

pop:[英 [pɒp] 美 [pɑ:p] ]


过去式:popped;   过去分词:popped;   现在分词:popping;   复数形式:pops;

pop 基本解释


不及物动词(意外地、突然地)出现; 突然出现; 发出爆裂声; (突然地)行动

及物动词(突然地)伸出; (突然地)提出问题; (把准备好的东西)突然拿出来; 敲击

名词流行音乐; 汽水; (尤用作称呼)爸; (迅速打上的)记号

形容词流行音乐的; 通俗风格的; 通俗的; 现代的


abbr.邮局协议(post office protocol)


pop 相关词组

1. pop off : 睡着, (突然)死去;

pop 相关例句


1. I went out to pop some quails.


2. He bought a machine to pop corn.



1. He popped in to say hello.



1. The cork came out with a loud pop.


pop 网络解释

1. pop

1. 弹出:当用户点击 撤销 按钮时,从撤销堆栈 弹出(pop)一个xm,使用这个xml来还原流程图,同时将这个xml压入 前进堆栈. 当用户点击 前进 按钮时,从前进堆栈 弹出(pop)一个xm,使用这个xml来还原流程图,同时将这个xml压入 撤销堆栈.

2. 流行音乐:爵士鼓是现代流行音乐当中不可缺少的主要乐器之一,随着摇滚乐(ROCK)爵士乐(JAZZ)流行音乐(POP)等音乐风格在我国的蓬勃发展,爵士鼓的作用显得尤为重要,同时也深受广大乐迷的喜爱,甚至有 ...爵士鼓是现代流行音乐当中不可缺少的主要乐器之一,

3. 对辛基苯酚:年华南地区对辛基苯酚(POP)行业分析第五节 2009年华中地区对辛基苯酚(POP)行业分析第六节 2009年西南地区对辛基苯酚(POP)行业分析第七节 2009年西北地区对辛基苯酚(POP)行业分析第五章 对辛基苯酚(POP)行业投资与发展前景

4. pop:protracted organic pollutants; 持久性有机污染物

5. pop是什么意思

5. pop:plasma osmotic pressure; 血浆渗透压


6. pop:process optimization program; 最佳操作程序

pop 双语例句

1. Refreshingly titled Morning, the new album from Janice comes with 10 original songs ranging from pop/rock to soul and jazz-styled.

Morning》是 Janice 出道以来首张全英文歌专辑,十首原创英文歌的曲风由爵士乐、法式惰怀、骚灵、摇滚至田园小品不等。

2. Except for Ming, the other four members graduated from HSNU; they enjoyed the guiter club of HSNU and have enjoyed, played, and created rock and pop music ever since.


3. It has been no secret since the beginning of their relatinship that if it did fail, that Kevin Federline would fight to get sole custody of his two kids with the pop tart star.


4. With no reference to its public, the BBC has cut its losses by axing the very programming that made it so excellent and unique – keeping instead the pop tart variety of television that can be found anywhere at any time.



5. Just when you thought each new pop tart would be sexier and more brazenthan the last, Hannah breaks the downward spiral.



6. Jacques Grande: Pop tart wid de ketchup. She's a good.



7. Once you have done this, double-click it, and a box will pop up.


8. pop

8. I`m a funny person by nature who lives in a Mad TV world so of course I LOVE any Britney artwork, humor, pop culture reference, etc.


9. Chongqing Pope design agencies, former Chongqing Institute of Technology Department of Art and Design student council, office director, is now the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University Master Tauson, Communication University of China Dragon Master Zhang as the core, a number of design awards in the province have been a cutting-edge internal design of division team composition, dedicated to serving the entire country in high demand for low-owners, tailored to your pop-style art of celebrity homes.


10. Michael Jackson's family have issued a statement schoing scotching the widespread rumours about the pop star's funeral.


11. Shanghai Modern Pop Novels play a very important part in modern Chinese literature.


12. With the aid of the musically wise producer George Martin, the Beatles took their music from the realms of simple singalong pop songs into sophisticated pieces that set new boundaries for popular music


13. Jacky Cheung is incontestably the most famous and successful recording artist in Cantonese pop's short history - and he's still going at it.


14. pop的解释

14. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.


15. In fact, as long as we installed the 3721 Internet Assistant, all of the pop-up window you will not be harassed again.


16. Once you're happy with the position, simply pop the visor back on.


17. pop的反义词

17. Setup Wizard based on Microsoft Windows Installer standard, easy to use Administration Application, and comprehensive Help allow system administrators to install, configure and run Narawen Inox POP3 Connector in efficient way.

