

twist:[英 [twɪst] 美 [twɪst] ]


过去式:twisted;   过去分词:twisted;   现在分词:twisting;

twist 基本解释

及物动词扭成一束; 搓,捻; 绕,卷; 连结,交结

不及物动词被搓揉; 蜿蜒,曲折; 扭曲身体,扭动; 旋转,转动

名词揉搓之物; 丝线; 烟草卷; 旋转


twist 相关词组

1. twist off : 扭断;

twist 相关例句



1. He twisted his way through the crowd.


2. twist的翻译

2. Too much force will twist the key.



1. A piece of string has twisted round the propeller.



1. twist的解释

1. She is acquainted with all the twists that make for efficient cooking.


2. The big boy gave his arm a twist.


twist 网络解释

1. 扭:锌指(zinc finger)结构:锌指结构指含有一段保守氨基酸顺序的蛋白质与该蛋白的辅基锌螫合而形成的环状结构,分为锌指、锌扭(twist)和锌簇(cluster)结构;也有按照与锌结合的氨基酸残基性质分为Cys2/Cys2和Cys2/His2指,

2. 捻度:拉细的纤维经过高速回转的气流喷咀中,然后卷绕成筒子纱. MVS引出速度高,直接由棉条喂入,经过高速回转气流喷咀,当纤维未被拉成轴,经过空心内壁回转,使纱线获得捻度. 并经过清纱后直接卷绕成筒子,增加了纺纱产量. 纱线捻度(TWIST)的认识

twist 双语例句

1. Double right-thumb click with a left-panel twist.


2. twist

2. It is doing the evaluation is in progress to project management work that the evaluation is imitated by the project management twist hempen thread.



3. Solani hemorrhoid therapy: a drug-twist therapy, will enable the hemorrhoid tissue abnormalities and chemical inflammatory reaction, caused by fibrous tissue hyperplasia, to achieve the purpose of the treatment of hemorrhoids.


4. Synthetic dyeing techniques along with post-dye treatments were introduced to control shrink and twist.



5. Tianyi is a cosmetics and makeup packaging enterprise that has been engaged in designing and manufacture high quality lip gloss pencil, lip gloss twist pencil, lip gloss press pencil, brush pencil, cosmetic pencil, eyeliner pencil, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss tube, mascara tube, eyeliner tube, lipstick case, blush powder case, eye shadow compact, airless bottle, perfume atomizer, cosmetic soft tube, PE tube etc in China.

天一实业有限公司是一家化妆品包装的企业,一直从事设计和制造高质量的化妆品包装,如雾,洗液泵,泡沫泵,香水喷雾器,密不透风的瓶子,唇光泽管,睫毛管,管eyeliner ,化妆品,铅笔,口红,化妆品软管,紧凑,洋酒瓶盖等。

6. Andrea: And I would say Oliver Twist is one of my favourites. And it's a perfect example of a book that has characters that Charles Dickens actually met during his lifetime.

Jean:最让我难忘的应该是狄更斯作品Great Expectations 《孤星血泪》当中那位性格怪谲的老寡妇Miss Havisham,真不知道他是怎样构思出这么一个奇特的人物的!

7. So a diktat from a right-wing president of the republic provided a dramatic twist to the tale.


8. Do have the Mandarin Mojito there as its a very interesting twist on Mojito's.


9. It was the artist who made them eloquent and who a-chieved bold gestures or subtlenuances with the addition of a drop of oil or a slight twist of the pen.


10. The diameter of the ring was adjusted by foot pedals in the turret version of the sight, and by a twist grip on the pilot's throttle lever on the fighter type.


11. twist是什么意思

11. The diameter of the ring was adjusted by foot pedals inthe turret version of the sight, and by a twist grip on the pilot'sthrottle lever on the fighter type.


