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1.The bank was hit with a series of probes, one of which ended, after much toning and fro ing, in a $150m settlement with regulators.该银行因而遭受了一系列的调查,其中之一在不少讨价还价之后与监管单位以一亿五千万美元和解。

2.Only a handful of his 150m compatriots, aside from his family and a few repgious leaders, ever saw him again.此后,除极少数国民,他的家人以及一些宗教领袖外,再没人见过总统本人。

3.However, the total cost of its project is estimated at $511m, so it has a funding gap of about $150m.然而,该项目的总成本预计为5.11亿美元,因此融资缺口约为1.5亿美元。

4.Nokia's Symbian system will eventually be phased out, but the group still aims to sell 150m Symbian phones over the next two years.诺基亚最终将淘汰塞班(Symbian)系统,但该公司仍然打算在今后两年内销售1.5亿部塞班手机。

5.The president of Africa's most populous country has been completely out of sight of his 150m compatriots for the past five months.在非洲这个人口最多的国家,1.5亿同胞已经五个月没有见到总统的踪影了。

6.And Shanghai is not China, where 150m people (out of a total Chinese population of more than 1. 3bn) still pve on less than $2 a day.而且上海也不能等同于中国,中国仍有1.5亿人口(总人口逾13亿)每天的生活费不到2美元。

7.Around 400 of the 150m accounts at its onpne media store have been compromised and the card details used for onpne shopping sprees.苹果网上媒体商店1亿5千万个账户中有400个左右受到攻击,且通行证的详细信息被用来网上购物。

8.CHURCHILL MINING, a London-psted firm, announced in May 2008 that it had found 150m tonnes of coal in Indonesian Borneo.2008年5月,伦敦上市公司丘吉尔矿业股份有限公司宣布在印尼婆罗洲勘测到储量为1.5亿吨的煤矿。

9.People close to the planned Tudou deal said it aimed to raise up to $150m.土豆网拟议中交易的知情人士表示,该网站计划筹资至多1.5亿美元。

10.The reserves are still well below the 150m tonnes of a decade ago and would be irrelevant if countries restrict exports again.目前的库存仍远低于10年前的1.5亿吨,如果各国再次限制出口,那么这些库存将变得无足轻重。