

wispy:[英 [ˈwɪspi] 美 [ˈwɪspi] ]


wispy 基本解释


wispy 网络解释

1. 细微的:wisp 缕 | wispy 细微的 | wistaria 紫藤

2. 纤细的,脆弱的:wrest 夺取 | wispy 纤细的,脆弱的 | wiry 瘦长结实的

3. 小束状的:wispy 飘渺的 | wispy 小束状的 | wistaria 紫藤

4. wispy是什么意思

4. 飘渺的:wisp 把...卷成一捆 | wispy 飘渺的 | wispy 小束状的

wispy 双语例句

1. High wispy clouds are called cirrus (from the Latin word for curl of hair sheet like clouds are called stratus; billowing, puffy clouds are called cumulus; and rain-producing clouds are called nimbus.

很高的很薄的云叫卷云(拉丁词cirrus,表示curl of hair卷的头发的意思;片状的云叫层云(拉丁词stratus,表示layer层的意思;翻滚的大片的云叫积云(拉丁词cumulus,表示heap堆的意思);产生雨的云叫雨云(nimbus,表示rain雨的意思)。

2. wispy的意思

2. When I met her recently in Tokyo, it was a wispy pink.


3. wispy的反义词

3. You can also do a few bangs, but they should be soft and wispy, not straight across.

您也可以做了一些爆炸,但他们应柔软,wispy ,而不是直接跨越。

4. He sent her a wispy bouquet of flower.


5. This should leave a thin wispy looking remnant of your text.


6. His wispy hair was plastered to his head and a huge smile was plastered on his face.



7. Please look at the sunshiny sky and wispy cloud, you`ve definitely let slip a wonderful day!


8. Hybrid Teas-- In the mid-nineteenth century, the first hybrid tea rose was developed by crossing the wispy canes of the tea rose with the full blossomed and vigorous hybrid perpetual rose.


9. Yeah, I'm kind of - wispy.


10. They laughed at her wrinkles4 and her wispy grey hair. They made fun of her5 old, torn clothing.


11. wispy的近义词

11. EXECUTOR OF DECREES HANDED DOWN BY SATAN'S COURT **Alastor has short light blonde hair, wispy.


12. Wu Sun-fu could see the speaker in profile - a long, narrow face with a wispy, drooping moustache


13. Photo Gallery: The Moon A sliver of moon sits above a perfect cross-section of Earth's atmosphere, including rarely seen noctilucent clouds, wispy formations that appear about 50 to 60 miles (75 to 90 kilometers) above Earth's surface.


14. He was eighty-six-tall, thin, his posture still erect. A fringe of wispy white hair and flaring eyebrows gave him the look of a kindly sorcerer, full of wonder and surprise.


15. The problem with both ideas is that the nebulas are so distant and wispy that they cannot be observed in sufficient detail.


16. wispy

16. Rockhopper penguins wear wispy, yellow-feathered crests on their heads.


17. wispy的近义词

17. Emerald green water, wispy fingers of fog, majestic mountains, thundering waterfalls, pillowy white clouds, crystal-clear blue skies... these are phrases I would use to describe my vacation in Guizhou if I were a travel writer.


18. Set amid a backdrop of soft, glowing blue light are wispy tendrils of gas as well as dark trunks of dust that are light-years in height.


19. wispy

19. Especially the seed that that emperor plants, function and transmission pattern are similar dandelion, but configuration and some kind is acaleph and same, have a lot of wispy claw.


20. wispy的意思

20. Fibrocartilage, with wispy, broad collagenic fibers predominating in the matrix.


wispy 词典解释

1. (头发)稀疏的,稀稀拉拉的

If someone has wispy hair, their hair does not grow thickly on their head.

e.g. Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders.


2. (云)一缕缕的,虚无缥缈的

A wispy cloud is thin or faint.

e.g. The half moon is hidden behind some wispy clouds.


wispy 单语例句wispy的解释

1. Beijingers will move on to complaining about something else, which surely will have more substance than the wispy fluff of future trees.

2. Chen Wenbo's wispy land and cloudscapes drift in and out of familiarity.

3. There are many kinds from the outrageously long, to the few wispy hairs carefully spread over the top of the head.

4. Beijing - Right now there are lots of white wispy things floating in the sky like snow.

5. The peaks look radiant against a clear blue sky, while wispy ribbons of mist often add drama to the backdrop.

6. His gray hair is combed back and his wispy gray beard is neatly trimmed.