12. Connect the Break-Away to the Runner and with a twist and turn, your termination is complete.


13. A sick bird may develop breathing and intestinal problems and twist its head and neck.


14. First, the main technical parameters 1, a single strand of copper in diameter φ1.2 - 5.0mm Al φ1.8-- 5.0mm 2, the largest cross-section Stranded Copper 800mm2 Al 1000mm23, the highest speed cage twist: 6178 rpm file a total of six speed 12158 r. p. m a total of six-speed file 18136 r. p. m a total of six-speed file 24115 r. p. m a total of six-speed file 3098 r. p. m a total of six-speed file 4, Stranded pitch: 40-1400mm 5, to pitch spiral 520-25006, line speed traction: 16-62m/min 7, the main electrical power: 185 KW 8, within the framework of the actinomycetes set specifications: PND 6309, standard traction round: 2 ×φ2500mm 10, set-up specifications: PN1600 - PN315011, the total weight of equipment: 105 t 12, with a total installed capacity of power; 250 kW Second, the major equipment

一、主要技术参数1、绞合单线直径铜φ1.2--5.0mm 铝φ1.8-- 5.0mm2、绞合最大截面铜 800mm2 铝 1000mm2 3、绞笼最高转速:6盘 178 r.p.m 共六档变速12盘 158 r.p.m 共六档变速 18盘 136 r.p.m 共六档变速 24盘 115 r.p.m 共六档变速 30盘 98 r.p.m 共六档变速4、绞合节距:40–1400mm 5、予螺旋节距 520–25006、牵引线速度:16–62m/min7、主电机功率:185 KW8、框架内放线盘规格:PND 6309、牵引轮规格:2×φ2500mm10、收线盘规格:PN1600 – PN315011、设备总重量:105 t12、总装机功率; 250 kW二、设备主要组成部件:1、φ 630端轴式放线装置 1套2、6、12、18、24、30盘绞笼体(90盘)共5套3、6、12、18、24、30盘集中上盘装置共5套4、并线模架及紧压架(12、18、24、30为予螺旋装置) 5套5、计米器 1套6、主牙箱及36级传动牙箱 1套7、2×φ2500牵引装置 1套8、φ3150 收排线装置 1套9、予成形装置 1套10、电控箱及操作台 1套11、安全防护门 1套

15. The Scottish twist on the Bourbon based Mint Julep is well worth the time it takes to make.


16. When the general drums the advance but the officers and troops yell at each other, twist their arrows, breaking them, smash their spears, cradle their halberds, and find it advantageous to go to the rear, and when the battle commences and all these occur, it will be internally self-defeating. Through the ages, average generals have been unable to prevent them.


17. Now there is a new twist to the Viper story.


18. The sweet rice more numerous, such as the cakes cool, cut cake, Babao sweet dishes, sweet fried dough twist, sweet San son, Ci cakes, rice cakes Jiang, persimmon cake, paste care and so on, Ningxia Hui Muslim tradition also food oil incense made of sweets, modulation, when the dough, to the inside by adding honey, brown sugar and so on.


19. Cove lighting is used to enhance their appearance and provide a modern twist.


20. At last Mr. Brownlow caused a notice to be printed in the newspapers, offering a reward to anybody who could give information about Oliver Twist.


twist 词典解释

1. 扭;拧;搓;捻

If you twist something, you turn it to make a spiral shape, for example by turning the two ends of it in opposite directions.

e.g. Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried...


e.g. Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand...


2. (使)(尤指身体部位)弯曲变形;(使)扭曲

If you twist something, especially a part of your body, or if it twists, it moves into an unusual, uncomfortable, or bent position, for example because of being hit or pushed, or because you are upset.

e.g. He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists...


e.g. Sophia's face twisted in pain...


3. 扭动,转动(身体部位)

If you twist part of your body such as your head or your shoulders, you turn that part while keeping the rest of your body still.


e.g. She twisted her head sideways and looked towards the door...


e.g. Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her...


4. 扭伤(脚踝、手腕等)

If you twist a part of your body such as your ankle or wrist, you injure it by turning it too sharply, or in an unusual direction.

e.g. He fell and twisted his ankle...


e.g. Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee.


5. (用手)旋动,拧转

If you twist something, you turn it so that it moves around in a circular direction.

e.g. She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger...


e.g. She twisted the handle and opened the door…


6. (道路、河流等)盘旋,蜿蜒

If a road or river twists, it has a lot of sudden changes of direction in it.

e.g. The roads twist round hairpin bends...


e.g. The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages.


7. 歪曲;曲解

If you say that someone has twisted something that you have said, you disapprove of them because they have repeated it in a way that changes its meaning, in order to harm you or benefit themselves.

e.g. It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you...


e.g. Even remarks that were quite innocent could be twisted to produce an unintended effect.


