

curb:[英 [kɜ:b] 美 [kɜ:rb] ]


过去式:curbed;   过去分词:curbed;   现在分词:curbing;   复数形式:curbs;

curb 基本解释

名词限制,抑制; 勒马绳,马衔索; (人行道的)镶边; (证券的)场外市场

及物动词制止,束缚; 给(马)扣上马衔; 给…加路缘; 在…处设井栏

curb 相关词组

1. place a curb on : 控制...;

2. put a curb on : 控制...;


curb 相关例句


1. Measures have been taken to curb inflation.



1. The public demanded a curb on military spending.


2. He parked his car close to the curb.


curb 网络解释

1. 路边:城市垃圾车来运垃圾的当天,史密斯夫妇通常把搭配好颜色和形状的塑料桶摆成直线放在车道(driveway)边(有些邻居会把三个垃圾罐摆成三角形,四个摆成正方形,多个的话就摆在草地上与路边(curb)平行,但是史密斯夫妇有他们自己的

2. 控制:种类在前是点燃(kindle),蛇儿乘风来骗取(swindle),弟弟随风日渐少(dwindle)离开爱的要忍耐(abide),不爱你的要等待(bide)一条卷发(curl)他简短(curt),不要控制(curb)到凝乳(curd)Lucy刻苦攻读(lucubrate),

3. 路缘石:早上来到工地就看到一台预拌混凝土车停在工地中,在灌注混凝土到路缘石(curb)的模板中,工人们也拿著铲子将刚从预拌混凝土车中倒出来的混凝土拨到模板内的四周,比较特别的是这混凝土看起来十分的浓稠,可见是低坍度(拌和水量较低)的混凝土.

curb 双语例句

1. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.


2. The concept of a noumenon is thus a merely limiting concept, the function of which is to curb the pretensions of sensibility; and it is therefore only of negative employment.


3. His horse, Buck, and the Borden's wagon were still at the curb and when Grandma looked him over...


4. Firstly to clean the face with cell activation cleanser, activating the cell's regeneration ability, and then use regeneration whitening essence to curb harmful pigment regeneration and maintain the original skin elasticity, and finally use oil-free whitening cream.


5. curb的反义词

5. Beijing says these measures were retaliation for Japan `s decision in April to curb import of Chinese … mushroom, spring onion and ….


6. These pills are guaranteed to curb your appetite if used as directed. Take two before each meal with a glass of water and a double cheeseburger


7. Now theres an answer to curb this bad habit and make yourself more productive.


8. The city has made a concerted effort to curb pollution, clean up and pedestrianize the streets, spiff up the museums, build a new airport and invest in one of Europe's better public-transit systems.



9. Our emissions trading concept has become the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, eight of the world's la rgest corporations have joined with Environmental Defense in making commitmen ts to reduce their own emissions of greenhouse gases. We also persuaded McDon ald's to replace bulky foam-plastic hamburger boxes, helped curb antibiotic u se in animals for food production, and helped FedEx develop a delivery truck that is 50% more fuel-efficient.

Environmental Defense提出的排污权交易概念成为《京都议定书》的核心思想;世界最大企业中的8个与Environmental D efense合作,自愿削减他们的温室气体排放;Environmental Defense 成功地说服了麦当劳停止使用泡沫塑料汉堡包盒子;减少动物食品中抗生素的使用;以及帮助联邦快递公司引入燃料利用率提高了50%以上的新型递送卡车。

10. Practice at a moderate speed, standing and coasting right off the curb from the upper level to the lower level.



11. He was at the curb in that black Buick.



12. In an effort to curb the relentless rise in steel prices and bolster their own frail finances, some auto makers are beginning to push back on price increases, saying they won't pay surcharges on agreed-upon supply contracts.


13. The second chapter analyzes the need for value-added tax in transition, mainly for production of value-added tax deficiencies, deficiencies in the tax system itself is not conducive to value-added tax advantages; curb investment demand, is not conducive to optimizing the economic structure; rebate does not go far enough, is not conducive to the development of external trade; tax inequality is not conducive to fair competition; poor tightness is not conducive tax collection and management.



14. Said Guo Wanda, Shenzhen introduced a series of departments in charge of regulation and control policy is to curb speculation, to suppress false buyers demand, prices will not be ups and downs.


15. By reducing the need to intervene to hold down the currency, it will also curb the build-up of foreign-exchange reserves and hence monetary growth.


16. Figure 13 shows a paratransit bus after the rollover accident to curb side.


17. Perhaps better fuel economy, but in view of the acceleration and 3100 lb. curb weight, maybe it's reasonable.


18. Do you remember when I stuck that broom in your bike spokes, and you flipped over and hit your head on the curb?


19. curb的翻译

19. To this end, Party committees and governments at all levels must be in the country and the people responsible will be included in the prevention and treatment of AIDS on the agenda and organization to mobilize the whole society, combined with day-to-day work and get a really good, do a good job, firmly And firmly curb the spread of the AIDS epidemic and for building a prosperous and harmonious civilization of the new Qinghai make a positive contribution.


20. They are discovering a surprising array of bolic and physiologic factors that contribute to weight: did you know, for instance, that your intestines are teeming with bacteria that can promote or curb weight gain?


curb 词典解释

1. 控制;抑制;限定;约束

If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.

e.g. ...advertisements aimed at curbing the spread of Aids...


e.g. Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia.


2. 控制,约束(情绪或行为)

If you curb an emotion or your behaviour, you keep it under control.

e.g. He curbed his temper...


e.g. You must curb your extravagant tastes.


3. -> see kerb

curb 单语例句curb的翻译

1. The idea is to curb realty speculation by increasing the cost of buying property.

2. A high rate of tax could be levied on house buying to curb property speculation.

3. More action should be taken to curb soaring house prices, says a signed article in Market News.

4. Zhang also called for drastic measures to curb the number of migrant couples who choose to have a second child after settling down.

5. BEIJING - Chinese health experts are calling for a strengthening of regulations in an attempt to curb the growing abuse of heart stent surgery.

6. The government says it aims to curb growing insurgency in the city which it blames on Islamists who are active in the capital.

7. The bank cited improved management capability of financial institutions to determine the interest rates and curb market risks as prompting their decision.

8. The government has detailed plans to curb excess capacity since the nation faces severe oversupply.

9. These measures include stricter rules on investment property mortgages and efforts to curb illegal foreign capital flows into the property market.

10. The city has seen record overseas investment in the property market, despite central and local government efforts to curb foreign capital inflow into the sector.

curbcurb 英英释义



1. the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

e.g. his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper

Synonym: bridlecheck

2. an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)

Synonym: curbingkerb

3. a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse

Synonym: curb bit


1. place restrictions on

e.g. curtail drinking in school

Synonym: restrictcurtailcut back

2. to put down by force or authority

e.g. suppress a nascent uprising

stamp down on littering

conquer one's desires

Synonym: suppressstamp downinhibitsubdueconquer

3. keep to the curb

e.g. curb your dogs

4. lessen the intensity of


hold in restraint

hold or keep within limits

e.g. moderate your alcohol intake

hold your tongue

hold your temper

control your anger

Synonym: controlhold inholdcontaincheckmoderate