安装向导基於微软的Windows Installer标准的,易於使用的管理应用,以及全面的帮助,让系统管理员安装,配置和运行narawen inox POP3的连接器,在高效地展开。

18. Com says compare and p says pop FP stack. Fcom compares two floating-point values and sets the condition code

FCom 比较两个浮点数,并且设置被命名为 C0,C1,C2,C3的浮点数单元的条件代码标志。

19. Before that time, my experience of China had been the sound of car-horns and loud pop music.


20. pop是什么意思

20. 4You lisen to pop music, don't you?


pop 词典解释

1. 流行音乐;通俗音乐

Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment.


e.g. ...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul...


e.g. Which great British pop band had a hit with 'In the Army Now'?


2. 含气饮料;汽水

You can refer to fizzy drinks such as lemonade as pop .

e.g. He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.


e.g. ...glass pop bottles.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 soda pop

3. 砰(或啪)的一声

Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound, for example the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle.


e.g. Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked...


e.g. His back tyre just went pop on a motorway.


4. 发出砰(或啪)的一声

If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound.

e.g. He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.


5. (眼睛因惊讶、激动等而)瞪出,鼓出

If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something.

e.g. My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.


6. 迅速地一放

If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly.


e.g. Marianne got a couple of mugs from the dresser and popped a teabag into each of them...


e.g. He plucked a purple grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.


7. 短时间去(某处)

If you pop somewhere, you go there for a short time.

e.g. He does pop down to the pub, but he seldom stays longer than an hour...


e.g. Wendy popped in for a quick bite to eat on Monday night.


8. 爸爸

Some people call their father pop .

e.g. I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes...


e.g. Yes, Pop, I made a big mistake — you and Mark made me realize that.


in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 dad

9. to pop the question -> see question

相关词组:pop offpop up

pop 单语例句pop在线翻译

1. BERLIN - South Korean pop star Rain not only learned to act for his film debut.

2. But pop stars such as Faye Wang and Leslie Cheung also could not be neglected.

3. The eyes should pop and a knife inserted into the fleshiest part of the fish should go in like butter.

4. On pressing a button two small pins pop out that can deliver an electric shock strong enough to cause temporary paralysis and pain.

5. I like to pretend my hairbrush is a microphone and that I'm a pop star being adored by thousands as I thrash my shiny mane.

6. Radio station billboards that featured unflattering photos of a bald, scowling Britney Spears have been taken down after the pop star's attorneys threatened legal action.

7. Many people in the pop music circle expressed their dissatisfaction about Jay Chou's denial of his earlier love with another Taiwan pop diva Jolin Cai.

8. There are few pop stars who can sustain themselves at the top for so long.

9. He went on to usher in the next era of Canto pop.

10. Time magazine has hailed him as a frontrunner of Canto pop's next generation.

pop 英英释义


1. music of general appeal to teenagers

a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love

Synonym: pop music

2. a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork

Synonym: popping

3. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring

e.g. in New England they call sodas tonics

Synonym: sodasoda popsoda watertonic

4. an informal term for a father

probably derived from baby talk

Synonym: daddadadaddypapapapappa


1. burst open with a sharp, explosive sound

e.g. The balloon popped

This popcorn pops quickly in the microwave oven

2. cause to burst with a loud, explosive sound

e.g. The child popped the balloon

3. fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise

e.g. The soldiers were popping

4. take drugs, especially orally

e.g. The man charged with murder popped a valium to calm his nerves

5. drink down entirely

e.g. He downed three martinis before dinner

She killed a bottle of brandy that night

They popped a few beer after work

Synonym: toss offbolt downbelt downpour downdowndrink downkill

6. hit or strike

e.g. He popped me on the head

7. hit a pop-fly

e.g. He popped out to shortstop

8. release suddenly

e.g. pop the clutch

9. put or thrust suddenly and forcefully

e.g. pop the pizza into the microwave oven

He popped the petit-four into his mouth

10. bulge outward

e.g. His eyes popped

Synonym: startprotrudepop outbulgebulge outbug outcome out

11. appear suddenly or unexpectedly

e.g. The farm popped into view as we turned the corner

He suddenly popped up out of nowhere

Synonym: crop uppop up

12. make a sharp explosive noise

e.g. The cork of the champagne bottle popped

13. cause to make a sharp explosive sound

e.g. He popped the champagne bottle


1. (of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people)

Synonym: popular



1. like a pop or with a pop

e.g. everything went pop