8. 意外转折;重大转机

A twist in something is an unexpected and significant development.

e.g. …the twists and turns of economic policy…


e.g. The battle of the sexes also took a new twist...


9. 螺旋形;卷曲;盘曲

A twist is the shape that something has when it has been twisted.

e.g. ...bunches of violets in twists of paper...


e.g. A thin twist of smoke curled from the cottage's single chimney.


10. (20世纪60年代风行的)扭摆舞

The twist is a dance that was popular in the 1960's, in which you twist your body and move your hips in an energetic way.


11. 机缘巧合;造物弄人

If something happens by a twist of fate, it happens by chance, and it is strange, interesting, or unfortunate in some way.


e.g. By a curious twist of fate, cricket was also my favourite sport...


e.g. In a cruel twist of fate, Ann's husband Bill is also suffering from the disease.


12. see also: twisted

to twist someone's arm -> see arm

to get your knickers in a twist -> see knickers

to twist the knife -> see knife

twist 单语例句

1. Take a twist on a traditional gift by visiting one of Beijing's more eclectic candy shops and buying something sweet to express your love.

2. The cardboard baozi story of this week adds a satirical twist to a tale of international interest.

3. It's the latest twist in the drama that has been swirling around Yahoo since it fired Carol Bartz as CEO five months ago.

4. A shining example of this is his signature dish - goose liver with chocolate sauce - classic cuisine with a firm contemporary twist.

5. Serving classic American cuisine with a modish twist, this stunning rooftop dining room overlooks People's Park and caters to an artsy international crowd.

6. And when you add sexuality to this heady concoction, it often gives a whole new twist to the city's already dodgy image.

7. The bar counter is also well designed for the staff behind it, giving them space to twist and shake as they strut their stuff.

8. But the evening brought a further twist with a counteroffer from the Conservatives - a referendum on a less dramatic type of electoral reform.

9. Classic Italian cuisine with fine seafood and a modern twist is served in quiet elegance and a cozy ambiance.

10. Peking University yesterday played host to a criminal hearing with an American twist.

twisttwist 英英释义


1. any clever maneuver

e.g. he would stoop to any device to win a point

it was a great sales gimmick

a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen

Synonym: devicegimmick

2. the act of rotating rapidly

e.g. he gave the crank a spin

it broke off after much twisting

Synonym: spintwirltwistingwhirl

3. turning or twisting around (in place)

e.g. with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room

Synonym: turn

4. the act of winding or twisting

e.g. he put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind

Synonym: windwinding

5. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music

was popular in the 1960s

e.g. they liked to dance the twist

6. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair

Synonym: braidplaittress

7. an interpretation of a text or action

e.g. they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct

Synonym: construction

8. a jerky pulling movement

Synonym: wrench

9. an unforeseen development

e.g. events suddenly took an awkward turn

Synonym: turnturn of events

10. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself

Synonym: eddy

11. a circular segment of a curve

e.g. a bend in the road

a crook in the path

Synonym: bendcrookturn

12. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight

Synonym: kinktwirl

13. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments

e.g. the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell

he was sidelined with a hamstring pull

Synonym: wrenchpull


1. twist suddenly so as to sprain

e.g. wrench one's ankle

The wrestler twisted his shoulder

the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell

I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days

Synonym: sprainwrenchturnwrickrick

2. form into twists

e.g. Twist the strips of dough

3. practice sophistry

change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive

e.g. Don't twist my words

Synonym: twist aroundpervertconvolutesophisticate

4. turn in the opposite direction

e.g. twist one's head

5. form into a spiral shape

e.g. The cord is all twisted

Synonym: twinedistort

6. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form

e.g. bend the rod

twist the dough into a braid

the strong man could turn an iron bar

Synonym: flexbenddeformturn

7. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates

e.g. wrench a window off its hinges

wrench oneself free from somebody's grip

a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest

Synonym: wrench

8. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling)

e.g. The prisoner writhed in discomfort

The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace

Synonym: writhewrestlewrigglewormsquirm

9. do the twist

10. extend in curves and turns

e.g. The road winds around the lake

the path twisted through the forest

Synonym: windcurve