signs to save his life.


38. 聚会的灵魂人物,社交场合的活跃人物(美国英语中通常作the life of the party)

If you refer to someone as the life and soul of the party, you mean that they are very lively and entertaining on social occasions, and are good at mixing with people. In American English, you usually say that they are the life of the party .


39. (以…形式)开始存在

If something starts life or begins life as a particular thing, it is that thing when it first starts to exist.

e.g. Herr's book started life as a dramatic screenplay.


40. 杀死(某人)

If someone takes another person's life, they kill them. If someone takes their own life, they kill themselves.

e.g. Before execution, he admitted to taking the lives of at least 35 more women...


e.g. He helped his first wife take her life when she was dying of cancer.


41. 生活就是如此;这就是人生

People say 'That's life' after an unlucky, unpleasant, or surprising event to show that they realize such events happen occasionally and must be accepted.

e.g. 'It never would have happened if Florette had not gone back for the book.' — 'That's life.'


42. (机器、车辆)突然开动

You can use expressions such as to come to life ,to spring to life, and to roar into life to indicate that a machine or vehicle suddenly starts working or moving.

e.g. To his great relief the engine came to life...


e.g. In the garden of the Savoy Hotel the sprinklers suddenly burst into life.


43. 这叫什么生活啊

People say 'What a life' to indicate that they are unhappy or are having great difficulties.

e.g. Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life!


44. 生命无价值/使生命有价值

If you say that life isn't worth living without something, or that something makes life worth living, you mean that you cannot enjoy life without it.

e.g. Life is not worth living without food you can look forward to and enjoy!...


e.g. Those are the moments which make life worth living.


45. see also: fact of life;kiss of life. a matter of life and death

-> see death

a new lease of life -> see lease

to have the time of your life -> see time

true to life -> see true

life 单语例句

1. Du Xinjian's solo exhibition of oil and acrylic paintings offers an intellectual and vivid interpretation of life and existence.

2. He hopes his book offers insights into business management and personal life.

3. Their existence poses a serous threat to peaceful life and disrupts normal business operations.

4. Investigations also found that Zhang gained " huge profits " from illegal business operations, fabricated facts to frame others and led a corrupt life.

5. Named HSBC Life Insurance Co Ltd, it will open for business in the third quarter.

6. Jerry Buss built a glittering life at the intersection of sports and Hollywood.

7. Beijing's theatres often present comedies in recent years so that audiences can escape the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life for a few hours.

8. The beautiful park is like a fairyland with its flora and fauna, making it a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

9. Simply getting out into rural Beijing to sample local seasonal food is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

10. Looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, the booming middle class of China has begun venturing into the great outdoors.

life的近义词life 英英释义


1. living things collectively

e.g. the oceans are teeming with life

2. animation and energy in action or expression

e.g. it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it

Synonym: livelinessspiritsprightliness

3. the experience of being alive

the course of human events and activities

e.g. he could no longer cope with the complexities of life

Synonym: living

4. an account of the series of events making up a person's life

Synonym: biographylife storylife history

5. a motive for living

e.g. pottery was his life

6. a living person

e.g. his heroism saved a life

7. the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones

e.g. there is no life on the moon

8. the course of existence of an individual

the actions and events that occur in living

e.g. he hoped for a new life in Australia

he wanted to live his own life without interference from others

9. the condition of living or the state of being alive

e.g. while there's life there's hope

life depends on many chemical and physical processes

Synonym: animationlivingaliveness

10. a characteristic state or mode of living

e.g. social life

city life

real life

11. the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)

e.g. the battery had a short life

he lived a long and happy life

Synonym: lifetimelife-timelifespan

12. the period between birth and the present time

e.g. I have known him all his life

13. the period from the present until death

e.g. he appointed himself emperor for life

14. a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives

e.g. he got life for killing the guard

Synonym: life sentence